Births fall to 42-year low in U.S.

Obviously people still have sex, but not as much as before. There’s a strong correlation between growth of the internet and declining birth rates.

I don't think it has anything to do with it. One of the reasons my nephews marriage ended is because his wife wanted to have kids as her biological time clock was ticking and he didn't. He wanted them to pay off their college loans before having children realizing the expense. I think a lot of younger Americans are in the same boat. Hell, I never went to college and the main reason for me not having children was because of the cost to raise them. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't. I'd probably be dirt poor today.
Presumably you are a chronological adult, but your own words show that you've never grown up. THAT is pathetic.

Why, because I didn't want to have kids? That's not immature or pathetic, it's called responsibility. It's the way I was raised. Sorry about your upbringing.
Obviously people still have sex, but not as much as before. There’s a strong correlation between growth of the internet and declining birth rates.

I don't think it has anything to do with it. One of the reasons my nephews marriage ended is because his wife wanted to have kids as her biological time clock was ticking and he didn't. He wanted them to pay off their college loans before having children realizing the expense. I think a lot of younger Americans are in the same boat. Hell, I never went to college and the main reason for me not having children was because of the cost to raise them. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't. I'd probably be dirt poor today.
What a selfish, frightened, douche bag.
What a selfish, frightened, douche bag.

Why do you participate on USMB? You're nothing but a troll that we don't need. You come here to hurl personal insults at everybody and nothing more. WTF do you think you're adding to the conversation? And you call me immature?
Back to the point....

It is simple math.
You take three generations...
a) Grandparents
b) Parents
c) Children
The way the wheel works is Group C will pay most of the retirement cost of Group B, and part of group A as that generation dies off.
Right now we have a record level lows of group C. This will have a minor effect on group A. And a dramatic effect on Group B.
And guess who group B is folks?? - Millennials. Y'all are not raising enough to take care of you when you retire.
Back to the point....

It is simple math.
You take three generations...
a) Grandparents
b) Parents
c) Children
The way the wheel works is Group C will pay most of the retirement cost of Group B, and part of group A as that generation dies off.
Right now we have a record level lows of group C. This will have a minor effect on group A. And a dramatic effect on Group B.
And guess who group B is folks?? - Millennials. Y'all are not raising enough to take care of you when you retire.

Well you have to make a pretty good buck today to raise a child. This is especially true of single mothers. Much of the time the father helps but sometimes not. Then it begs the question: If we are having record low birth rates, how is it our population keeps increasing? :eusa_shhh:
Now I would have thought that the pandemic would have led to an increase in appears not:

Some experts have sounded the alarm on declining birth rates and what this will mean for the U.S. economy in the years to come. In a recent interview with "CBS This Morning" co-host Tony Dokoupil, Dowell Myers, who studies demographics at the University of Southern California, called the phenomenon a "crisis.
"We need to have enough working-age people to carry the load of these seniors, who deserve their retirement, they deserve all their entitlements, and they're gonna live out another 30 years," he said. "Nobody in the history of the globe has had so many older people to deal with."
The pandemic could prove to exacerbate the decline. The Brookings Institution has predicted "a large, lasting baby bust" of at least 300,000 fewer children in 2021. Health departments in more than two dozen states provided records to CBS News, showing a 7% drop in births in December — nine months after the first lockdowns began. Phil Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, said December's drop was the biggest he's seen since the baby boom ended in 1964.
"We don't know if it's the beginning of a bigger decline over the whole next year or if it's just a shock from March," Cohen said in February. "But I'm more inclined based on history to think that all of next year is going to be very much down for births."

I guess there is a silver lining:

Among teenagers, many of whom shifted to remote learning due to the pandemic, birth rates fell precipitously, according to data released by the CDC. The birth rate for young women between the ages of 15 and 19 fell to a record low in 2020, dropping to 15.3 births per 1,000, an 8% decline from the year before. That continues a significant downward trend over the past two decades — down 75% from 1991, the most recent peak.

When people have student loans to pay off and can't even afford to buy a house, they aren't going to add to that with a child. At least not on purpose.

If anyone noticed, after the pill was introduced in 1960, the typical family reduced from 6 down to 4.

Women don't want to have a bunch of kids. Once we had the way to prevent being saddled with a bunch of kids, we took it and put a stop to big families. Yes there are still some who have more than 3 kids. but they aren't the standard the way It was for women and families before the pill.

Women can get an education and degree so they don't need a man to financially support them. So women are wisely choosing to not marry or to wait to marry and have kids.

Our birth rates have been in the decline since women were able to have control of our own bodies.

We now have to rely on immigration to fill the gaps. Stop making it illegal to come here. It seems to me that conservatives believe that just coming here to become a member of our society is a crime. It's not. All the person has to do is turn themselves over at the border and follow the legal steps to come here. Unfortunately during the trump years that process was nearly cut off creating a very big problem of people coming across the border.

We need immigration reform. It's been proposed several times but has never managed to get through our congress to be signed and become law. Seems to me the only reform the republicans want is to stop immigration totally. They don't seem to be willing to do anything to make the situation better.
Now I would have thought that the pandemic would have led to an increase in appears not:

Some experts have sounded the alarm on declining birth rates and what this will mean for the U.S. economy in the years to come. In a recent interview with "CBS This Morning" co-host Tony Dokoupil, Dowell Myers, who studies demographics at the University of Southern California, called the phenomenon a "crisis.
"We need to have enough working-age people to carry the load of these seniors, who deserve their retirement, they deserve all their entitlements, and they're gonna live out another 30 years," he said. "Nobody in the history of the globe has had so many older people to deal with."
The pandemic could prove to exacerbate the decline. The Brookings Institution has predicted "a large, lasting baby bust" of at least 300,000 fewer children in 2021. Health departments in more than two dozen states provided records to CBS News, showing a 7% drop in births in December — nine months after the first lockdowns began. Phil Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, said December's drop was the biggest he's seen since the baby boom ended in 1964.
"We don't know if it's the beginning of a bigger decline over the whole next year or if it's just a shock from March," Cohen said in February. "But I'm more inclined based on history to think that all of next year is going to be very much down for births."

