Biden the POTUSINO


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
POTUSINO ? > President of the United States IN NAME ONLY. Besides the fact that Biden isn't really the POTUS, since he didn't win an election to get there, it couldn't be more obvious that he is actually POTW (President of the World), and POBT (President of Big Tech).

In his latest slap in the face to the American people, Biden is now allowing the Trump H1B Visa ban expire. Hear that, American college students with science & technology majors ? When you graduate with your useless-for-you degree, you will be declined by big tech companies, who will be hiring 3rd world graduates, who will take the job you would/should have got, and they'll be getting it at half the pay you would've got.

While Trump made America great again (for Americans), Biden is making America great again (FOR FOREIGNERS), and worse for Americans. This is a continuation of the America Last globalism of Obama, who in a speech in Germany, bragged that he was a "citizen of the world". Paying no attention that he is being paid to be President of the United States, not the world, Biden is going full speed ahead, at ignoring the American people, while serving the people of the world.

Not only is his insane open border policy letting in thousands of illegal aliens to take low wage jobs away from American low wage workers (mostly blacks), and bring Covid et al contagious diseases into the country, but he is paying $287,000 per migrant family to house them in hotels (total bill - $86 Million). He's not paying any American families $287,000.

Not only is Biden doing that, but he is giving classroom instruction to illegal alien kids, while American kids are shut out of their schools.

Oh, so Biden is going to raise taxes on the rich, is he ? His tax proposed for individuals over $400k/yr income is 39.6%. Wow, the rich will really fret about that, won't they. Here's some of the tax rates on the rich, of past Republican presidents -
Eisenhower - 92%
Nixon - 77%
Ford - 70%
Reagan - 69.13%

What does it take for Democrats to realize that they are no longer the good guys in America ? And that "their" leaders are not "their" leaders. They are the leaders of the people of the WORLD, coming here legally or not, and receiving $1400 checks + free education and medical care (which you US Democrat DUPES are paying for). And they are the leaders of the rich (who paid for Biden's campaign advertising).

You think if you repeat your lie enough someone will believe it? It worked for Santa and Jesus.
Whaaat? WHAT "lie" ? I said absolutely no lie, you fool. You'll have to back that one up - go ahead.
Joe Biden is the President. Denying it changes nothing. His executive orders are accepted and enforced.

By saying he is not the POTUS, you look like one of those screaming snowflakes from 2016.
Joe Biden is the President. Denying it changes nothing. His executive orders are accepted and enforced.

By saying he is not the POTUS, you look like one of those screaming snowflakes from 2016.
Nations operate by the peoples spirits. There is no perfection I know. Patriotism by force is tyranny.
President Trump's ban was pandemic related and only insinuated last June. He didn't give a squawk about H-1B Visas for most of his presidency.
Joe Biden is the President. Denying it changes nothing. His executive orders are accepted and enforced.

By saying he is not the POTUS, you look like one of those screaming snowflakes from 2016.
Nations operate by the peoples spirits. There is no perfection I know. Patriotism by force is tyranny.

Good point. Forced patriotism is tyranny.
Moonglow would betray in a pinch, a cynical, dangerous c.u.n.t. and prime fodder for dem puppetry. Build the wall. Those are catholics trying to get in. Wasn’t biden-fauci clue enough? Fuck the pope, who comes out of its box for a media photo-op just as soon as their CIA puppet is installed, makes some gestures, then retires back to vaticanville.
Americans may not be the brightest people in the world, BUT they do acknowledge (at least in private) that Mr. Biden is only a figurehead, a mouthpiece for his caregivers who respectfully tell him what to say and do.

Some impartial observers predict that his brain health issues will only worsen during the next four years, so if he does not eventually resign, he will stay in the White House while Vice President Harris becomes de facto President.

Mr. Biden may be allowed to occasionally attend carefully prepared events where he does not have to speak.

Very sad for his family -- and above all for this nation.
Joe Biden is the President. Denying it changes nothing. His executive orders are accepted and enforced.

