Biden Cabinet Nominees Are 'Real Pieces of Work': Tanden Sheds Crocodile Tears In Bogus Apology


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Cabinet pick apologies for long history of hostile name-calling against GOP
Cabinet pick apologies for long history of hostile name-calling against GOP

Neera Tanden's hatred for Republicans and Conservatives, for 70+ million Americans, was laid bare in front of the whole world during her confirmation hearing to become Joe Biden's Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio cited 'thousands of negative public statements,' including referring to McConnell as 'Voldemort'.

"I believe that the tone, the content and the aggressive partisanship of some of your public statements have added to the troubling trend of more incivility and division in our public life, and in your case I'm concerned that your personal attacks about specific senators will make it more difficult for you to work with them," Portman said, noting that the OMB director has to work with members of both parties."

For far less Conservatives / Trump supporters are labeled 'radicals', even 'domestic terrorists'. They are banned from Twitter and Facebook, and Democratds and the Fake News talking heads talk about how they need to be 'De-Programmed' / 'rounded up and placed in Re-Education Camps'.

All a irrational hate-driven Democrat has to do, though, is shed a few tears and lie about how sorry she is to have her fellow Democrats fight for her and declare what an awesome and trusgtworthy human being she is.

Such intense hate and politican bias demonstrated within Tanden's comments are nor 'exercised' and her heart suddenly changed simply because she is nominated for a Cabinet position in Biden's administration....

...but her crocodile tears and faux aplogy will be enough for Democrats.

Democrats understand these Biden dumpster appointments will say whatever they need to say to
get approved just the way Jeremiah Wright understood Obama would condemn him in public
in order to appear feasible to voters.

They smile and wink at each other while they go right back to trying to put republicans in re-education
Cabinet pick apologies for long history of hostile name-calling against GOP
Cabinet pick apologies for long history of hostile name-calling against GOP

Neera Tanden's hatred for Republicans and Conservatives, for 70+ million Americans, was laid bare in front of the whole world during her confirmation hearing to become Joe Biden's Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio cited 'thousands of negative public statements,' including referring to McConnell as 'Voldemort'.

"I believe that the tone, the content and the aggressive partisanship of some of your public statements have added to the troubling trend of more incivility and division in our public life, and in your case I'm concerned that your personal attacks about specific senators will make it more difficult for you to work with them," Portman said, noting that the OMB director has to work with members of both parties."

For far less Conservatives / Trump supporters are labeled 'radicals', even 'domestic terrorists'. They are banned from Twitter and Facebook, and Democratds and the Fake News talking heads talk about how they need to be 'De-Programmed' / 'rounded up and placed in Re-Education Camps'.

All a irrational hate-driven Democrat has to do, though, is shed a few tears and lie about how sorry she is to have her fellow Democrats fight for her and declare what an awesome and trusgtworthy human being she is.

Such intense hate and politican bias demonstrated within Tanden's comments are nor 'exercised' and her heart suddenly changed simply because she is nominated for a Cabinet position in Biden's administration....

...but her crocodile tears and faux aplogy will be enough for Democrats.

Tears or no tears, they are all capable and were not chosen because they donated to or voted for trump.
Democrats understand these Biden dumpster appointments will say whatever they need to say to
get approved just the way Jeremiah Wright understood Obama would condemn him in public
in order to appear feasible to voters.

They smile and wink at each other while they go right back to trying to put republicans in re-education
Whatever that means
Democrats understand these Biden dumpster appointments will say whatever they need to say to
get approved just the way Jeremiah Wright understood Obama would condemn him in public
in order to appear feasible to voters.

They smile and wink at each other while they go right back to trying to put republicans in re-education
Obama showed that he was not in Wright's camp anymore.

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