How to fix the immigration problem (without going to war with Mexico)


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
The first thing we have to do is realize what's the biggest reason for them coming here. It's money.
In Mexico, they make like $20 per DAY (not hour). So they come here (mostly) looking for work. They can make in 1 day, what it takes them all week to make in Mexico.
Plus we all know how dangerous it is in Mexico. That's another reason. Especially for women with children.

My solution is this:

First thing we have to do is get our monetary policy in order. What ever it takes to equalize (or at least get close to) our USD with the Peso. Get us back to an economy that's as close to a 1960's economy as we can get. Back to where $100 actually buys $100 worth of stuff. And not $20 that it buys now. Cut prices and wages to the point that $20,000per year, is a middle class wage.
For those who don't understand that, allow me to explain.
Getting paid $200 per week would buy you the same as the $1,000 per week you're buying now. Nothing changes except the zero's. You get paid $5hr, but it buys what $20hr buys.
Stop the printing presses to end inflation, and only use the Fed. Res. in cases of actual emergencies. Not funding gender studies and reproductive system of turtles. Start living within our means.

If foreigners can't come to the USA and get paid quadruple what they're getting paid in their country, then the reasons for coming here are greatly diminished.

What to do about the Fentanyl. I know some of you are so concerned with the drug problem in this country. Except when it comes to actually helping to do something about it. The bottom line is, the justice system needs to actually go to war with pushers and users. But with so many woke prosecutors, "defund the police" local and state governments and judges who just don't even care, LEO's get to the point they don't care either. And for good reason. So, we get rid of the woke government who are too easy on these druggies. At least the homeless druggies that infest cities and create a LOT of victims. They've done so much damage to so many communities, that we now have to spend hundreds of billions each year on video/monitoring equipment, security systems on our homes, cars and businesses. The government has to spend double that on more cops, judges, prosecutors, jails and prisons.
Because these druggies and their dealers are a HUGE drain on our society. They steal, mug, beat, abuse, kill and rape. (FYI, I'm talking about the ones who roam our streets, don't keep or even want a job, leave their kids abandoned... Those type. I'm not talking about the ones who use a few drugs, can keep their jobs and live life without adversely affecting the lives of others)
But these druggy thugs are why Mexicans bring so much fentanyl to this country, because there's a huge market for it.

So I think there needs to be a revamp of our prison system that allows for private companies to come into the prison system, force these criminals to produce a product for these companies, using slave labor from those who have lost their right to live in a free society. They helped the company make a profit, which in part goes to feeding and housing these criminals to take the tax burden off the citizens.
They gave up their civil rights when they created victims out of innocent citizens, so screw'm. They can work their time out and help give back to the communities the took from.

This solution is a lot more detailed. But I'll stop here and let the dancing begin. I can't wait for the left to chime in in disagreement. We all know how they think thugs lives matter more than their victims.
The solution for the drug cartels is drone warefare.

Bottom line.

24/7 warfare against all of them

But the drug cartel owns the US government like it does the Mexican government, so nothing will get done about it.

Meanwhile, more people will die every year from drug overdoses. The only question becomes, what will go up faster, inflation or those dropping dead from the cartels?

The people have no voice.
Maybe we can follow Britain's lead and start shipping refugees to the Tremendous Nation of Rwanda?

Rwanda apparently is cool with accepting new residents. And sending a lot of Spanish speakers would help Rwanda build relations with their allies in Spanish speaking Equatorial Guinea
Yeah, something is seriously fucked-up when a In-N-Out burger flipper can earn $23.00 a hour, with better bennies than a contract (non- .gov) EMT starts at $16.00 in the same CA area.

The border solution is simple a wall and belt-feds.
BTW, tremendous work on the part of the El Presidente of El Salvador. Presidente Bukele's new penitentiary to house MS13 is a fantastic success as it is cleaning up their streets, helping out America, as well as trolling the international libs.
Maybe we can follow Britain's lead and start shipping refugees to the Tremendous Nation of Rwanda?

Rwanda apparently is cool with accepting new residents. And sending a lot of Spanish speakers would help Rwanda build relations with their allies in Spanish speaking Equatorial Guinea
Corporations want cheap labor, so neither party will fix the immigration crisis.

The GOP is the only party giving lip service to wanting to fix it, but they had full control under Trump for 2 years and did NOTHING.
Bankrupt our own economy so things are better where immigrants come from ... not such a bad idea for those of us in richer states ...

Any solution will require Congress to cooperate ... [giggle] ... or at least honestly discuss ... [chorkle] ... programs to do these things ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... too funny ...

The problem IS Congress ... these are all symptoms of a greater deswAJ d39f,

[kitten naptima JZJN
War..........what it is good for?

