Biden's Deficit is lower than every Trump year (through May)

Meh. Red Herring. Gas prices do not reflect the great job Biden is doing with the deficit.
LOL. Yes, explain that to the people voting in November as they buy gas a groceries every week. You guys are really absolutely, totally, and completely blind. With over 70% of Americans saying that the country is headed in the wrong direction, your message to them is that we are going to keep heading in that same direction because things are just so damned good. Good luck with that strategy.
Trump spent more money than any other president in four years that wasn't in a world war. Fact.
then biden comes along and just gives it away.


one person doing something stupid isn't a justification for you to get more stupid. the mentality you are displaying is astoundingly full of shit.
Biden's is lower post covid. Is that your point? That was my point. Trump was driving up the deficit prior to covid. I'll give him a break for covid response to a historic situation but the trend pre covid was to spend spend spend. Biden has it already reigned in to Obama days of low deficits.
Barry Hussein handed Trump rising deficits.

Trump stopped trillions in spending Nazi Piglosi wanted.
then biden comes along and just gives it away.


one person doing something stupid isn't a justification for you to get more stupid. the mentality you are displaying is astoundingly full of shit.

If shifting spending to after the election in November, or being denied a spending bill of 5.5 trillion that they lambasted the people who blocked it, now allows them to crow because they were FORCED to abandon their spending plan equates to crowing about what it caused, something is really wrong with American Leftists.

As far as the price of fuel...................we need more refineries? Which political team always blocks them! Which political team prevented ANWAR, then after it was okayed, reversed it through EO? Which team reversed the pipeline? Which team has stated they were going to get rid of fossil fuels? Which team went to war with coal?

All this thread the old don't look behind the curtain, look over here Wizard of Oz routine. I am confident that Bidens team didn't want inflation, but their own words pre-election cement the idea how they wanted to handle fossil fuels, and when added to their actions after assuming power, proves the point. American voters are well aware of what these people wanted, and to suggest that the people who would be happy with fuel prices being so high, are also the people who should guide us through a course reversal is ridiculous. Their hearts are not in it, they would be going against what they believe, and to trust them to follow through when another election does not come for 2 more years after November would be ludicrous.

Their response is always the same--------->Republicans are baaaaaaaaad, and Trump is worse! Well, always remember this one truth----------> Republicans are NOT and will never be the answer to all your problems; but there is little doubt after watching this administration in action, that the Leftists are the cause of most of them!
The democrats are coming! The democrats are coming! Look at you. You’re a one trick pony. Show me a red state that has low inflation, low gas prices. Show me another industrialized country in a good spot. it’s supply driven numb nuts. Not demand driven from spending.
If you don't understand how the price of gasoline and diesel effects everything else in the economy then you're too ignorant to enter this debate in the first place.
When your president walks into the Oval Office on day-one and signs regulations designed to cut off domestic oil production....what do you think it's going to do to the world oil market?
Need I remind you that this crazy SOB campaigned on gutting our energy supply.

What he didn't campaign on was gutting our food supply as well. Allowing the Chinese to control our farms in CA and cutting off irrigation which is the only way that CA farm producers can grow their crops in the desert. What did you think all of these years of whining about drought was about anyway? They never intended to address the problem. So basically in the span of less than 2 years that POS in the White House has us at the mercy of OPEC and the CHICOMS. The final straw was allowing Russia to begin a proxy war in Ukraine.
LOL. Yes, explain that to the people voting in November as they buy gas a groceries every week. You guys are really absolutely, totally, and completely blind. With over 70% of Americans saying that the country is headed in the wrong direction, your message to them is that we are going to keep heading in that same direction because things are just so damned good. Good luck with that strategy.
People don’t like high gas prices and are generally stupid. The fact that Biden gets the blame doesn’t make it so. Elections are multifaceted. Natural loss from incumbents happens and certainly with inflation it will be a tough election. It’s supply driven and nothing will fix until production and supply chain is caught up.
Barry Hussein handed Trump rising deficits.

Trump stopped trillions in spending Nazi Piglosi wanted.
That’s not what the data shows. It shows a declining Obama deficit which was reversed by Trump who grew the deficit every year. I’m not sure if you’re being dumb or dishonest. Which is it?
If you don't understand how the price of gasoline and diesel effects everything else in the economy then you're too ignorant to enter this debate in the first place.
When your president walks into the Oval Office on day-one and signs regulations designed to cut off domestic oil production....what do you think it's going to do to the world oil market?
Need I remind you that this crazy SOB campaigned on gutting our energy supply.

