Bikers Go To Mexico to FREE MARINE

Who did he hurt? No one.

I wonder if the border is actually someone's property or really no one's property. If it is no one's property then it is just an arbitrary decision.

i don't understand the question. he was arrested on the mexican side of the border after ignoring signs saying that bringing guns into mexico was illegal, that he was approaching the border, and then he chose to drive through a 'nothing to declare' lane.

so why should he get a pass for breaking the law because he once served in the military?

We had a co-worker who went to board a plane with a knife in her purse. Should she go to jail? We know her. She wouldn't do anything wrong. They let her go. She explained she walks home and there are a lot of pit bulls. Should a nice lady who never committed any crimes and who is non-violent go to jail because she forgot?
well that's the thing, she didn't break the law, did she?
Have you ever done anything wrong?
How would you feel if there was a law for it?
Would you like to serve your sentence in a Mexico jail?
Is it the same as an American jail?
if i break a mexican law, yes, i believe i'll be held in a mexican jail.
Are you in favor of having checkpoints before the border so Americans don't get in trouble? Why wasn't that right afforded to him?
that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. of course some people would call that a nanny state and say that we should be responsible for our own actions and choices.
Do they have the same sense of justice and would you like to be judged by a different standard of justice?
well no. mexico has a presumption of guilt. so no, i wouldn't like to be accused of a crime there. and to that end i won't be driving across the border with my guns in the seat next to me - which is also a violation of california law.
No one is saying he shouldn't be exempt because he is a former marine but either being a marine tells his character or else the military is enlisting people who don't belong. Which one do you want to believe?
if you are of the belief that military service alone means a person has good character i hate to be the one to tell you but you're wrong.
If everything was clear cut, why would we need attorneys? Why would we need to cross examine? Why don't we just send everyone to jail then?

well that's the thing. in this case it is clear cut. he broke the law. it may not have been his intent, and his lawyer will argue that he was ignorant and meant no harm, but as to whether or not he broke the law the answer is clear.
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Why not? Obama and Kerry won't do anything! :evil:

What makes you think they aren't?

His situation is not comparable to Berdahl's. This man was not on active duty, or a captured prisoner of war to whom we have a military obligation to leave no man behind. He was retired military, an ordinary civilian who did something pretty stupid and might be mentally ill and will probably be released by Mexico. He's only been there a couple of months. Not five years.

Let's be realistic here - the man broke Mexican law crossing into Mexico with weapons and 400 rounds of ammo. He claims it was accidental. But, it's kind of hard to do this accidently. He was also breaking California laws as well as Mexican laws.

Maybe so but most Americans commit three felonies a day because the laws are too broad or to vague:

Most Americans Commit Three Felonies a Day ? and Here's What Happens If They Get Caught - PolicyMic

What's broad or vague about huge signs all over, well ahead of the border, telling travelers that it's illegal to bring guns into Mexico?

Doesn't sound vague at all....


I didn't know the president is suppose to interject himself into every humans life...
Yeah right. The Marine swore an oath to put his life on the line for the likes of BOBO. BOBO plays golf.
My God you are a sorry excuse for a human being. Darwin isn't finished with you yet pal.
I'd love to see ten thousand/twenty thousand 'real men' cross to border to save an innocent man while BOBO, the punk plays golf. BOBO handed over the elite of terrorists for a DESERTER! whose hobby is ballet. BOBO could pick up the fucking phone and the Marine would be released. But BOBO plays golf.
What a fucking disgrace for a President!

Exactly *how* is he "innocent"? He broke the law. There really is no if/and/or but's about that. He did.

Second, he is not active duty, he is retired, a civilian.

Third - he will likely be released, that appears to be under discussion, but he isn't exactly innocent.
The 5 years thing is Bergdahls prob. He is the one that bailed his post and went looking for them.

Doesn't matter who's problem it is. It's 5 years vs 2 months, active duty vs civilian.