Keeping our borders safe!

Its only FAIR......right.jpg
The first thing we have to do is realize what's the biggest reason for them coming here. It's money.
In Mexico, they make like $20 per DAY (not hour). So they come here (mostly) looking for work. They can make in 1 day, what it takes them all week to make in Mexico.
Plus we all know how dangerous it is in Mexico. That's another reason. Especially for women with children.

My solution is this:

First thing we have to do is get our monetary policy in order. What ever it takes to equalize (or at least get close to) our USD with the Peso. Get us back to an economy that's as close to a 1960's economy as we can get. Back to where $100 actually buys $100 worth of stuff. And not $20 that it buys now. Cut prices and wages to the point that $20,000per year, is a middle class wage.
For those who don't understand that, allow me to explain.
Getting paid $200 per week would buy you the same as the $1,000 per week you're buying now. Nothing changes except the zero's. You get paid $5hr, but it buys what $20hr buys.
Stop the printing presses to end inflation, and only use the Fed. Res. in cases of actual emergencies. Not funding gender studies and reproductive system of turtles. Start living within our means.

If foreigners can't come to the USA and get paid quadruple what they're getting paid in their country, then the reasons for coming here are greatly diminished.

What to do about the Fentanyl. I know some of you are so concerned with the drug problem in this country. Except when it comes to actually helping to do something about it. The bottom line is, the justice system needs to actually go to war with pushers and users. But with so many woke prosecutors, "defund the police" local and state governments and judges who just don't even care, LEO's get to the point they don't care either. And for good reason. So, we get rid of the woke government who are too easy on these druggies. At least the homeless druggies that infest cities and create a LOT of victims. They've done so much damage to so many communities, that we now have to spend hundreds of billions each year on video/monitoring equipment, security systems on our homes, cars and businesses. The government has to spend double that on more cops, judges, prosecutors, jails and prisons.
Because these druggies and their dealers are a HUGE drain on our society. They steal, mug, beat, abuse, kill and rape. (FYI, I'm talking about the ones who roam our streets, don't keep or even want a job, leave their kids abandoned... Those type. I'm not talking about the ones who use a few drugs, can keep their jobs and live life without adversely affecting the lives of others)
But these druggy thugs are why Mexicans bring so much fentanyl to this country, because there's a huge market for it.

So I think there needs to be a revamp of our prison system that allows for private companies to come into the prison system, force these criminals to produce a product for these companies, using slave labor from those who have lost their right to live in a free society. They helped the company make a profit, which in part goes to feeding and housing these criminals to take the tax burden off the citizens.
They gave up their civil rights when they created victims out of innocent citizens, so screw'm. They can work their time out and help give back to the communities the took from.

This solution is a lot more detailed. But I'll stop here and let the dancing begin. I can't wait for the left to chime in in disagreement. We all know how they think thugs lives matter more than their victims.
Your first solution is Price/Wage control in our country. Eh, NO.

Your second paragraph (one sentence). True.

I have no problem with outright unlimited war on Fentanyl pushers and users, and you have to include the users or the pusher will keep pushing and importing.

Here's some music to go with the dancing.
Your first solution is Price/Wage control in our country. Eh, NO.

What difference does it make if you get paid $200 per week, instead of $1,000, if that $200 buys the same as the $1000?
You're not losing a dime.

This is the #1 reason why this country has lost so many manufacturing jobs in the US in the last 4 or 5 decades. Wages, cost of living and inflation. This is why BRICS has now surpassed G7. Because in places like China where $20,000 per year is a middle class wage. Here it's a poverty wage.

China is going to be the manufacturing and economic giant of the world soon, because our USD is so overinflated we can't even make TV's or cell phones here anymore. Plus clothes, furniture, car parts and a crap load of other goods.
The solution for the drug cartels is drone warefare.

Bottom line.

24/7 warfare against all of them

But the drug cartel owns the US government like it does the Mexican government, so nothing will get done about it.

Meanwhile, more people will die every year from drug overdoses. The only question becomes, what will go up faster, inflation or those dropping dead from the cartels?

The people have no voice.

You're talking about going to war with our neighbors. Great idea.

You know, they're joining BRICS as we speak. Russia and China are also members. Meaning they're going to be closer allies with those two, than they are the USA. And for what? Because we have too many druggy thugs on our soil creating a HUGE market for the drugs the cartels bring here.
Bombing the cartels is still bombing Mexico.
Not to mention the fact that the cartels will unleash on Americans. So going to war isn't the solution.

Getting our own druggy scum off the streets and eliminating the market for fentanyl kills two birds with 1 stone. And doesn't create an enemy out of our ally neighbor.
War..........what it is good for?

