Biden Insider Tony Bobulinski Provides Trove of Documents to Senate Investigators


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Insider Tony Bobulinski Provides Trove of Documents to Senate Investigators

22 Oct 2020 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Biden family insider Tony Bobulinski has provided a trove of documents to U.S. Senate investigators from the Senate Homeland Security and Senate Finance Committees, Breitbart News has learned.
Bobulinski, the recipient of one of the emails retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop, went public on Wednesday night with a statement saying he confirms its authenticity and detailed how former Vice President Joe Biden — the Democrat nominee for president in this year’s election, which is just over 10 days away — was personally involved in many dealings with his son’s business associates.
Documents that Bobulinski provided to Senators have begun appearing in public, and have been obtained by a number of media outlets including Breitbart News.
In them, text messages, emails, and other documents illustrate a larger picture of concern regarding the Biden family’s operating procedures, and deep connections that Joe Biden himself has to all of this.
“Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face,” Biden family associate James Gilliar—the head of J2cR—says in one WhatsApp text message that Bobulinski provided to the Senate committees. “I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

Other text messages reveal details about the negotiations between Chinese officials and the Biden family. In one 2017 text message, Hunter Biden himself says that a Chinese investor intended to become partners with him in order to “be partners with the Bidens.”
All of the documents that Bobulinski provided to the Senate investigators have also been provided to media outlets including Breitbart News.
Bobulinski’s statement and cooperation with Senate investigators seems to have blown the scandal wide open, as Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) noted on Thursday morning that the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to subpoena Twitter and Facebook over the tech companies’ move to censor the original New York Post story that first revealed emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Hawley said that the committee did not have enough GOP support even 24 hours ago for subpoenas of Twitter and Facebook, and that everything seems to have changed in the last day.
This is a developing story. More is forthcoming.

What obligation do members of the Senate, to whom this information was given, have to inform the American people about these findings? Presumably we should know if they are true before we vote for someone who could potentially be in a compromised position with the second most powerful country in the world, China or any other beligerent nation.
China Jo Biden the hardcore born grifter has spent decades putting himself in a position to keep climbing the DC Swamp gravy train ladder. That first Senate win got him a hot chick to leave her husband and some easy cash. Then he learned from the Dixiecrats and watched as his party became marxist sheep. He knew they would need the "moderate" from a slave state at times but also knew from his Presidential runs that his brand was slipping away especially after his pal Bill Clinton. Low and behold here comes this puppet from Chicago that the Party was grooming to even push aside Hillary and just like those twists of fate and his own subtle positioning...BOOM a VP slot! While this guy spews his hope and change High Tax and Spend Joey saw the summit in front of him, not of the chance to do all those great things he had dreamed of doing to the USA, but the goldmine all for the taking.
Joe may walk on the debate
At this point you have to be the Mayor of corrupt and pervert city to vote for him
My years long prediction of a 65- 35 Trump victory is being changed for first time to 70-30
I just heard on Fox that Trump is bringing Bobulinski TO THE DEBATE TONIGHT! Oh my....

Leslie Stall is unable to verify that . . .

BOBULINSKI BOMBSHELL: The Bidens are ‘Compromised’ and Lying About Joe’s Knowledge of Hunter’s Deals With China.

Bobulinski appeared on the scene as a complainant only because Adam Schiff went on the record disparaging him as a Russian agent or source of Russian disinformation. As a patriotic American, Bobulinski objected and demand a retraction. No retraction was forthcoming, so he went to the press. ‘People were accusing my family of treason after I served this country and defended this country,’ he said. ‘I feel I have a patriotic duty to this country and to every American citizen.’

Most of the press, being wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democratic National Committee, violently disparaged his revelations where they did not studiously ignore them. As of early this morning, a search for ‘Bobulinski’ on the CNN site produced a search-not-found result. How odd!
As of the time of this post, Bobulinski’s name still produces no results in CNN’s search engine:

As Andy McCarthy tweets, “What a time to be in journalism: Between Bobulinski and the Biden corruption scandal, rioting in our cities, a new Supreme Court justice’s first full day, and peace breaking out in the Middle East, has there ever been so much to *not* cover!?!”

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