Biden’s most controversial appointee: Neera Tanden.

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Here is a well researched article about a top aid of Biden, hated by Republicans, who unknown to many is closely entangled with the Military Industrial Complex, Israel and Gulf Oil Sheiks, and heads her own rightwing imperial Think Tank. Even less known is that this influential Think Tank supports Taiwan, receives large donations from It, and pushes an anti-China and anti-progressive international line that would make Trump’s MIC paladin Mike Pompeo smile.


Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden’s apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption?

The US Senate will convene hearings on the confirmation of Neera Tanden to lead ... Biden’s Office of Management and Budget ... February 9. Tanden is a veteran Democratic Party operative best known for her intemperate online commentary, fanatical loyalty to Hillary Clinton, and visceral loathing of anything remotely affiliated with Bernie Sanders.

While Democrats are almost certain to support Tanden’s confirmation in lockstep, and Sanders might even raise an approving mitten, her long record of inflammatory attacks on the GOP will be a central source of Republican opposition.

Yet when Tanden appears before the Senate, members of both parties may ignore a much more salient issue stemming from her leadership of the Center for American Progress (CAP), the Democratic Party-affiliated think tank in Washington DC where she currently serves as President and CEO.

Under Tanden’s watch, CAP raked in hefty donations from foreign governments and their lobbying operations, while ... further[ing] those donors’ interests inside the Beltway. In almost every case, the foreign states that pumped money into CAP’s coffers were right-wing US allies seeking a more militaristic line from Washington....

A month before Hillary Clinton’s expected coronation as president and commander in chief, the Center for American Progress issued a report proposing an aggressively interventionist agenda in the Middle East. With its fulsome praise for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, its call for using military force to affect regime change in Syria, and portrayal of Iran as the irredeemable source of all problems in the Middle East, the paper read like a wish list for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates....

[After the Khashoggi dismembering] bad press prompted CAP to publicly distance itself ... Tanden and her team filled the gap in lost Emirati contributions by soliciting money from ... East Asian governments lobbying for a more militaristic US stance toward China....

CAP fellows Melanie Hart and Kelly Magsamen (now the chief of staff for Biden’s Department of Defense) issued a hardline policy paper in April 2019 that called for a great power competition with China and urged heightened preparations for a hot war in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea....

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) – the de facto embassy of Taiwan in the US – was one of CAP’s most generous funders.... Tanden partnered with another Beltway think tank funded by TECRO, the neoconservative Hudson Institute, to host Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen in August 2020.... During her address, Tsai boasted that she had authorized an unprecedented surge in arms purchases...

When Tanden appears before the Senate for her February 9 confirmation hearing, she may come under heavy scrutiny for the incendiary diatribes she has launched against political opponents and her outrageous behavior – including fabricating an email and physically attacking a CAP staffer who questioned Hillary Clinton over her support for the Iraq War.

But behind Neera’s tantrums lies a more sordid story of foreign policy corruption that has infected her think tank and the Democratic Party it advises. If her nomination to manage Biden’s budget slides through, it will be because pay-for-play arrangements like those she presided over at CAP are seen as business as usual in Washington.

Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden's apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption? | The Grayzone
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Here is a well researched article about a top aid of Biden, hated by Republicans, who unknown to many is closely entangled with the Military Industrial Complex, Israel and Gulf Oil Sheiks, and heads her own rightwing imperial Think Tank. Even less known is that this influential Think Tank supports Taiwan, receives large donations from It, and pushes an anti-China and anti-progressive international line that would make Trump’s MIC paladin Mike Pompeo smile.


Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden’s apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption?

The US Senate will convene hearings on the confirmation of Neera Tanden to lead ... Biden’s Office of Management and Budget ... February 9. Tanden is a veteran Democratic Party operative best known for her intemperate online commentary, fanatical loyalty to Hillary Clinton, and visceral loathing of anything remotely affiliated with Bernie Sanders.

While Democrats are almost certain to support Tanden’s confirmation in lockstep, and Sanders might even raise an approving mitten, her long record of inflammatory attacks on the GOP will be a central source of Republican opposition.

Yet when Tanden appears before the Senate, members of both parties may ignore a much more salient issue stemming from her leadership of the Center for American Progress (CAP), the Democratic Party-affiliated think tank in Washington DC where she currently serves as President and CEO.

Under Tanden’s watch, CAP raked in hefty donations from foreign governments and their lobbying operations, while ... further[ing] those donors’ interests inside the Beltway. In almost every case, the foreign states that pumped money into CAP’s coffers were right-wing US allies seeking a more militaristic line from Washington....

