7 Animals Raping Toddlers In Mall Bathroom...

I agree. We need to start executing these people.

Well you might be loaded with TDS, but at least you aren't a pervert. Btw, I didn't know that there was already a thread about this so my mistake.

Too risky. There's a small chance they could survive...

Maybe death is too good for them though.

If you are found guilty of sexually abusing a minor, or you are found guilty of knowingly, willingly and intentionally killing someone it should be an automatic death penalty.

If you're found guilty of either of those there should be no appeals, no death row, no nuthouse. Just execution within 48 hours of the conviction.

And I also do not think it should be up to states. It should be a federal level thing. No state should be able to decide if they have a death penalty.

A year of that and you'll see a big drop in child diddlers and murders.

I love everything you said except for the no appeals part. The man I'm going to marry was falsely accused and imprisoned for quite a while, if it's shown without a reasonable doubt that they're guilty though I'm all for the death penalty for them.

What if you get convicted despite the fact that you’re totally innocent?

But I'll end this discussion. Anyone who can actually say a pedophile shouldn't be executed because no one died when they raped a child to me is someone I want nothing to do with.

That part I can totally agree upon. Oh and sorry for both you Cellblock2429 and anybody else in this thread who are victims of sexual abuse. :(

you own it Einstein. You voted for tens of million unvetted Brown discards from down south to come up here, you anti-American POS. You started a War against decent Americans NOV03 2020. the only thing missing is shots fired. I am on the good side.

True, very good point.
Televised hanging in the public square. The ratings would be huuuuggggeeeee.
They would and the protests would be phenomenal.

i'm sure many of you who are not of the biden cult of personality saw the attempted insurrection of January 13, 2024 at the white house....shouts of burn it down, breaching the fence, DC authorities trying to stop the breach at fence. What would they have done if they'd managed to get inside? Stay behind the velvet ropes?? LOL you bet. Pro ham-ass GWU students protesting the deaths of hamas terrorists and ignoring the horrible deaths of children and women...which is not really a thing with them...since they are okay with it.
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Educate yourself.
While I agree with you, many heterosexuals do abuse kids. . . in this case? If you do a quick survey of the media coverage & the facts?

It is a pretty safe bet about the information here, unless you have no gaydar at all. :rolleyes:

This is a screenshot of one of the social media accounts of one of the perps.


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