Bigots cancel march

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Twelfth of July parades have been cancelled across Northern Ireland due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Orange Lodge of Ireland has confirmed the traditional parades will not go ahead this summer.

Orange Lodge of Ireland Grand Master Edward Stevenson said the decision was taken in light of the ongoing pandemic.

He said the decision was in keeping with current government health advice on restricting gatherings

Hoorah for that.
Common sense aside this is a sad day for bigotry in the backward province. With decency under threat from the twin evils of abortion and Gay marriage surely Ulster needs the Orange Order ?
The sight of bowler hatted twats marching through Catholic areas celebrating a 400 year old victory over Catholics is sorely needed.
No word on their famous bonfires yet.
Big goats?

Though an American, I do support Rangers FC. Love that team. ANYWAY, one cannot support Rangers FC and not at least be familiar with sectarianism over there.
Oh well this one is for every Loyalist in the UK.

Another favorite....NOOOOOOOOO No Pope of Rome!!
Hoorah for that.
Common sense aside this is a sad day for bigotry in the backward province. With decency under threat from the twin evils of abortion and Gay marriage surely Ulster needs the Orange Order ?
The sight of bowler hatted twats marching through Catholic areas celebrating a 400 year old victory over Catholics is sorely needed.
No word on their famous bonfires yet.

I find you should not extend your very warranted judgment of the Orange Order to the whole province.

On the other hand, it's a fine day the Orange Order does not march to "stick it to Them". So, there's the one positive thing the coronavirus has brought about, and it is well worth a sigh of relief.

Let's hope they won't find another way to "stick it to Them". Resentment eventually wills out, and I suspect they are currently busy conceiving of another outlet still permitted by the current health advisory.
Hoorah for that.
Common sense aside this is a sad day for bigotry in the backward province. With decency under threat from the twin evils of abortion and Gay marriage surely Ulster needs the Orange Order ?
The sight of bowler hatted twats marching through Catholic areas celebrating a 400 year old victory over Catholics is sorely needed.
No word on their famous bonfires yet.

I find you should not extend your very warranted judgment of the Orange Order to the whole province.

On the other hand, it's a fine day the Orange Order does not march to "stick it to Them". So, there's the one positive thing the coronavirus has brought about, and it is well worth a sigh of relief.

Let's hope they won't find another way to "stick it to Them". Resentment eventually wills out, and I suspect they are currently busy conceiving of another outlet still permitted by the current health advisory.
One of them was quoted in the press last week and apparently the whole thing is Gods response to abortion and Gay marriage. Its easy to laugh but these fuckwits run the country.
One of them was quoted in the press last week and apparently the whole thing is Gods response to abortion and Gay marriage. Its easy to laugh but these fuckwits run the country.

Yep. And AIDS was sent to punish gays. And 9/11 was god's punishment for pervasive immorality, abortion, divorce, gay marriage and whatnot.

Just these days a poster on the liberal side, whom I respect, claimed god sent the coronavirus to the U.S. to destroy the spectacular economy Trump claims to have brought about, taking it away from, and thus punishing, him.

There's always, always a need to make sense of things, the more desperate the more damaging the event is, and they mostly look like authoritarian parents discipline their children: If you don't do X, sure Y or Z will happen to you. That then serves as the explanatory pattern, and the more the weaker the defenses in the form of a reasoned approach to reality are. Of course, on the other hand there are the calculating and cynical manipulators who take advantage of both the folks' ignorance and their need to "explain" things to themselves whichever way possible.

But hey, our fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-, fore-fathers beat the Irish, so we have some achievement and even greatness we can pocket. Tells you what needy children you are dealing with.

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