What he didn't campaign on was gutting our food supply as well. Allowing the Chinese to control our farms in CA and cutting off irrigation which is the only way that CA farm producers can grow their crops in the desert. What did you think all of these years of whining about drought was about anyway? They never intended to address the problem. So basically in the span of less than 2 years that POS in the White House has us at the mercy of OPEC and the CHICOMS. The final straw was allowing Russia to begin a proxy war in Ukraine.
Production is up under Biden. In fact the daily output so far under Biden is 6% higher... NEXT!

Great accomplishments from the installed invalid:

Runaway inflation
Food shortages
Supply chain issues
Record prices per gallon gas
4 trillion spending
Actually, inflation is already trending down. Money supply contracted last month and opportunity cost of M1 has started to climb. Gas prices have headed down as well and by the end of this week we may see Biden use an EO to temporarily remove the federal gas tax. That will drop prices further going into the fourth of July weekend.

Not really seeing the food shortages and I work in the food industry. Supply chain issues within the food chain have greatly improved. Out of stocks have almost returned to pre-pandemic levels. The one area of weakness is wheat, and that is directly attributable to the war in Ukraine, the wheat basket of Europe and the origin of almost all the wheat varieties grown in the US, Turkish Red hybrids. Russia is holding tons of food exports within Ukrainian ports, possibly a war crime that will lead to massive starvation, especially in Africa.

Supply chain issues are improving by the day. Food processors are beginning to be staffed, transportation bottlenecks are being alleviated, and improved efficiencies are starting to pay dividends. What is funny is these supply chain issues were easily predictable and most economist had warned about the increasing use of JIT concepts exacerbating supply downfalls.

Gasoline is a world commodity today. Additional refining capacity is coming online in, in 2022 the IEA expects 1.2 million barrels per day of new capacity, contrast with a 730,000 barrels per day decline in 2021. Eliminating the export of refined oil products would drastically reduce domestic oil prices, especially diesel. Exports today are at record highs, a slap in the face to every American. What happened to America first?

The spending, if done correctly, can actually alleviate inflation. If that spending gets more people in the labor force, improves efficiencies and productivity, and addressing supply chain issues, then it is money well spent.

Honestly, it is insulting how you Republicans relish in the problems this nation faces. While providing no solutions, and even accepting no solutions being proposed by the Republican party, you are actually hoping for the problems to get worse. Real Americans would hold their representatives responsible for refusing to address these problems. They were elected to lead, and to solve problems. They were not elected to run for re-election, and yet that is what they do.

I want to introduce a counter to the Republican view of the next few months. Gas prices decline, inflation takes a significant drop, supply chain issues are almost solved, unemployment hits record low levels, money supply, especially M1, shrinks significantly, the deficit continues to decline. While we come to the cusp of a recession, the FED reins in rate increases. Personal incomes continue to expand, and while Covid rates increase as we move to the winter, hospitalization rates continue to decline and deaths become more rare.

Would that not be the time to reevaluate your political position. The reality, that if that happens, it is completely due to the actions of the president and in spite of Republican opposition. History tells me that the Republican party has now became the Know Nothing party, and will face the same fate. The sooner you rats jump off that sinking ship the sooner this nation will return to greatness, something you all claimed you wanted all along, you just didn't have the leadership capable of getting you there.
That’s not what the data shows. It shows a declining Obama deficit which was reversed by Trump who grew the deficit every year. I’m not sure if you’re being dumb or dishonest. Which is it?
You are a liar.


That’s not what the data shows. It shows a declining Obama deficit which was reversed by Trump who grew the deficit every year. I’m not sure if you’re being dumb or dishonest. Which is it?
The graph in your OP also shows rising deficits under Barry Hussein when Trump took office, Stupid.
Actually, inflation is already trending down. Money supply contracted last month and opportunity cost of M1 has started to climb. Gas prices have headed down as well and by the end of this week we may see Biden use an EO to temporarily remove the federal gas tax. That will drop prices further going into the fourth of July weekend.

Not really seeing the food shortages and I work in the food industry. Supply chain issues within the food chain have greatly improved. Out of stocks have almost returned to pre-pandemic levels. The one area of weakness is wheat, and that is directly attributable to the war in Ukraine, the wheat basket of Europe and the origin of almost all the wheat varieties grown in the US, Turkish Red hybrids. Russia is holding tons of food exports within Ukrainian ports, possibly a war crime that will lead to massive starvation, especially in Africa.