By the same token - it could be said that this incarceration is the Marine's prob. He chose to drive over the Mexican border with a bunch of guns and ammo, ignoring posted signs about the law.
And if I was your lawyer, you would just be just another customer, that's all.

You could never be a lawyer. You have to graduate high school.

My sister works for lawyers. They are like one step away from getting disbarred. She started telling me that lawyers don't lie, they have excuses.....if you buy that. Imagine working for someone who is unpredictably changeable.

Those disbarment totals accounted for just over 0.08 percent of the U.S. population of 1.27 million active practicing attorneys at the end of 2012

Disbarred lawyers who seek reinstatement have a rough road to redemption

So, yes, it does happen.

My cousins brother's girlfriend's cousin is a lawyer, still has nothing to do with this case.
•"Rats climb over prisoners' beds in the dark and mice crawl out of broken toilets."
•"Rapes, stabbings, beatings, and other acts of violence are rampant."
•"The air is so contaminated from frequent fires that some prisoners expel black mucous from their noses."
•"Medical staff has ignored gangrenous wounds. One prisoner's scrotum swelled to the size of a softball before revealing a hard knot on his testicle. he was denied timely proper care for weeks and was later diagnosed with testicular cancer that had spread to his abdomen."
•"Suicide attempts are frequent; some are successful. Other prisoners engage in gross acts of self-mutilation, including electrocution, swallowing shards of glass and razors, and tearing into their flesh with sharp objects. Defendants deny prisoners even rudimentary mental health treatment and, last year, reduced access to psychiatric care."
•"Because there is insufficient officer staffing, prisoners are frequently left in the grime-covered shower stalls, wet, naked and cold for hours at a time."
•"Many cells lack functioning toilets; prisoners defecate into Styrofoam trays or plastic trash bags and have no way of ridding their cells of the waste other than tossing it onto the housing unit through the slots in their cell doors, where it remains."

A Lawsuit Alleges Horrors at a Rat-Infested Mississippi Prison - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Does anybody deserve this?

Only the people that violate the law deserve it.
Because after all it weakens america and that IS the goal.
(sorry for thread derail)

Why? I see stuff like this all the time from the hardcore partisan types and outside of the rote nature of it really can't imagine why Obama's goal would be to weaken America. How exactly would he benefit? It is much better to be wealthy in a strong prosperous country than one that is weakened or unstable, what personal gain could he possibly achieve with a secret nefarious ploy to weaken the United States?
In the 60s my dad was a marine and one of his fellow marines was arrested in Mexico on trumped up charges, so most of his unit went down to Mexico and surrounded the jail, and a few of them actually had hand guns. Needless to say, the Mexican police let the guy go when they realized they were surrounded by a bunch of drunk and pissed off marines in the middle of the night.

I doubt we will see something like that happen in 2014 though. :lol:

This is 2014 and powerful cartels dominate Mexico now. Your daddy and his comrades would be slaughtered like weaklings if they rode over there tryin to play Hero :)

lol, you are such a fucking fool.

The people running that jail are nothing more than normal human beings and likely have never had anyone shoot at them in their whole fucking lives.

If you think that anything over 500 bikers showing up and surrounding the forty or so guards and staff there, then you are a bigger idiot and coward than I gave you discredit for.

That staff is also afraid of the prisoners INSIE the jail taking advantage of the situation, dumbass. IF more than 500 bikers show up the guards will shit the pants, stupid fuck.

If those bikers brought any firearms with them, they would risk being thrown into a similar facility as the man they are playing Hero for.

If they made it past the border, they'd still have to make it to the jail, "intimidate" the guards into letting the man go... the same guards who are intimidated by the cartels far more that some biker trash from America. Murder is normal in Mexico, and the chances that they have "never had anyone shoot at them" is almost non-existent. And these bikers would still have to ride back across the border without getting slain or arrested by law enforcement.

On top of that

The cartels have eyes and ears everywhere in Mexico. Nothing important happens without them knowing about it.

