Biden just fell off his bike

You'll note that in every one of Joe's "biking" expeditions, he is always on a trail sloping downhill where he doesn't have to actually exert any cardiovascular.
That's an interesting observation. I wonder if his bike is packed up on a vehicle at the end of the run and he's driven back home.
Tell that to all the people fired for not allowing themselves to be injected with experimental vaccines.
Nah. I don't call those shots (no pun intended) for other people.

Results will vary. Contest open to participants in all 50 states, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam.
Consult your local physician before trying. Prizes award individually. Legal action void or limited where
prohibited by law. Brought to you by the US Government, the WHO, the CDC and the People Republic
of China. Play On, America!

My God people..........Happy anniversary Joe and his Nurse Maid

  • People gasped, but Biden righted himself moments later and started glad-handing the crowd, even bringing one woman out to meet first dog Commander, who was being walked nearby
  • The president didn't need to see a doctor after the incident, the White House said
So, the president fell off his bike and was able to carry on? Damn. I wish I am as healthy when I am 79.

But, would the orange fat fuck be able to manage that? I think not. Has anyone ever seen him go near a bike, let alone on it? Of course not.
Meantime the world howls as they look on. :laughing0301:

Putin tames and rides a russian brown bear for recreation----

Joe falls off his bicycle standing still.

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You had to go to Russia to trash Biden? Why not a picture of your orange loser sitting on a bear. Or, even a bike?

Yeah, that's a trick question because there isn't any. Your fat orange douche bag can't do any activity except a few shuffles on the golf course. My sympathies. :itsok:
Most 79 year old people are intelligent enough to act their age and avoid bike riding.
Is that water getting heavy yet?

That is because they spent the last 50 year being couch potatoes and getting fat as fuck.

If I am still alive at 79 I hope I can still ride a bike.

But hey, you keep sitting there on your big fat ass making fun of people that actually stay in shape
Lol. I'm 5'10", 185lbs, and I exercise daily. Bring it on, punk.

Sure you are. Just like you are a millionaire and married to a model! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone that actually stayed in shape would not find riding a bike was limited to any age range.
USA. Survey from Yahoo News and YouGov:
"52% of Republicans, 50% of independents and 46% of Democrats also agreed that “there will probably be a civil war in the USA” during their lifetime, and only 47% are ready to rule out the possibility of “taking up arms against the government"

Shit happens. He got his foot stuck in the toe clip and fell over. Been there, done that as a 20 something year old. He was not in any way harmed and it is no reason not to ride a bike if one enjoys doing so.
Exactly. What jackass thought it would be a good idea to put this old far on a bike. Caught his foot in the stirrup my ass. LOLOL

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