Biden impeachment starts in about a year

Im confident that they're more spineless now and will not do a thing. They're terrified of the dems and weak.
They should do it for the sake of doing it. But they will tell us they are better then that. A few years from now when pedophile relationships are legal and we move to have sex with barnyard animals the Repubs will say the same thing. The installed dildo is on TV now. Promoting the Climate Change. Burn in hell Joe.
The law says people entering the country illegally are to be deported, not given tickets to the destination of their choice in this country.
So you called for impeachment of Trump, and every president before him because not everyone who entered the country illegally was deported.

The Fabulous green Nancy's Legacy is impeachment of every president in the future

Or camela

the important thing to remember is that impeachment is a tool of political Retribution.

Pelosi will be gone stolen elections have consequence...

Oh yeah and my fabulous Vermont senator Pat Leahy was the worst chief justice ever

thank God he's gone going try to get them to talk to the other two assholes.

Vermont delegation of 3 are older than the country itself... Geez Louise
As tempting as that might be I do not want to go the demrat route of impeachment just to show off and make a scene which those bozos did not once but twice.
So you called for impeachment of Trump, and every president before him because not everyone who entered the country illegally was deported.


Nope, I just demanded my congresscritters hold their feet to the fire. As I said earlier, impeachment is nothing but a political dog and pony show. Unless a party has a 67 vote majority in the senate and a majority in the house, impeachment and removal will never happen. Just like it has yet to happen in our history.

As tempting as that might be I do not want to go the demrat route of impeachment just to show off and make a scene which those bozos did not once but
What state of mine will Nancy Pelosi be for the next impeachment...

This is a woman who wanted jail time for not buying Obamacare health insurance
Biden should be investigated for using his crackhead son to influence peddle and for money laundering.
He will be, and that's why these propaganda hacks are tuning up their rhetoric in advance. They can't allow the truth to be unchallenged. My favorite part of this screed:

"In fact, four GOP House members filed lost-cause impeachment articles against the 46th president back in September, citing a hodgepodge of supposed causes such as the temporary chaos in Afghanistan, last spring’s surge in migrants at the border, and his handling of the then-eviction moratorium. "

That "temporary chaos in Afghanistan" is most likely going to lead to a rise in global Islamic terror attacks.

Illegal voting by a sizeable percentage of those 2 million massed illegal migrants could lead to a total loss of trust in our electoral system and that will be the end of America. Those who think that's hyperbole will be in for an ugly surprise. It is rank insanity and hubris to believe that half of America will ever be ruled over by the other half. That way lies civil war.
Will it go anywhere? I don't know. But I can guarantee you that in 2022, someone will author a bill such as the one above.
It will accomplish as much as Pelosi and Schmucker accomplished against Trump. Impeachment is a political exercise and thanks to the hotheads in the Democrat Party, from now forward, it will be used as a cheap ploy to badger presidents on both sides.

Just like Harry Reid's choice of the nuclear option for appointing judges led to it being expanded to include SCOTUS Justices, the Dem's use of Impeachment to sully a president will become just another step down the path toward the loss of America. The fools who supported it don't seem to think our destruction could hinge on it OR they don't care.
Trump got impeached twice. The second one was a load of horseshit.
Clinton got impeached for saying he didnt have sex with someone. as if its anyones business, besides the 3 people involved.
It was partisan bullshit.
Clinton was impeached for PERJURY

You're as much of the problem as anyone
It will accomplish as much as Pelosi and Schmucker accomplished against Trump. Impeachment is a political exercise and thanks to the hotheads in the Democrat Party, from now forward, it will be used as a cheap ploy to badger presidents on both sides.

Just like Harry Reid's choice of the nuclear option for appointing judges led to it being expanded to include SCOTUS Justices, the Dem's use of Impeachment to sully a president will become just another step down the path toward the loss of America. The fools who supported it don't seem to think our destruction could hinge on it OR they don't care.

So you don't think the R's should impeach Biden?
Impeaching Biden is a great idea....except for the fact that Biden's replacement would be...
It wazz a eBay you don't really think I let any of that s*** did you fighting is good with women and good with racism I'm passing gas biden.
The secretary of agriculture could be president
perjury about his personal life :rolleyes:
You don't forget all the hunter stuff but didn't Joe Biden say he was going to withhold billions of dollars if the Russians didn't stop an investigation...

I guess that not happen not sure

Maybe collusion could be reason or something..

Why were pelosis son and bidens doing in ukraine at the same time..

But the hot story is pelosi and john tester conspiring to destroy ronnie jackson..

Foia email request pending. Mums the word . .. heh
You don't forget all the hunter stuff but didn't Joe Biden say he was going to withhold billions of dollars if the Russians didn't stop an investigation...

I guess that not happen not sure
Your guess is good dummy - it did not happen and you have no idea what you are talking about.
I hope the Republicans do NOT impeach Mr. Biden.

He has not done anything that deserves impeachment. We are not a parliamentary type of government where a prime minister is voted out because of bad decisions.

A President should be impeached for a legitimate reason.

Sadly, the current Speaker of the House has debased the meaning of "impeachment."

Hopefully, this year will see the installation of a Republican Speaker.

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