The local cartel(s) are gonna recognize that those bikers straight up disrespected their country by riding in all high and mighty. If anyone is gonna fuck over their local law enforcement its gonna be them, not some American biker weaklings.

Five hundred is a tiny number. The cartels still have more manpower, waaaay better firepower, home turf advantage, and far more resources at their disposal to prevent those fools from riding into their country and making demands and thinking they'll escape with their lives :)
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How exactly are they going to free him?

In the 60s my dad was a marine and one of his fellow marines was arrested in Mexico on trumped up charges, so most of his unit went down to Mexico and surrounded the jail, and a few of them actually had hand guns. Needless to say, the Mexican police let the guy go when they realized they were surrounded by a bunch of drunk and pissed off marines in the middle of the night.

I doubt we will see something like that happen in 2014 though. :lol:

What an absolute disgrace your father and his unit were to think themselves above local law enforcement. And we wonder why people don't like servicemen when they behave in such a way. They should all have been court-martialed.

Is that how you feel about it? Personally I thought it was pretty funny. Back in those days the Mexican police were notorious for shaking down Americans for money, and if they didn't pay they would arrest them. Im not sure why you would consider corruption like that to be "law enforcement". Either way, they weren't court martialed and now my dad has a great story! :lol:
In the 60s my dad was a marine and one of his fellow marines was arrested in Mexico on trumped up charges, so most of his unit went down to Mexico and surrounded the jail, and a few of them actually had hand guns. Needless to say, the Mexican police let the guy go when they realized they were surrounded by a bunch of drunk and pissed off marines in the middle of the night.

I doubt we will see something like that happen in 2014 though. :lol:

What an absolute disgrace your father and his unit were to think themselves above local law enforcement. And we wonder why people don't like servicemen when they behave in such a way. They should all have been court-martialed.

Is that how you feel about it? Personally I thought it was pretty funny. Back in those days the Mexican police were notorious for shaking down Americans for money, and if they didn't pay they would arrest them. Im not sure why you would consider corruption like that to be "law enforcement". Either way, they weren't court martialed and now my dad has a great story! :lol:

Stop lying. Do you really think anyone believes that story? :lol:
What an absolute disgrace your father and his unit were to think themselves above local law enforcement. And we wonder why people don't like servicemen when they behave in such a way. They should all have been court-martialed.

Is that how you feel about it? Personally I thought it was pretty funny. Back in those days the Mexican police were notorious for shaking down Americans for money, and if they didn't pay they would arrest them. Im not sure why you would consider corruption like that to be "law enforcement". Either way, they weren't court martialed and now my dad has a great story! :lol:

Stop lying. Do you really think anyone believes that story? :lol:

He's not lying. Federales have been known to shake Americans down and most are corrupt. It's happened to me on more than one occasion.
What an absolute disgrace your father and his unit were to think themselves above local law enforcement. And we wonder why people don't like servicemen when they behave in such a way. They should all have been court-martialed.

Is that how you feel about it? Personally I thought it was pretty funny. Back in those days the Mexican police were notorious for shaking down Americans for money, and if they didn't pay they would arrest them. Im not sure why you would consider corruption like that to be "law enforcement". Either way, they weren't court martialed and now my dad has a great story! :lol:

Stop lying. Do you really think anyone believes that story? :lol:

Unlike you, I havent completely ruined my credibility by constantly telling tall tales about beating up white guys and bedding down white women. They will believe me, but no one will believe you. :lol:
Is that how you feel about it? Personally I thought it was pretty funny. Back in those days the Mexican police were notorious for shaking down Americans for money, and if they didn't pay they would arrest them. Im not sure why you would consider corruption like that to be "law enforcement". Either way, they weren't court martialed and now my dad has a great story! :lol:

Stop lying. Do you really think anyone believes that story? :lol:

He's not lying. Federales have been known to shake Americans down and most are corrupt. It's happened to me on more than one occasion.