I guess there is a silver lining:

Among teenagers, many of whom shifted to remote learning due to the pandemic, birth rates fell precipitously, according to data released by the CDC. The birth rate for young women between the ages of 15 and 19 fell to a record low in 2020, dropping to 15.3 births per 1,000, an 8% decline from the year before. That continues a significant downward trend over the past two decades — down 75% from 1991, the most recent peak.
Kids are expen$ive
Now I would have thought that the pandemic would have led to an increase in appears not:

Some experts have sounded the alarm on declining birth rates and what this will mean for the U.S. economy in the years to come. In a recent interview with "CBS This Morning" co-host Tony Dokoupil, Dowell Myers, who studies demographics at the University of Southern California, called the phenomenon a "crisis.
"We need to have enough working-age people to carry the load of these seniors, who deserve their retirement, they deserve all their entitlements, and they're gonna live out another 30 years," he said. "Nobody in the history of the globe has had so many older people to deal with."
The pandemic could prove to exacerbate the decline. The Brookings Institution has predicted "a large, lasting baby bust" of at least 300,000 fewer children in 2021. Health departments in more than two dozen states provided records to CBS News, showing a 7% drop in births in December — nine months after the first lockdowns began. Phil Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, said December's drop was the biggest he's seen since the baby boom ended in 1964.
"We don't know if it's the beginning of a bigger decline over the whole next year or if it's just a shock from March," Cohen said in February. "But I'm more inclined based on history to think that all of next year is going to be very much down for births."

I guess there is a silver lining:

Among teenagers, many of whom shifted to remote learning due to the pandemic, birth rates fell precipitously, according to data released by the CDC. The birth rate for young women between the ages of 15 and 19 fell to a record low in 2020, dropping to 15.3 births per 1,000, an 8% decline from the year before. That continues a significant downward trend over the past two decades — down 75% from 1991, the most recent peak.

When people have student loans to pay off and can't even afford to buy a house, they aren't going to add to that with a child. At least not on purpose.

If anyone noticed, after the pill was introduced in 1960, the typical family reduced from 6 down to 4.

Women don't want to have a bunch of kids. Once we had the way to prevent being saddled with a bunch of kids, we took it and put a stop to big families. Yes there are still some who have more than 3 kids. but they aren't the standard the way It was for women and families before the pill.

Women can get an education and degree so they don't need a man to financially support them. So women are wisely choosing to not marry or to wait to marry and have kids.

Our birth rates have been in the decline since women were able to have control of our own bodies.

We now have to rely on immigration to fill the gaps. Stop making it illegal to come here. It seems to me that conservatives believe that just coming here to become a member of our society is a crime. It's not. All the person has to do is turn themselves over at the border and follow the legal steps to come here. Unfortunately during the trump years that process was nearly cut off creating a very big problem of people coming across the border.

We need immigration reform. It's been proposed several times but has never managed to get through our congress to be signed and become law. Seems to me the only reform the republicans want is to stop immigration totally. They don't seem to be willing to do anything to make the situation better.
It is not illegal to come here. It is illegal to sneak in here.

U.S. states with the highest rates of divorce​

  • Nevada – 4.4 divorces per 1,000 residents
  • Arkansas – 4.1
  • Oklahoma / Utah / Wyoming / Idaho – 3.8
  • Alaska / Alabama – 3.7
  • Kentucky – 3.5
  • Colorado – 3.3
  • Maine – 3.2
  • North Carolina / Vermont / Virginia – 3.1
  • Missouri / Montana – 3.0 7

Look at that , the republican states have the highest rates of divorce.

divorce and childbirth go hand in hand.

I'm so not surprised.
Back to the point....

It is simple math.
You take three generations...
a) Grandparents
b) Parents
c) Children
The way the wheel works is Group C will pay most of the retirement cost of Group B, and part of group A as that generation dies off.
Right now we have a record level lows of group C. This will have a minor effect on group A. And a dramatic effect on Group B.
And guess who group B is folks?? - Millennials. Y'all are not raising enough to take care of you when you retire.

Well you have to make a pretty good buck today to raise a child. This is especially true of single mothers. Much of the time the father helps but sometimes not. Then it begs the question: If we are having record low birth rates, how is it our population keeps increasing? :eusa_shhh:
Well yes, but you don't pay it all at once. And most of the expenses come in the first 5 years. Kids become much cheaper after that age, basically you just feed and clothe them.

As to your other note... the populations that are increasing are those that have no intention of supporting their child. They let the government pay for it. So for those folks - kids are free, in fact can make you money.

When people have student loans to pay off and can't even afford to buy a house, they aren't going to add to that with a child. At least not on purpose.
Haha.... Republicans !! Republicans!!!
How can people be this clueless.
So... you do know that the government is what has made college tuition explode right? Please tell me you know that?
And you do realize that it is primarily Democrat sponsored bills and initiatives that led to those high rates....right??

Too funny

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