Biden celebrates 'Inflation Reduction Act' as food, rent prices climb

The stock market is plunging and could fall a lot further with the U.S. at the center of a huge global bubble, says chief investment officer of world’s largest hedge fund​

Will Daniel - 2h ago

In an interview at the SALT hedge fund conference in New York on Monday, Greg Jensen, the co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, said that the stock market hasn’t fully priced in a recession, and that the U.S. is at the center of a global bubble that has yet to burst.

That would be the Trump deregulation corrupt bubble and bust. Luckily we got him out....GOP always good for one....
So, Trump's deregulations are kicking in 2 years after he left office and your Vegetable Messiah reversed most of them.

If your IQ dropped 2 points it would be in the negative numbers.
Has nothing to do with Putin's 13% of gas or 20% of wheat in the world. Nor China screwing up their export ability lol...
Read EO 13990 and then claim it isn't Biden's fault, douche dupe.

Yes, it is Biden's fault, and big pain is coming to the entire world because of his dumbass.

Sections 6 and 7 are serious, but there's lots of other fuckery in there, too.

Also: Why isn't the price of diesel falling? Diesel was always a little over 1/2 the price of gas, wtf is going on here, hmm?
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Inflation was up one tenth of a percent
Not much of a beating
So you believe these idiotic reports.. Sounds to me like all of you are DUPED. These government stats are all a total fabrication. What voters should be thinking about, is what is the most critical item of inflation. That would be housing.
All over the country, the cost of rental housing has skyrocketed like never before.
The apartment I was renting in 2021, went from $600/mo to $1200/mo (100% inflation). In the Tampa Bay area, commonly, ordinary 1 bdrm apartments have jumped from $600 to $1800 (200% inflation) and many are now renting at over $2,000/mo, and the politicians from Biden on down are doing nothing.
Wall Street certainly didn't buy Biden's bullshit today.

Big tech dropped somewhere between 5 and 10 percent, even as Zuckerberg was talking to Congress.
So you believe these idiotic reports.. Sounds to me like all of you are DUPED. These government stats are all a total fabrication. What voters should be thinking about, is what is the most critical item of inflation. That would be housing.
All over the country, the cost of rental housing has skyrocketed like never before.
The apartment I was renting in 2021, went from $600/mo to $1200/mo (100% inflation). In the Tampa Bay area, commonly, ordinary 1 bdrm apartments have jumped from $600 to $1800 (200% inflation) and many are now renting at over $2,000/mo, and the politicians from Biden on down are doing nothing.
rents are a result of supply vs demand. But in the Florida case: desantis. Back when Trump came in, he made it worse by slashing HUD.

what Biden is doing now...
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will make a historic down payment on deficit reduction to fight inflation, invest in domestic energy production and manufacturing, and reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40 percent by 2030. The bill will also finally allow Medicare to negotiate for prescription drug prices and extend the expanded Affordable Care Act program for three years, through 2025.
rents are a result of supply vs demand. But in the Florida case: desantis. Back when Trump came in, he made it worse by slashing HUD.

what Biden is doing now...
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will make a historic down payment on deficit reduction to fight inflation, invest in domestic energy production and manufacturing, and reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40 percent by 2030. The bill will also finally allow Medicare to negotiate for prescription drug prices and extend the expanded Affordable Care Act program for three years, through 2025.
Hey Stupid, tell us how it will reduce "carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030" when China is building about 50 coal fired power plants per year.

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