Biden Picks up more votes in recount


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
A partial recount in Wisconsin concluded Sunday with President-elect Joe Biden's winning margin over President Trump increasing by 87 total votes.

Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell told reporters Sunday that Trump netted a gain of 45 votes in the county, which includes the capital Madison. That followed Friday's completed recount in the state's most populous county, Milwaukee, where out of roughly 460,000 ballots cast, Biden made a net gain of 132 votes on review.

Dear Donald: When you see you're digging your own grave - - Stop Digging!

So...I note your admission/concession that Covid is one of the deadliest pandemics in history! Way to go! It isn't really...but in modern history only the 2017 outbreak compares.

Good of you to admit that you've been full of shit all this time!
Typical shit stain babblery.
So...nothing to say about your admission?

LOL! You're so full of shit! All you got are high school insults coupled with a 6th grade comprehension..I bet you've been confused all your life!
There was no admission pole smoker, just more dim spin, double talk and babble like always.

Look who's calling someone dim...too funny

So your meme...says Trump survived worst pandemic in history...that is either true or false...if true..your downplaying of the pandemic is a lie....if false...your posting of the meme is a lie.

Are you seeing a common theme?

Yes, I'm seeing you flaming out over a silly meme that doesn't mean shit.
Well..we agree...the meme, like all your posts...doesn't mean shit.

Again, I appreciate the admission.
Classic dim babblery
Well..dim to you, no doubt. Most of us get it...
Trump was never going to win in any counting of the Democrat Dirty Trick's fraudulent ballots.

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