A month before Hillary Clinton’s expected coronation as president and commander in chief, the Center for American Progress issued a report proposing an aggressively interventionist agenda in the Middle East. With its fulsome praise for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, its call for using military force to affect regime change in Syria, and portrayal of Iran as the irredeemable source of all problems in the Middle East, the paper read like a wish list for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates....

[After the Khashoggi dismembering] bad press prompted CAP to publicly distance itself ... Tanden and her team filled the gap in lost Emirati contributions by soliciting money from ... East Asian governments lobbying for a more militaristic US stance toward China....

CAP fellows Melanie Hart and Kelly Magsamen (now the chief of staff for Biden’s Department of Defense) issued a hardline policy paper in April 2019 that called for a great power competition with China and urged heightened preparations for a hot war in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea....

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) – the de facto embassy of Taiwan in the US – was one of CAP’s most generous funders.... Tanden partnered with another Beltway think tank funded by TECRO, the neoconservative Hudson Institute, to host Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen in August 2020.... During her address, Tsai boasted that she had authorized an unprecedented surge in arms purchases...

When Tanden appears before the Senate for her February 9 confirmation hearing, she may come under heavy scrutiny for the incendiary diatribes she has launched against political opponents and her outrageous behavior – including fabricating an email and physically attacking a CAP staffer who questioned Hillary Clinton over her support for the Iraq War.

But behind Neera’s tantrums lies a more sordid story of foreign policy corruption that has infected her think tank and the Democratic Party it advises. If her nomination to manage Biden’s budget slides through, it will be because pay-for-play arrangements like those she presided over at CAP are seen as business as usual in Washington.

Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden's apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption? | The Grayzone

Sleepy Joe has a majority in the Senate, I can't see bothering to even delay a vote here.

Sure, the GOP should vote "no" but do it unanimously and make the Dems show up and vote unanimously as well.
Neera Tanden’s as well as Secretary of State Blinken’s anti-China hard line gives the lie to fools who think just because a few potential investment deals were dangled before Hunter Biden and his partners ... that the Biden Administration is “in the pocket” of China.

This is typical partisan conspiracy thinking, reducing “great power politics” to mere party politics or “personality” politics. Biden is a trusted representative of the American Empire, unlike his predecessor, who was simply too unstable and incompetent for their tastes. Some liberals are equally enmeshed so deeply in partisan and personality politics that they think that now that Trump is gone ... all will go well in rebuilding healthy international alliances and in dealing with “enemies.”

Nothing can be further from the truth. Of course Neera Tanden’s post at the Bureau of Management and the Budget, should she be acceptable to the Senate, will not center on dealing specifically with the military or foreign relations. I don’t know enough to argue about her ability to carry out this particular job.
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One would almost think China was "progressive" to listen to this Chinese communist party operative.

China is not “progressive.” I am a fervent opponent of Chinese Communist Party totalitarian politics. It is pure personal slander to call me a “Chinese communist party operative.”

The simpletons who supported Donald Trump often call ALL Democrats .... “communists.” This just shows their own ignorance and lack of critical thinking. As usual, Dogmaphobe does not speak intelligently but barks insults. He “dogmatically” snarls at me because I stand apart from all his ingrained stereotypes. He cannot think without them.

I am also by no means a Democratic Party operative. I am just an informed independent who knows a thing or two about China — having lived there for eight years — and about U.S. foreign policy mistakes. Basically just your ordinary non-partisan, realistic, socially conscious, working-class democrat. What is unusual, perhaps, is that I’m also an “internationalist,” as was old Thomas Paine and some other genuine Enlightenment radicals.

For more on my positions on China, see ....
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One would almost think China was "progressive" to listen to this Chinese communist party operative.
China is not “progressive.” I am a fervent opponent of Chinese Communist Party totalitarian politics. It is pure personal slander to call me a “Chinese communist party operative.”

For a supposed "fervent opponant", you certainly do promote the Chinese Communist agenda at every opportunity, don't you?

You did learn the English Languiage quite well, though, I'll give you that
One would almost think China was "progressive" to listen to this Chinese communist party operative.
China is not “progressive.” I am a fervent opponent of Chinese Communist Party totalitarian politics. It is pure personal slander to call me a “Chinese communist party operative.”

For a supposed "fervent opponant", you certainly do promote the Chinese Communist agenda at every opportunity, don't you?

You did learn the English Languiage quite well, though, I'll give you that
Thank you for recognizing my English language skills. It helps to be a third generation U.S. citizen, I suppose.

My father used to say: “If you can’t explain something clearly, you don’t really understand it.”

The secret of good writing is first to THINK DEEPLY about your subject. You should try it sometime!
One would almost think China was "progressive" to listen to this Chinese communist party operative.

China is not “progressive.” I am a fervent opponent of Chinese Communist Party totalitarian politics. It is pure personal slander to call me a “Chinese communist party operative.”

