Biden's Deficit is lower than every Trump year (through May)


Then post up something that contradicts what I said. Here is the deal, Trump took a big stinking steaming shit on the heads of every single American, and now you stupid morons want to claim Biden is making the place smell like shit.

Biden has been busting his ass, he has not "lost it" as Trump himself even admitted. But he is up against a dysfunctional Congress, has no majority in the Senate because Joe Manchin sold his soul to the devil. I mean I would cut that SOB out at the knees, execute an EO that bans the burning of waste coal and laugh as Manchin goes belly up. I mean look at the numbers,

Trump sucked ass. I mean did he keep a single promise? GDP growth of at least 4% and probably 6% he said. He never got past 3%. The border? Arrests were up higher than the day he took office, and that is usually the measure of effectiveness of the border. In Trump's case, the number varied wildly. I mean what happened to the wall? Yes, personal income was up, BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT HANDED OUT THE FAWKING MONEY. Four trillion damn dollars. The trade deficit, it was worse when he left than when he took office, damn those tariffs worked really well, at sucking money out of people's pockets. Hell, he had to hand out money to farmers, go figure. That was his answer to everything, hand out flippin money. Funny, in his personal business he sure don't operate that way. Guess he has no problem giving away YOUR MONEY, or taking it for that matter, have you seen what his hotels billed the secret service? Coal production declined, murders went up, and unemployment increased by 1.6%.

I mean I don't get it. By the numbers, by the condition of this country, Trump literally SUCKED ASS. Make no doubt about it, he will go down as the worst president in the history of this country, Buchanan has got to be celebrating in Hell. The fact that he still has supporters absolutely blows my mind. You people couldn't have your head up your ass any further.
You're kind of fun in a weird sort of way! :D

Do you actually believe your own tripe?

What does that prove?
Simpleton. Biden continues to say that the future is renewable which isnt the same as burn down the houses of oil companies. Its just the republicans are extremists and cant comprehend nuance.
Clips of him saying what I claim have been posted. You just chose to ignore reality because it has nothing to do with the shit you spew.
Clips of him saying what I claim have been posted. You just chose to ignore reality because it has nothing to do with the shit you spew.
From the debate? That’s weak sauce. Like I said. Biden supports developing alternatives to oil. He’s done nothing to blow up the industry. It’s fear being displayed by you. I think Biden said “Solar and wind companies stand back and stand by!” Oh wait, that was something else.
From the debate? That’s weak sauce. Like I said. Biden supports developing alternatives to oil. He’s done nothing to blow up the industry. It’s fear being displayed by you. I think Biden said “Solar and wind companies stand back and stand by!” Oh wait, that was something else.
Not just the debate one. Keep denying reality, it’s what you do.
From the debate? That’s weak sauce. Like I said. Biden supports developing alternatives to oil. He’s done nothing to blow up the industry. It’s fear being displayed by you. I think Biden said “Solar and wind companies stand back and stand by!” Oh wait, that was something else.
Good questions. First MSM isnt crucifying his insane tweets and bizarre off the cuff comments because there are few and they are more professional and guarded. The few "off the cuff" slip-ups have been managed effectively and havent been meant to tear people down.

His poll numbers are down because inflation is high due to product shortages and people blame the president without understanding. Its part of the job, what are you going to do about it? My criticism of Joe is that he should be out front more and he should be more aggressive about pushing his agenda - unfortunately he doesnt have the votes in the Senate. At least he could ceremonially propose changes to get the Republicans on record for sucking ass.

However, the worst thing a president can do is get in the way of the economy and he isnt doing that. We have the most flexible and responsive economy in the world because we dont over manage it except when dire (great recession, covid) and even then the economy figured out a way.
You just enjoy trolling, don't you?

So you admit you didnt know he already pushed them to expand? Why would they when Trump gave them a ticket to high oil prices? It's easy to give high prices... hard to take away high prices.

You're kind of fun in a weird sort of way.

So you admit you didnt know he already pushed them to expand? Why would they when Trump gave them a ticket to high oil prices? It's easy to give high prices... hard to take away high prices.

So you admit you didnt know he already pushed them to expand?

He pushed the Saudis to expand? He failed?

Why is he so weak?
Democrats always spend less money than republicans. Only democrats reduce deficits.
Yes......after all we know that Republicans love open boarders, support defunding the police, used taxpayers money to bail out BLM, use COVID funds to human-traffic millions of illegals into the interior of the US, force us to spend more than $162 billion/yr to take care of illegals, giving them each a cell phone to track them, forced millions of government employees to get vaccinated on multiple occasions just to keep their jobs, and sent trillions to overseas banks so they could launder taxpayer's cash back into their personal overseas bank accounts.

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