Biden / Biden DOJ Drops Charges


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Huawei, the CCP company was the world’s largest maker of smartphones and a dominant leader in 5G networks, but the Trump administration and other Western governments suspected it was using its equipment to spy for China.

President Biden and His DOJ dropped criminal charges against Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies and daughter of the founder of the company. Wanzhoy was arrestedd in 2018 and was indicted by a U.S. grand jury on charges that included stealing trade secrets, obstructing a criminal investigation and helping Iran avoid U.S. sanctions.

Those are serious charges, and others were added later against the company and other executives.

Joe Biden suddenly pulled the plug as a bid to improve relations. Why this case, and what about his promise never to tamper with the Justice Department? In fact, this is at least the second time Biden has given China a free pass with no visible reciprocation. Notice how the talk that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab suddenly died down after an intelligence review said it couldn’t be certain either way.

Huawei is suspected of using smart phone technology to spy for China, stealing US intellectual property, industrial espionage, obstruction, aiding and abetting Iran...and Biden is just dropped all charges and allowed the CCP to get away with their crimes, refusing to hold them accountable. He did so much in the same way he has given them a complete pass on creating COVID-19 in their lab and unleashing the pandemic on the world, causing the deaths of millions.

Some are arguing Biden's actions are proving to be 'CCP money well spent.'

Joe Biden and the Biden family have received MILLIONS from the CCP, as much reportedly as $1 BILLION, and more recently it was exposed that during his Presidential campaign Joe Biden received millions of dollars from both the CCO and Russia.

- In addition to the $11 million wired to accounts controlled by Hunter and an associate, some of which went to Joe’s brother Jim, another $28 million from the same Chinese executive passed through Hunter’s bank accounts, according to the Senate probe. Hence the suspicions of money laundering.

Whatever the reason, that kind of money doesn’t come without strings. But because of the media blackout of The Post’s stories and even the Senate report, most Americans still don’t know about the Bidens’ suspect dealings.

But rest assured the Chinese government knows everything about the deal, just as it knows everything about an earlier deal where Hunter secured a $1.5 billion investment from a Chinese bank during a trip to Beijing with Father Joe in 2013. On Air Force Two, no less.

A business contact in a 2014 e-mail discussion of whether to hire Hunter to help Libya retrieve frozen assets put it this way: "since he travels with dad he is connected everywhere in Europe and Asia" and "He said he has access to highest level in PRC [China], he can help there."

It’s not the cynic who wonders whether Joe Biden’s pussyfooting around China now is a result of his being compromised. It’s the realist who knows that nobody, not even Chinese communists with printing presses, gives away millions of dollars without expecting something very big in return.

The Biden family have engaged in financial scandals, Influence peddling, Russian Money Laundering, extortion, and selling out their country for years. As the truth about the Hunter Biden laptop and all the evidence of crime on it being exposed, it is more and more obvious that the United States has a treasonous criminal compromised president.

We all know we have Communist sympathizers infiltrating the highest levels of US government.

What we need is a plan of action....not endless "Oh My GOD-ing"

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