The simpletons who supported Donald Trump often call ALL Democrats .... “communists.” This just shows their own ignorance and lack of critical thinking. As usual, Dogmaphobe does not speak intelligently but barks insults. He “dogmatically” snarls at me because I stand apart from all his ingrained stereotypes. He cannot think without them.

I am also by no means a Democratic Party operative. I am just an informed independent who knows a thing or two about China — having lived there for eight years — and about U.S. foreign policy mistakes. Basically just your ordinary non-partisan, realistic, socially conscious, working-class democrat. What is unusual, perhaps, is that I’m also an “internationalist,” as was old Thomas Paine and some other genuine Enlightenment radicals.

For more on my positions on China, see ....
I am a fervent opponent of Chinese Communist Party totalitarian politics. It is pure personal slander to call me a “Chinese communist party operative.”

Thank you for recognizing my English language skills. It helps to be a third generation U.S. citizen, I suppose.

My father used to say: “If you can’t explain something clearly, you don’t really understand it.”

The secret of good writing is first to THINK DEEPLY about your subject. You should try it sometime!

Yes, it WOULD help if you were a third generation U.S. citizen, but you shoud not be so modest. It is much more impressive being your second language.

You are a smart student, though, so developing a familiarity with the particulars of American idiom will surely come later. It's always the slang that trips 'em up.
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Anyone who expected much from Biden wasn't thinking very deeply. Anyone who supported Trump wasn't thinking at all, though supporting Clinton was impossible, admittedly.
We desperately need an informed, thoughtful electorate. Wonder if we can buy one cheap on Alibaba?
Anyone who expected much from Biden wasn't thinking very deeply. Anyone who supported Trump wasn't thinking at all, though supporting Clinton was impossible, admittedly.
We desperately need an informed, thoughtful electorate. Wonder if we can buy one cheap on Alibaba?
It was either trump or Biden for any one who wanted their vote to count. I chose the corporate democrat over the dangerous buffoon.
Anyone who expected much from Biden wasn't thinking very deeply. Anyone who supported Trump wasn't thinking at all, though supporting Clinton was impossible, admittedly.
We desperately need an informed, thoughtful electorate. Wonder if we can buy one cheap on Alibaba?
It was either trump or Biden for any one who wanted their vote to count. I chose the corporate democrat over the dangerous buffoon.
This argument, so often used, has never made sense. What does a vote count if the candidate voted for loses? At least voting by conscience has some reward to it, while voting for someone you dislike is a dubious effort. Besides, the sheer statistics of "other" votes encourages "others". It is, after all, better than not voting at all.
Here is a well researched article about a top aid of Biden, hated by Republicans, who unknown to many is closely entangled with the Military Industrial Complex, Israel and Gulf Oil Sheiks, and heads her own rightwing imperial Think Tank. Even less known is that this influential Think Tank supports Taiwan, receives large donations from It, and pushes an anti-China and anti-progressive international line that would make Trump’s MIC paladin Mike Pompeo smile.


Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden’s apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption?

The US Senate will convene hearings on the confirmation of Neera Tanden to lead ... Biden’s Office of Management and Budget ... February 9. Tanden is a veteran Democratic Party operative best known for her intemperate online commentary, fanatical loyalty to Hillary Clinton, and visceral loathing of anything remotely affiliated with Bernie Sanders.

While Democrats are almost certain to support Tanden’s confirmation in lockstep, and Sanders might even raise an approving mitten, her long record of inflammatory attacks on the GOP will be a central source of Republican opposition.

Yet when Tanden appears before the Senate, members of both parties may ignore a much more salient issue stemming from her leadership of the Center for American Progress (CAP), the Democratic Party-affiliated think tank in Washington DC where she currently serves as President and CEO.

Under Tanden’s watch, CAP raked in hefty donations from foreign governments and their lobbying operations, while ... further[ing] those donors’ interests inside the Beltway. In almost every case, the foreign states that pumped money into CAP’s coffers were right-wing US allies seeking a more militaristic line from Washington....

A month before Hillary Clinton’s expected coronation as president and commander in chief, the Center for American Progress issued a report proposing an aggressively interventionist agenda in the Middle East. With its fulsome praise for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, its call for using military force to affect regime change in Syria, and portrayal of Iran as the irredeemable source of all problems in the Middle East, the paper read like a wish list for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates....

[After the Khashoggi dismembering] bad press prompted CAP to publicly distance itself ... Tanden and her team filled the gap in lost Emirati contributions by soliciting money from ... East Asian governments lobbying for a more militaristic US stance toward China....