When did they stop doing that?
Why not? Obama and Kerry won't do anything! :evil:

What makes you think they aren't?

His situation is not comparable to Berdahl's. This man was not on active duty, or a captured prisoner of war to whom we have a military obligation to leave no man behind. He was retired military, an ordinary civilian who did something pretty stupid and might be mentally ill and will probably be released by Mexico. He's only been there a couple of months. Not five years.

Let's be realistic here - the man broke Mexican law crossing into Mexico with weapons and 400 rounds of ammo. He claims it was accidental. But, it's kind of hard to do this accidently. He was also breaking California laws as well as Mexican laws.

Misguided partisans ask Obama to intervene for Marine jailed in Mexico*-*Los Angeles Times

According to Vice News, Tahmooressi entered Mexico with a 5.56mm rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and a .45-caliber pistol, as well as more than 400 rounds of ammunition. The chief Mexican customs officer at the San Ysidro crossing told Vice that the guns, all loaded, were "just wrapped up in his belongings" rather than locked away and unloaded as required by California law. Vice also reported that "the rifle was found behind the driver’s seat, the shotgun on the passenger seat, and the pistol was in the driver-side door pocket, along with several cartridges."

It's pretty hard to accidentally end up in Mexico. Especially with guns. There are big signs on the U.S. side telling travelers that guns are illegal in Mexico. There’s plenty of warning that the border is approaching. Is it plausible that Tahmooressi crossed by accident in the dark? Maybe. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he admitted that he lied to Mexican officials about how many times he'd crossed the border.

Tahmooressi’s mother, Jill Tahmooressi, has been campaigning in the media for American officials to secure her son’s release. A nurse, she told Vice News that her son needs specialized treatment. She said she had observed signs of paranoia in him, and that he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder at the Veterans Affairs facility in La Jolla on March 12. She said he is “hypervigilant” and in 2013, suffered from “hunter-prey syndrome; he was the prey.”

Let’s leave aside for the moment the horror we may feel at the idea that a psychologically compromised veteran who believes he is being hunted is driving around with three loaded guns and a cache of bullets, and is so out of it he misses numerous alerts that he is about to cross an international border.

Was it proper for Mexican authorities to arrest him on suspicion of violating the country's gun laws? Of course it was.

Should Mexico release the former Marine? Yes. I think Mexico should, and I think Mexico will.

And then every effort should be made to get this young man into treatment, and to separate him from his guns and ammo before he hurts himself or anyone else.

As my colleague Tony Perry has reported, at least 24 members of Congress have called on the State Department to work with Mexican authorities to free Tahmooressi. Last month, Secretary of State John Kerry brought up Tahmooressi's plight in talks with Mexican officials, and the case is being monitored by the U.S. Consulate in Mexico.

Still, that hasn’t stopped the partisan noise machine from trying to use this unfortunate young man’s plight as a cudgel against the president...

So someone from the consulate must have seen him, to verify he isn't being tortured as his mother reports.
This is 2014 and powerful cartels dominate Mexico now. Your daddy and his comrades would be slaughtered like weaklings if they rode over there tryin to play Hero :)

lol, you are such a fucking fool.

The people running that jail are nothing more than normal human beings and likely have never had anyone shoot at them in their whole fucking lives.

If you think that anything over 500 bikers showing up and surrounding the forty or so guards and staff there, then you are a bigger idiot and coward than I gave you discredit for.

That staff is also afraid of the prisoners INSIE the jail taking advantage of the situation, dumbass. IF more than 500 bikers show up the guards will shit the pants, stupid fuck.

If those bikers brought any firearms with them, they would risk being thrown into a similar facility as the man they are playing Hero for.

If they made it past the border, they'd still have to make it to the jail, "intimidate" the guards into letting the man go... the same guards who are intimidated by the cartels far more that some biker trash from America. Murder is normal in Mexico, and the chances that they have "never had anyone shoot at them" is almost non-existent. And these bikers would still have to ride back across the border without getting slain or arrested by law enforcement.

