Biden Ignores Reporter’s Question About Whether Americans Should Be Worried About Rising Prices

View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

Any treaty in Islam can be violated at anytime. These people are Islamists. They are worth shit as history has shown.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

You need to read "Son of Hamas".
I noticed Joe left out in his little address about the pipeline today that Colonial paid the hackers a $5 million dollar ransom to begin to open it up!
Meantime, he made it sound like him and the Fed's solved the problem.
Bow down to El Presidente!!....:udaman:

The worst part is the way we look now.

Hackers shut down a refinery, many states to into a declaration of emergency, some places ran out of gas like 2 small stations near me, and cost a lot of money and upset millions of Americans. And the president didn't seem to care much and said they could pay the ransom if they want. And they paid it.

So that shows someone can ransom us for money and the president doesn't care, and that we will pay the money. That makes us look weak 2 ways. Not only do we not care, but we will give up our lunch money to the bully.

Expect to see more of this in the future because it just shows we don't really stick up for ourselves.

If a major pipeline is worth 5 million, then an electrical grid serving a major city has to be worth at least 50 million. The resulting death and destruction of a 1 week blackout has, at the least, to be worth that!
LOLOL.. and Trump evaded taxes, committed tax fraud and cheated employees, vendors, contractors and investors for personal gain.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.
I noticed Joe left out in his little address about the pipeline today that Colonial paid the hackers a $5 million dollar ransom to begin to open it up!
Meantime, he made it sound like him and the Fed's solved the problem.
Bow down to El Presidente!!....:udaman:

The worst part is the way we look now.

Hackers shut down a refinery, many states to into a declaration of emergency, some places ran out of gas like 2 small stations near me, and cost a lot of money and upset millions of Americans. And the president didn't seem to care much and said they could pay the ransom if they want. And they paid it.

So that shows someone can ransom us for money and the president doesn't care, and that we will pay the money. That makes us look weak 2 ways. Not only do we not care, but we will give up our lunch money to the bully.

Expect to see more of this in the future because it just shows we don't really stick up for ourselves.

What refinery did Darkside shut down? These Russian hackers think of themselves as Robin Hoods. They have been doing this since summer 2020.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

Iran realized with Trump at the helm, that his sword was mightier than Kerry's pen.
As a result, Iran made Hamas stand down!
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

Trump did what he always did. Take the easy path and declare victory. A couple of podunk countries signing treaties with Israel doesn't solve the ME issue.
That problem is being played out before your very eyes. And until it's solved, there will be no peace in the ME.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

No there wasn't.. Israel takes it all.
Israel does for sure
A lot of poor, innocent, Palestinians are paying the price too for the corruption of Hamas and the failures of Biden to keep them in line.
We knew this was coming with the pro Iranian libs back in Iran has all the money they need to make and ship weapons to Hamas....nice work libs...real nice...stupid fucks....
Why would Biden know the answer to that question.

It'a not like he's the one in charge.
People, including him, has stated he doesnt need to be answering questions on the fly. Probably because they cant keep him doped up 24/7, I assume :dunno:
I think if they brought around 20 little girls with long hair to these, it would give him energy.

I only try and use logic. He's so uppidity when lil chickies are around
Lets revisit. When was the last time you saw him this cognitive knowing he was going to cop a feel for this lil red haired girl Charlie Brown.

This girl is scared forever. Boy the first kid who tries to cop a feel from here gunna git hurt....bigly

I'll take her mom though. Wow how strikingly attractive
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

Trump did what he always did. Take the easy path and declare victory. A couple of podunk countries signing treaties with Israel doesn't solve the ME issue.
That problem is being played out before your very eyes. And until it's solved, there will be no peace in the ME.

What an idiotic post.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

Trump did what he always did. Take the easy path and declare victory. A couple of podunk countries signing treaties with Israel doesn't solve the ME issue.
That problem is being played out before your very eyes. And until it's solved, there will be no peace in the ME.

What an idiotic post.

What a lame, idiotic response.
Typical of the enabling Trump crew.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

Trump did what he always did. Take the easy path and declare victory. A couple of podunk countries signing treaties with Israel doesn't solve the ME issue.
That problem is being played out before your very eyes. And until it's solved, there will be no peace in the ME.

What an idiotic post.

What a lame, idiotic response.
Typical of the enabling Trump crew.

Yeah, Trump had 4 years of peace and prosperity, and in less than 6 months we have hyperinflation, middle east is exploding, and Biden is doing a great job. You're mentally ill.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Hey, right wingers..what about all those great Middle East treaties signed by the last guy? You lemmings were ready to give him a Nobel Prize for his "work" to get treaties signed with a couple of podunk ME countries and the biggest bully on the block in the ME...cause he could do no wrong in your eyes. :) Whelp. You were warned. Unless the Palestinian issue was solved there would be no resolution. And just like in his business ventures, he leaves (not by choice of course) and leave the people coming in behind him to pick up the mess. So far, Biden is living up to his billing. Competent and invested in the job.

Hamas will never sign a peace agreement with Israel as long as they know they have you and your fellow DemoKKKrats on their side. You're the reason they are free to commit terrorist attacks.

Hamas will never sign a peace treaty as long as Israel continues to show aggression toward the Palestinians.
Israel's biggest problem is it has never been forced to play nice in the sandbox. They're always enabled...usually by us. :)

That's bullshit.
View attachment 489104 Joe is meeting all expectations.
Worst President in American history.

Its a very stupid question. Do you need Biden to tell you whether you should worry or not?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for putting this mess in office.

Biden is doing well.

Watching Biden try to give a speech is like watching Weekend at Bernies.

You just prefer bombast and lies and playing the martyr.

Trump did his job. There was peace, safety and prosperity. Just the opposite of what Biden is doing.

Trump did what he always did. Take the easy path and declare victory. A couple of podunk countries signing treaties with Israel doesn't solve the ME issue.
That problem is being played out before your very eyes. And until it's solved, there will be no peace in the ME.

What an idiotic post.

What a lame, idiotic response.
Typical of the enabling Trump crew.

Yeah, Trump had 4 years of peace and prosperity, and in less than 6 months we have hyperinflation, middle east is exploding, and Biden is doing a great job. You're mentally ill.

And you're a mindless simpleton. Barack Obama left Trump a growing economy and good job market. And for three years, Trump got to skate. Then, the virus hits and Trump
falls flat on his fat keister. Exposed for the incompetent boob he was. So voters showed him the door.
Xiden has dementia & only parrots what's prepared for him.

This is why Demonicrats supported him for office. If Xiden shits his pants they'll declare that's why they support him too. Fuck if he kicks a puppy they'll declare the same.

PROGS have a special appreciation for the negative as they stamp the negative positive. They're a cowardly sort & very twisted.
You can bet your last dollar that Biden isn't going to take any responsibility for the damage he has done, is doing, and will do. He will be just like the Worthless Negro and blame it on somebody else.

These stupid Moon Bats that voted for the sonofabitch and then ignored the fact he stole the election are all dumber than door knobs.

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