Biden cabinet nominee Vanita Gupta says all Americans are racist...yet wont say whom she is racist against


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This dumb bitch parrots the liberal lie that all Americans are racist...but dances like Michael Jackson when asked what her racism is.

I fucking love it...hoisted on her own petard.

This dumb bitch parrots the liberal lie that all Americans are racist...but dances like Michael Jackson when asked what her racism is.

I fucking love it...hoisted on her own petard.

Sadly, obnoxious and ungrateful individuals like Ms. G. only make it easier for some people to be "racist."
The trick to this liberal bullshit lie is that when they cannot give specific examples of racism....they just say everyone in inherently racist....and they think it absolves them from having to provide specific examples.

Its like saying your spouse is cheating on you if they think anyone else on earth is attractive.
The primary narrative for Dimbo’s is promoting racism which is in itself counter productive for it defeats the purpose of ending racism by instilling to false belief that one can not succeed or exist without government assistance. When one sheds the sense of inadequacy, becomes self reliant, racial barriers are broken. Heaven forbid they should become a Uncle Tom! We have witnessed throughout history when one has been constantly beat down and told they are inadequate it becomes easier to accept the narrative and belief they can never succeed without the governments help. Just another tool enforcing the rules of the plantation.
She should not be confirmed. I don't know why it's so hard to have normal rational people appointed to these positions instead of these extreme ideologues.
She should not be confirmed. I don't know why it's so hard to have normal rational people appointed to these positions instead of these extreme ideologues.
Saying all Americans are racist is standard behavior for Democrats. What is really surprising is seeing Democrats like you wake up to it.
This dumb bitch parrots the liberal lie that all Americans are racist...but dances like Michael Jackson when asked what her racism is.

I fucking love it...hoisted on her own petard.

You gotta hand it to him, that was a clever and effective line of inquiry by Cotton. She was not expecting her own broad-brush to be applied to her, and was woefully unprepared to address it. She admitted that she holds racial stereotypes that she feels compelled to "manage," and then completely floundered when he asked if those stereotypes played a part in her opposing the nominations of several minority judges. Someone like this would not get confirmed even just 8 years ago.
This dumb bitch parrots the liberal lie that all Americans are racist...but dances like Michael Jackson when asked what her racism is.

I fucking love it...hoisted on her own petard.

You gotta hand it to him, that was a clever and effective line of inquiry by Cotton. She was not expecting her own broad-brush to be applied to her, and was woefully unprepared to address it. She admitted that she holds racial stereotypes that she feels compelled to "manage," and then completely floundered when he asked if those stereotypes played a part in her opposing the nominations of several minority judges. Someone like this would not get confirmed even just 8 years ago.

It was great to watch. Thats the thing....its all bullshit. Every Americans is not racist. Thats a liberal lie to push their agenda that CONSERVATIVE WHITE MAN BAD.
Liberals, this bitch called you racist. Why do you want her in Biden’s cabinet?
This dumb bitch parrots the liberal lie that all Americans are racist..

Why didn't Cotton ask her what "Implicit Bias" actually means.

Instead he launches a specious attack pretending she didn't say 'Implicit Bias' is what everyone has!

But that's just what the Neo-Fascist do!

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