Supply chain issues are improving by the day. Food processors are beginning to be staffed, transportation bottlenecks are being alleviated, and improved efficiencies are starting to pay dividends. What is funny is these supply chain issues were easily predictable and most economist had warned about the increasing use of JIT concepts exacerbating supply downfalls.

Gasoline is a world commodity today. Additional refining capacity is coming online in, in 2022 the IEA expects 1.2 million barrels per day of new capacity, contrast with a 730,000 barrels per day decline in 2021. Eliminating the export of refined oil products would drastically reduce domestic oil prices, especially diesel. Exports today are at record highs, a slap in the face to every American. What happened to America first?

The spending, if done correctly, can actually alleviate inflation. If that spending gets more people in the labor force, improves efficiencies and productivity, and addressing supply chain issues, then it is money well spent.

Honestly, it is insulting how you Republicans relish in the problems this nation faces. While providing no solutions, and even accepting no solutions being proposed by the Republican party, you are actually hoping for the problems to get worse. Real Americans would hold their representatives responsible for refusing to address these problems. They were elected to lead, and to solve problems. They were not elected to run for re-election, and yet that is what they do.

I want to introduce a counter to the Republican view of the next few months. Gas prices decline, inflation takes a significant drop, supply chain issues are almost solved, unemployment hits record low levels, money supply, especially M1, shrinks significantly, the deficit continues to decline. While we come to the cusp of a recession, the FED reins in rate increases. Personal incomes continue to expand, and while Covid rates increase as we move to the winter, hospitalization rates continue to decline and deaths become more rare.

Would that not be the time to reevaluate your political position. The reality, that if that happens, it is completely due to the actions of the president and in spite of Republican opposition. History tells me that the Republican party has now became the Know Nothing party, and will face the same fate. The sooner you rats jump off that sinking ship the sooner this nation will return to greatness, something you all claimed you wanted all along, you just didn't have the leadership capable of getting you there.

Actually, no inflation is not getting better. The numbers in may are the highest since 1981. Remember gas prices aren't tied to inflation. They should be but they aren't. Might be time to reevaluate your political position if you think either party actually cares for this country. They don't. You might want to peel off those rose colored liberal glasses.
People don’t like high gas prices and are generally stupid. The fact that Biden gets the blame doesn’t make it so. Elections are multifaceted. Natural loss from incumbents happens and certainly with inflation it will be a tough election. It’s supply driven and nothing will fix until production and supply chain is caught up.
Biden and the left have thrown gasoline on the inflation fire every step of the way. But, go ahead, with over 70% of Americans thinking the country is going in the wrong direction, tell them that they are stupid and that we need to continue going in the same direction that over 70% of Americans think is the wrong direction. Then, after you take a drubbing in the midterms, you can claim that that happens in the midterms anyway so it is normal. Don't listen to the voters. Ignore them completely.
You are a liar.


Where I went to school 3.4% is higher than 3.1% and 2.4% is less than 2.8%. Plus, you left out the last three years of Trump, 3.8%, 4.6%, and a whopping 15.0%, and oh yeah, they also taught me 12.1% was less than 15%. I mean did you drop out of school in the third grade, because I am sure they taught percentages by the fourth grade.
Production is up under Biden. In fact the daily output so far under Biden is 6% higher... NEXT!

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Yeah sure......if you say so. That explains why Biden is shutting down refineries and converting them to produce something else. Maybe baby formula for illegals.

The biggest increase in the world seems to be China's energy consumption.
They're currently consuming almost 77 million BTUs to date in 2022 compared to our 46 million BTUs.

During the Obama years the fed kept interest rates at almost nothing but now they're raising interest on the debt which is going to cause the debt to skyrocket. Eventually Pelosi and Schumer will start making proposals to pay down the debt by grabbing our 401k and all of our savings. Eventually you'll have an account number that all of your money goes into and the government will have full access to it. They'll make sure they leave you the crumbs.

BTW, this isn't a Recession....this is a Transition.
Where I went to school 3.4% is higher than 3.1% and 2.4% is less than 2.8%. Plus, you left out the last three years of Trump, 3.8%, 4.6%, and a whopping 15.0%, and oh yeah, they also taught me 12.1% was less than 15%. I mean did you drop out of school in the third grade, because I am sure they taught percentages by the fourth grade.
$665 is more than $585. And $585 is more than $442.


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