Biden repeatedly admits to being ineffective


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2019
Red state of Florida
Biden is a worthless, POS, who constantly blames Trump for the border crises when we all know that under Trump the border was under control. It only became a disaster after Biden issued the EO that created the wide open border. Every time he is asked about fixing his border mess, he claims there is nothing he can do, which is a bald-faced LIE. He can fix it by EO, therefore he is complicit or grossly inefective.
Biden is a worthless, POS, who constantly blames Trump for the border crises when we all know that under Trump the border was under control. It only became a disaster after Biden issued the EO that created the wide open border. Every time he is asked about fixing his border mess, he claims there is nothing he can do, which is a bald-faced LIE. He can fix it by EO, therefore he is complicit or grossly inefective.
Not really.

He‘s been very effective at killing and maiming Ukrainians and Palestinians, and amazingly many Trumpers support these heinous crimes.
Not really.

He‘s been very effective at killing and maiming Ukrainians and Palestinians, and amazingly many Trumpers support these heinous crimes.
What the hell does that have to do with our border? Typical left-wing deflection. Biden is responsible for every death, rape, or attack upon you citizens perpetrated by an illegal invader.
It is interesting that Biden admitted to letting little kids rub his hairy legs.

Thats kinda fucking weird.
Biden is Washington's throw away president. His job is to CRAM THROUGH the agenda before the American people can boot his ass out of the White House. When Washington has enough millions of illegals to RIG the elections then Washington politicians will tell the American people to F off and they will return to doing as they damn please.

RIGGED Elections is where all this is heading.
Biden is a worthless, POS, who constantly blames Trump for the border crises when we all know that under Trump the border was under control. It only became a disaster after Biden issued the EO that created the wide open border. Every time he is asked about fixing his border mess, he claims there is nothing he can do, which is a bald-faced LIE. He can fix it by EO, therefore he is complicit or grossly inefective.

The border was NOT under control under Trump. Not in any way shape or form.

When Trump took office in 2017, illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low. By January 2019, illegal crossings had spiked to the point where Trump declared an national emergency. After which Trump completely dismantled refugee support infrastructure, courts, and social programs to process incoming refugees.

Trump also cut staffing and immigration programs at US embassies around the world, especially in Muslim or non-white nations. The idea being to cut all non-white immigration.
The border was NOT under control under Trump. Not in any way shape or form.

When Trump took office in 2017, illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low. By January 2019, illegal crossings had spiked to the point where Trump declared an national emergency. After which Trump completely dismantled refugee support infrastructure, courts, and social programs to process incoming refugees.

Trump also cut staffing and immigration programs at US embassies around the world, especially in Muslim or non-white nations. The idea being to cut all non-white immigration.
OK Lady, Border crossing facts under Trump by year.
Under Biden

Go ahead with your nonsensical YaDa, YaDa, YaDa. It doesn't change the facts. Biden and you country-hating leftists are destroying this country for the sake of future liberal votes.
Biden is a worthless, POS, who constantly blames Trump for the border crises when we all know that under Trump the border was under control. It only became a disaster after Biden issued the EO that created the wide open border. Every time he is asked about fixing his border mess, he claims there is nothing he can do, which is a bald-faced LIE. He can fix it by EO, therefore he is complicit or grossly inefective.

post your fucking proof
What the hell does that have to do with our border? Typical left-wing deflection. Biden is responsible for every death, rape, or attack upon you citizens perpetrated by an illegal invader.
Enlighten me. If Biden isn't responsible for all the mayhem created by his illegals, who the hell is?
OH! shit, I left the door open for this response----TRUMP did it.
What the hell does that have to do with our border? Typical left-wing deflection. Biden is responsible for every death, rape, or attack upon you citizens perpetrated by an illegal invader.
So do you approve of Biden’s wars in Ukraine and Gaza?
OK Lady, Border crossing facts under Trump by year.
Under Biden

Go ahead with your nonsensical YaDa, YaDa, YaDa. It doesn't change the facts. Biden and you country-hating leftists are destroying this country for the sake of future liberal votes.

That's some cherry picking you got going on there. Nice try, fool.

2001 - 1,266,214
2002 - 955,310
2003 - .931,557
2004 - 1,160,395
2005 - 1,189,075
2006 - 1,089,092
2007 - 876,704
2008 - 723,825
2009 - 340,252
2010 - 447,731
2011 - 327,577
2012 - 356,873
2013 - 414,397
2014 - 479,371
2015 - 331,333
2016 - 408,870
2017 - 303,916
2018 - 396,579
2019 - 851,508

The 851,508 was ALL Trump's doing, and the results of his stripping down the immigrant services along the border to allow immigrants in legally.

Illegal immigration going and STAYING down under Obama. Rising under W, skyrocketing under Trump. Trump cut off all foreign aid to fight the gangs, so conditions worsened and more people fled the violence.

Trump couldn't solve the crisis on the Southern Border if there wasn't one. That's why he did it. Just like he did nothing to stop racial unrest in 2020. So he could campaign on it.

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