By saying he is not the POTUS, you look like one of those screaming snowflakes from 2016.
By denying what is said in the OP regarding the POTW and POBT, you look like one of the DUPES mentioned in the OP, paying taxes for the advancement of the people of the world and big tech, at your expense.

Problem is because of foolishness from you et al, all we AMERICANS suffer.
President Trump's ban was pandemic related and only insinuated last June. He didn't give a squawk about H-1B Visas for most of his presidency.
Still, the ban has been in effect, and POTW/POBT and POTUSINO Biden is allowing it to expire. .
Americans may not be the brightest people in the world, BUT they do acknowledge (at least in private) that Mr. Biden is only a figurehead, a mouthpiece for his caregivers who respectfully tell him what to say and do.

Some impartial observers predict that his brain health issues will only worsen during the next four years, so if he does not eventually resign, he will stay in the White House while Vice President Harris becomes de facto President.

Mr. Biden may be allowed to occasionally attend carefully prepared events where he does not have to speak.

Very sad for his family -- and above all for this nation.
Yes, he does have serious cognitive issues, for sure, but at least as significant, if not more so, is WHOM he is serving, and that is clearly not the American people, as the OP demonstrated.

Obama was taken to task on this in 2012, by Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode (whom I voted for). Obama some years earlier, in a speech in Germany called himself a "citizen of the world". Goode scolded him saying "You're not supposed to be a citizen of the world, you're supposed to be a US citizen, and representing the American people, as president of the United States."
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Americans may not be the brightest people in the world, BUT they do acknowledge (at least in private) that Mr. Biden is only a figurehead, a mouthpiece for his caregivers who respectfully tell him what to say and do.

Some impartial observers predict that his brain health issues will only worsen during the next four years, so if he does not eventually resign, he will stay in the White House while Vice President Harris becomes de facto President.

Mr. Biden may be allowed to occasionally attend carefully prepared events where he does not have to speak.

Very sad for his family -- and above all for this nation.
Yes, he does have serious cognitive issues, for sure, but at least as significant, if nit more so, is WHO he is serving, and that is clearly not the American people, as the OP demonstrated.


His caregivers include many Dem extremists.
Joe Biden is the President. Denying it changes nothing. His executive orders are accepted and enforced.

By saying he is not the POTUS, you look like one of those screaming snowflakes from 2016.
By denying what is said in the OP regarding the POTW and POBT, you look like one of the DUPES mentioned in the OP, paying taxes for the advancement of the people of the world and big tech, at your expense.

Problem is because of foolishness from you et al, all we AMERICANS suffer.

LMAO!! Trump was the best mouthpiece corporate America ever had. I am simply accepting the results of election and the will of the people.
Not only is Biden doing that, but he is giving classroom instruction to illegal alien kids,

Goddamn, that fucking Joe Biden is a Saint. Taking time out of his busy day to teach those alien kids.

But if you believe either,..........
The Deep State is real. We’ve already shown the Michigan link to the Clinton crime family, CIA, Pentecopstal mafia, British MI6, and the painting in the White House dining room. All represented by a single Michigan address. Were the founding fathers alive today, they would behold, with vivid intuition, why the wall at the Mexican border is the literal reason for separation of Church and State. When the cocksucking CIA goes to church, it’s not to pray but to learn the deceptions of theology for use elsewhere.
LMAO!! Trump was the best mouthpiece corporate America ever had. I am simply accepting the results of election and the will of the people.
Wow, do you ever have it backwards. Trump received pennies from corporate America, compared to both Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden. And as the OP stated, Biden is paying back his contributors handsomely.
President Trump's ban was pandemic related and only insinuated last June. He didn't give a squawk about H-1B Visas for most of his presidency.
Still, the ban has been in effect, and POTW/POBT and POTUSINO Biden is allowing it to expire. .
That cannot be. President Biden* is president in name only. Why is President Trump allowing his own ban to expire?

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