Biden proposes banning vast majority of all guns.

The answer is to have better control over who purchases a gun - NOT to keep them out of the hands of good, normal, law-abiding citizens.

How many lives have been SAVED because someone was allowed to buy a gun for self-defense?
Perhaps we get to get better control of who is illegally selling guns to criminals.
Sure you do.
And if you did you'd know that that hunting rifle is worthless for home protection.
And surely you know that the 2nd has nothing to do with hunting.
I have guns for every occasion,be it waterfowl,deer,small game,dove,and of course home protection and personal carry protection.
And of course protection of our constitutional rights.
Only having a hunting rifle puts you at a huge disadvantage compared to my AR and the pistol I carry.
Oh yeah, you are such a badass. Got your pistol and your AR. Damn, you could stop an Army if they came knocking on your door. Hope you have a sign in your front yard, world's biggest badass, with the tiniest penis, lives here.
Oh yeah, you are such a badass. Got your pistol and your AR. Damn, you could stop an Army if they came knocking on your door. Hope you have a sign in your front yard, world's biggest badass, with the tiniest penis, lives here.
Aren’t you one of the clowns claiming a few unarmed people came within inches of overthrowing the US government on Jan 6?
Most of the guns criminals have are stolen, from stupid shit gun nuts.
So criminals ignore all kinds of laws, not just gun laws.

Your case for more gun laws just took a hit, Simp.
Oh yeah, you are such a badass. Got your pistol and your AR. Damn, you could stop an Army if they came knocking on your door. Hope you have a sign in your front yard, world's biggest badass, with the tiniest penis, lives here.

Exaggerate much Mr hunting rifle....
Nowhere did I say I could confront an army by myself skippy.
And your hunting rifle make you an impotent faggot.
I bet you jerk off while fondling it.
Actually, it would stand a real good chance of passing.

And if it doesn't, Sleepy Joe might just sign an executive order, and there aren't enough Republican votes to override it.

And a federal judge would immediately block that EO before the ink was dry.
Nobody is trying to take away ALL the guns. Not an issue, and never was. Now behave yourself.
You need to get with all democrat lawmakers and tell them that you believe they are coming for American gun owners guns and get them to listen to you. Because son they are trying that very thing.
The premise of this thread is false to begin with.

The OP is claiming that Biden would ban EVERY semi auto weapon. That's totally false.

SHOULD he do that? I say yes but HE does not propose it.

If your objective is self protection, you do not need a semi-auto. If your objective is to own a military style weapon to play with then you don't need a weapon. These are not toys
Tell Biden to get on the same page with you because he's actually doing the opposite of your views of biden
That I point out that you seem to be ok with 600+ mass shootings a year gets me this response: "Fuck you, you stupid retarded asshole". So that's a yes, you are ok with non-stop mass shootings in your country.
Dipshit you're pushing a democrat lie. No such shootings happened
According to the FBI in 2021 there were only 61, fucking simp.
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Aren’t you one of the clowns claiming a few unarmed people came within inches of overthrowing the US government on Jan 6?
excellent point.

these moonbats dont know what they think. They just change their stance to fit their retarded agenda.
Most of the guns criminals have are stolen, from stupid shit gun nuts.


The Department of Justice (DOJ) conducted a survey in 2019 of inmates convicted of gun crimes. It found that 43% of criminals purchased their firearms on the black market, 6% stole them, and 10% bought weapons at a retail establishment. The criminal had another person buy the firearm for them in 11% of cases – a process known as the straw purchase – and about 15% received their weapons from a friend or relative. …emphasis added

“Guns enter illegal commerce through one of three ways,” enumerated an official from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) during an interview with Fox News. The first method is private purchases of guns that are later sold to individuals who are not legally allowed to possess them. The second tactic involves straw purchases, in which people purchase firearms legally from dealers and then give them to a person who is prohibited from owning them. Lastly, criminals will steal them from gun dealers and private citizens. In these cases, it is difficult to ascertain who committed the gun crime because the criminal does not register the newly acquired weapon.

While those are the three primary ways criminals obtain guns, there are indications the dark web is continuing to rise in popularity among those looking to acquire a firearm illegally. A 2018 RAND report showed that the internet is “increasing the availability of better performing, more recent firearms for the same, or lower, price than what would be available on the street or the black market.”

Randy Pargman, senior director of threat hunting and counterintelligence at Binary Defense, told Fox News that he expects “illegal online gun sales on the dark web to continue in the coming years,” noting that “if changes to laws make it more difficult to purchase guns legally, gun sales on the dark web may expand in the U.S.”

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