On top of that

The cartels have eyes and ears everywhere in Mexico. Nothing important happens without them knowing about it.

The local cartel(s) are gonna recognize that those bikers straight up disrespected their country by riding in all high and mighty. If anyone is gonna fuck over their local law enforcement its gonna be them, not some American biker weaklings.

Five hundred is a tiny number. The cartels still have more manpower, waaaay better firepower, home turf advantage, and far more resources at their disposal to prevent those fools from riding into their country and making demands and thinking they'll escape with their lives :)

lol, yeah, the Mexican government would just tell the bikers to go get in jail and they would just meeekly do You are a fucking retard.

BTW, the cartels don't give a fuck if anyone disrespects their government, idiot. They disrespect it, attack it and kill government agents all the damn time their own selves, you fucking moron.
Why not? Obama and Kerry won't do anything! :evil:

What makes you think they aren't?

His situation is not comparable to Berdahl's. This man was not on active duty, or a captured prisoner of war to whom we have a military obligation to leave no man behind. He was retired military, an ordinary civilian who did something pretty stupid and might be mentally ill and will probably be released by Mexico. He's only been there a couple of months. Not five years.

Let's be realistic here - the man broke Mexican law crossing into Mexico with weapons and 400 rounds of ammo. He claims it was accidental. But, it's kind of hard to do this accidently. He was also breaking California laws as well as Mexican laws.

Misguided partisans ask Obama to intervene for Marine jailed in Mexico*-*Los Angeles Times

According to Vice News, Tahmooressi entered Mexico with a 5.56mm rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and a .45-caliber pistol, as well as more than 400 rounds of ammunition. The chief Mexican customs officer at the San Ysidro crossing told Vice that the guns, all loaded, were "just wrapped up in his belongings" rather than locked away and unloaded as required by California law. Vice also reported that "the rifle was found behind the driver’s seat, the shotgun on the passenger seat, and the pistol was in the driver-side door pocket, along with several cartridges."

It's pretty hard to accidentally end up in Mexico. Especially with guns. There are big signs on the U.S. side telling travelers that guns are illegal in Mexico. There’s plenty of warning that the border is approaching. Is it plausible that Tahmooressi crossed by accident in the dark? Maybe. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he admitted that he lied to Mexican officials about how many times he'd crossed the border.

Tahmooressi’s mother, Jill Tahmooressi, has been campaigning in the media for American officials to secure her son’s release. A nurse, she told Vice News that her son needs specialized treatment. She said she had observed signs of paranoia in him, and that he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder at the Veterans Affairs facility in La Jolla on March 12. She said he is “hypervigilant” and in 2013, suffered from “hunter-prey syndrome; he was the prey.”

Let’s leave aside for the moment the horror we may feel at the idea that a psychologically compromised veteran who believes he is being hunted is driving around with three loaded guns and a cache of bullets, and is so out of it he misses numerous alerts that he is about to cross an international border.

Was it proper for Mexican authorities to arrest him on suspicion of violating the country's gun laws? Of course it was.

Should Mexico release the former Marine? Yes. I think Mexico should, and I think Mexico will.

And then every effort should be made to get this young man into treatment, and to separate him from his guns and ammo before he hurts himself or anyone else.

As my colleague Tony Perry has reported, at least 24 members of Congress have called on the State Department to work with Mexican authorities to free Tahmooressi. Last month, Secretary of State John Kerry brought up Tahmooressi's plight in talks with Mexican officials, and the case is being monitored by the U.S. Consulate in Mexico.

Still, that hasn’t stopped the partisan noise machine from trying to use this unfortunate young man’s plight as a cudgel against the president...

So someone from the consulate must have seen him, to verify he isn't being tortured as his mother reports.

That is what is known as a 'Big Fat ASSumption'.
The more bikers that show up the more Mexicans will be riding Harley's next week.

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