Keeping our borders safe!

View attachment 765441

Mexico isn't send all those people here. They're coming on their own. They can't stop their people from coming here any more than we can stop Americans from leaving the country. "We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are no caveats in that statement. Do you want the USA to be like North Korea?
What difference does it make if you get paid $200 per week, instead of $1,000, if that $200 buys the same as the $1000?
You're not losing a dime.

This is the #1 reason why this country has lost so many manufacturing jobs in the US in the last 4 or 5 decades. Wages, cost of living and inflation. This is why BRICS has now surpassed G7. Because in places like China where $20,000 per year is a middle class wage. Here it's a poverty wage.

China is going to be the manufacturing and economic giant of the world soon, because our USD is so overinflated we can't even make TV's or cell phones here anymore. Plus clothes, furniture, car parts and a crap load of other goods.
I simply do not support price and wage controls or revaluing the dollar.

What is wrong with prosecuting those that employ illegals to the point of wiping them out financially, so they have to start over with a record from nothing. There is no denying, the illegal come here for the jobs. We should accept no excuse, no acceptance of false papers any bar bounce would reject in a heartbeat. The employer should be punished for hiring and ignorance no excuse for the law. Dry up the job for illegals and they will not come here for jobs. And cut all US government poverty or other assistance to illegal aliens of any kind.
I simply do not support price and wage controls or revaluing the dollar.

Ok, so then we're going to double our $31 trillion debt in another 5 years. It's just money & inflation right? Maybe Trump was right, we can just print more money?
What could possibly go wrong, right?
And who needs all those manufacturing jobs that we sent to china, Mexico, Vietnam, Taiwan, and all those other countries were their money goes farther than ours.

What is wrong with prosecuting those that employ illegals to the point of wiping them out financially, so they have to start over with a record from nothing. There is no denying, the illegal come here for the jobs. We should accept no excuse, no acceptance of false papers any bar bounce would reject in a heartbeat. The employer should be punished for hiring and ignorance no excuse for the law. Dry up the job for illegals and they will not come here for jobs. And cut all US government poverty or other assistance to illegal aliens of any kind.

LoL.. You don't want government price controls, but you're all for the government telling businesses who they can hire? Amazing.
I bet you're all in favor of documented immigrants that come here, aren't you? Even though they devalue labor as much as illegals do. Not to mention, documented immigrants are allowed government assistance, where as illegals by themselves don't. With the exception of some libtard states.
Ok, so then we're going to double our $31 trillion debt in another 5 years. It's just money & inflation right? Maybe Trump was right, we can just print more money?
What could possibly go wrong, right?
And who needs all those manufacturing jobs that we sent to china, Mexico, Vietnam, Taiwan, and all those other countries were their money goes farther than ours.

LoL.. You don't want government price controls, but you're all for the government telling businesses who they can hire? Amazing.
I bet you're all in favor of documented immigrants that come here, aren't you? Even though they devalue labor as much as illegals do. Not to mention, documented immigrants are allowed government assistance, where as illegals by themselves don't. With the exception of some libtard states.
I don't actually know anybody out of work that wants to work and is worth a crap. Looks like the manufacturing jobs, instead of going overseas are coming to Tennessee. Gas prices have dropped to the $2.87 level, but of course PJ and I average .50 to .80 off that price. She filled up for $2.17, three days ago.
I don't actually know anybody out of work that wants to work and is worth a crap. Looks like the manufacturing jobs, instead of going overseas are coming to Tennessee. Gas prices have dropped to the $2.87 level, but of course PJ and I average .50 to .80 off that price. She filled up for $2.17, three days ago.

$20hr, how TF are we going to keep competing with any country on the global market? We can't be self sufficient or a mid priced vehicle is going to be $80K within the next 10 years.
With that average wages will have to be $30 to $40 per hour.
This is commonly known as trying to dig ourselves out of a hole.
First of all, get rid of the 1965 Immigration Act and deport these third worlders. Finish Trump's Wall. Bring the White population back up to what it was back then. Initiate Eisenhower's old Operation Wetback program and start rounding up the people who hire these brown scum. America was created for White citizens only. It's in the first legislation of the first Congress.
First of all, get rid of the 1965 Immigration Act and deport these third worlders. Finish Trump's Wall. Bring the White population back up to what it was back then. Initiate Eisenhower's old Operation Wetback program and start rounding up the people who hire these brown scum. America was created for White citizens only. It's in the first legislation of the first Congress.

The wall is a bandaid.
Bring the white population back? LMAO.. So you're going to force white people to have babies?
Created for white citizens only, by people who wrote "All men are created equal." <<<There's no caveat in that. It doesn't say all white men or All Americans. But "ALL" men.

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