CAP fellows Melanie Hart and Kelly Magsamen (now the chief of staff for Biden’s Department of Defense) issued a hardline policy paper in April 2019 that called for a great power competition with China and urged heightened preparations for a hot war in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea....

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) – the de facto embassy of Taiwan in the US – was one of CAP’s most generous funders.... Tanden partnered with another Beltway think tank funded by TECRO, the neoconservative Hudson Institute, to host Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen in August 2020.... During her address, Tsai boasted that she had authorized an unprecedented surge in arms purchases...

When Tanden appears before the Senate for her February 9 confirmation hearing, she may come under heavy scrutiny for the incendiary diatribes she has launched against political opponents and her outrageous behavior – including fabricating an email and physically attacking a CAP staffer who questioned Hillary Clinton over her support for the Iraq War.

But behind Neera’s tantrums lies a more sordid story of foreign policy corruption that has infected her think tank and the Democratic Party it advises. If her nomination to manage Biden’s budget slides through, it will be because pay-for-play arrangements like those she presided over at CAP are seen as business as usual in Washington.

Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden's apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption? | The Grayzone

Sleepy Joe has a majority in the Senate, I can't see bothering to even delay a vote here.

Sure, the GOP should vote "no" but do it unanimously and make the Dems show up and vote unanimously as well.

Confirmations still take 60 votes to clear cloture. Educate yourself.
Here is a well researched article about a top aid of Biden, hated by Republicans, who unknown to many is closely entangled with the Military Industrial Complex, Israel and Gulf Oil Sheiks, and heads her own rightwing imperial Think Tank. Even less known is that this influential Think Tank supports Taiwan, receives large donations from It, and pushes an anti-China and anti-progressive international line that would make Trump’s MIC paladin Mike Pompeo smile.


Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden’s apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption?

The US Senate will convene hearings on the confirmation of Neera Tanden to lead ... Biden’s Office of Management and Budget ... February 9. Tanden is a veteran Democratic Party operative best known for her intemperate online commentary, fanatical loyalty to Hillary Clinton, and visceral loathing of anything remotely affiliated with Bernie Sanders.

While Democrats are almost certain to support Tanden’s confirmation in lockstep, and Sanders might even raise an approving mitten, her long record of inflammatory attacks on the GOP will be a central source of Republican opposition.

Yet when Tanden appears before the Senate, members of both parties may ignore a much more salient issue stemming from her leadership of the Center for American Progress (CAP), the Democratic Party-affiliated think tank in Washington DC where she currently serves as President and CEO.

Under Tanden’s watch, CAP raked in hefty donations from foreign governments and their lobbying operations, while ... further[ing] those donors’ interests inside the Beltway. In almost every case, the foreign states that pumped money into CAP’s coffers were right-wing US allies seeking a more militaristic line from Washington....

A month before Hillary Clinton’s expected coronation as president and commander in chief, the Center for American Progress issued a report proposing an aggressively interventionist agenda in the Middle East. With its fulsome praise for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, its call for using military force to affect regime change in Syria, and portrayal of Iran as the irredeemable source of all problems in the Middle East, the paper read like a wish list for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates....

[After the Khashoggi dismembering] bad press prompted CAP to publicly distance itself ... Tanden and her team filled the gap in lost Emirati contributions by soliciting money from ... East Asian governments lobbying for a more militaristic US stance toward China....

CAP fellows Melanie Hart and Kelly Magsamen (now the chief of staff for Biden’s Department of Defense) issued a hardline policy paper in April 2019 that called for a great power competition with China and urged heightened preparations for a hot war in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea....

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) – the de facto embassy of Taiwan in the US – was one of CAP’s most generous funders.... Tanden partnered with another Beltway think tank funded by TECRO, the neoconservative Hudson Institute, to host Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen in August 2020.... During her address, Tsai boasted that she had authorized an unprecedented surge in arms purchases...

When Tanden appears before the Senate for her February 9 confirmation hearing, she may come under heavy scrutiny for the incendiary diatribes she has launched against political opponents and her outrageous behavior – including fabricating an email and physically attacking a CAP staffer who questioned Hillary Clinton over her support for the Iraq War.

But behind Neera’s tantrums lies a more sordid story of foreign policy corruption that has infected her think tank and the Democratic Party it advises. If her nomination to manage Biden’s budget slides through, it will be because pay-for-play arrangements like those she presided over at CAP are seen as business as usual in Washington.

Will the Senate scrutinize Biden budget nominee Neera Tanden's apparent pay-for-play foreign policy corruption? | The Grayzone
While I'm certainly not her biggest supporter, I do feel the need to point out that a think tank is not a government organization so "pay for play" can't really be a thing. Also, we've been friendly with the UAE and working with japan against China for decades. That whole article is a weak attempt to make a mountain out of a speed bump.

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