Zone1 Bible passages that are difficult to understand God

And this is why I can't be a religious person.

A God that is so petty he kills children for mockery isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

Yet God kills children all the time in the Bible - Sodom, the 10th Plague, the child of David and Bathsheba.

I simply can't reconcile cruelty with love.
What is the lesson being presented? It is not the mockery of a bald head. The story is being told to the Chosen People. what are they to take from it?
Are there Bible passages where you find it difficult to understand God...How could God have done that, how could God have said that? If so, maybe we can look at these more closely and have a respectful discussion of why they bother us so much.
Nope. Not for me. I believe God is supreme and He has a plan. Mankind is a speck of dust compared to God's infinite wisdom so I trust every word of the Bible.
And this is why I can't be a religious person.

A God that is so petty he kills children for mockery isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

Yet God kills children all the time in the Bible - Sodom, the 10th Plague, the child of David and Bathsheba.

I simply can't reconcile cruelty with love.

Killing children? Aren't you an abortionist? God doesn't "kill" them; he brings them into paradise with him.

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Nope. Not for me. I believe God is supreme and He has a plan. Mankind is a speck of dust compared to God's infinite wisdom so I trust every word of the Bible.
I'm with you. Some seem to be searching for good reasons to dismiss God and/or belief. "He killed children!" is usually the triumphant cry. The Amalekites are a good example because the Hebrews in fact, did allow some of the Amalekites and their possessions remain.

The lesson being taught was that nothing of the Amalekites was for the Chosen. Not one little thing. The best analogy I heard of this is picture someone offering people a delicious brownie. After all, that brownie contained only a few rat droppings that had made its way into the flour, or perhaps a bit of arsenic. But no problem, right? The rest is great.

So why not pick up a few ways and habits of the Amalekites and only one of their idols, the one that gives us stuff? Because God said no. He didn't want his people to get used to eating rat droppings.
I simply can't reconcile cruelty with love.
Just pretend that God is a member of your beloved Washington Establishment and that he was raping kids with Bill Clinton on Epstein Island and then you'll no longer care. You're welcome.
"He killed children!" is usually the triumphant cry.
Which is especially funny coming from abortionists.

Which is especially funny coming from abortionists.
Yes, but the point is that when God cleans up after the messes we have made, He leaves nothing of the mess to take root and regrow.
What is the lesson being presented? It is not the mockery of a bald head. The story is being told to the Chosen People. what are they to take from it?

Seems to me that the story is to show that you should be afraid of God, all the time, becuase this is the pre-Christian God who doesn't offer you bribes, just punishments.

Killing children? Aren't you an abortionist? God doesn't "kill" them; he brings them into paradise with him.
Fetuses aren't children.

Also, God didn't let anyone into heaven until Jesus did his thing. Before that, everyone went to Sheol... or Limbo.

Whatever happened to Limbo? Did all those people get promoted?

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Again, how is a kid able to make that choice?

Just pretend that God is a member of your beloved Washington Establishment and that he was raping kids with Bill Clinton on Epstein Island and then you'll no longer care. You're welcome.

Wow, you'll believe anything, won't you?
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Fetuses aren't children.

Also, God didn't let anyone into heaven until Jesus did his thing. Before that, everyone went to Sheol... or Limbo.

Whatever happened to Limbo? Did all those people get promoted?

Again, how is a kid able to make that choice?

Wow, you'll believe anything, won't you?

Why aren't your Washington masters pursuing the people that raped kids on that island and why don't you care. The answer is simple. You worship the Washington Establishment. They are God for you and you'll support and defend ANYTHING that they do. Like them, you are "of the world". You're not of God, you are of Satan.

I've tried that with you, and it became kind of fruitless.

But let's start with my personal favorites.

Judges 11. - Jephthah makes a foolish Oath, and has to slaughter his daughter as a burnt offering to God.

2 Kings 2 - Children mock a bald prophet, and God sics a couple of she bears on them, mauling 42 of them.

Exodus 12 - God kills the first born child of every family in Egypt.

These things don't "bother" me in the context that the people writing the Old Testament saw "God" as every force of nature they didn't understand. But they are difficult to reconcile with the supposed God of Christianity that loves everyone.

The reality is that the Bible was not written down until after 200 AD, and was intended mostly to scare people.
The God of the Old Testament should be reviled by moral people.
Why aren't your Washington masters pursuing the people that raped kids on that island and why don't you care. The answer is simple. You worship the Washington Establishment. They are God for you and you'll support and defend ANYTHING that they do. Like them, you are "of the world". You're not of God, you are of Satan.

Well, they did prosecute Epstein and his girlfriend... not sure what else you want. I'm sure people on the left and right think that Clinton and Trump were both there, but frankly, I kind of don't care.

I don't worship the Washington Establishment. Unlike your imaginary sky friend, who demands money and offers nothing in return, my relationship with government is pragmatic. I vote for people and pay my taxes, and I get benefits that I want. If they don't provide those benefits, I vote them out and get someone who will.
Well, they did prosecute Epstein and his girlfriend... not sure what else you want. I'm sure people on the left and right think that Clinton and Trump were both there, but frankly, I kind of don't care.

I don't worship the Washington Establishment. Unlike your imaginary sky friend, who demands money and offers nothing in return, my relationship with government is pragmatic. I vote for people and pay my taxes, and I get benefits that I want. If they don't provide those benefits, I vote them out and get someone who will.

You're a liar, like your spiritual father, Satan.
The reality is that the Bible was not written down until after 200 AD, and was intended mostly to scare people.
The God of the Old Testament should be reviled by moral people.

Yea, smart people know that the universe caused itself to come into existence!

kamala-harris-laughing (1).gif
God only cast judgement on the wicked.

For example, the men of Sodom in Genesis would gang rape anyone who entered, and did God only knows what else.

The people of Caanan would sacrifice their infants and children to the gods for personal gain, and again, just a little we know about them as well.

However, when the Israelites turned to the Canaanite gods and acted the same way, God passed the same judgement upon them.

God's judgement has never been on the innocent, even though the innocent get caught in the crossfire as they do in any war. It is far different than say, Hamas, targeting women and children for slaughter.

The Canaanites were the most peaceful of the Mideast powers, and allowed the Chaldeans, Amorites, Phoenicians, Philistine, etc., to live under their rule, in peace.
Not only did the Canaanites NOT perform human sacrifice, the invading Hebrew did and murdered all the Canaanite men, women, and children at Jericho after Joshua won the battle.
The Canaanites were a mix of Arabs, Greeks, Minoans, and Egyptians.
No one else had ritual human sacrifice, so the claim is likely that of the victor trying to justify their evil slaughter of those they defeated.
Just like the Romans claimed the Carthaginians also practiced ritual human sacrifice.
All these claims have to be false, since no society could do that and remain cohesive.

And your comment on Hamas is totally false as well.
It is the Israeli Zionists who deliberately wiped out men, women, and children in hundreds of native Arab villages like Deir Yassin, that they destroyed
Read the reports on Deir Yassin.
Menachim Begin's terrorist gang Irgun, used hand grenades thrown into homes in order to kill everyone.
Following an order from Ben-Zion Cohen, the Irgun commander, they resorted to house-to-house attacks, throwing grenades into every house before charging in and spraying the rooms with automatic fire.[43]

The Lehi forces slowly advanced, engaging in house-to-house fighting. In addition to Arab resistance, they also faced other problems; weapons failed to work, a few tossed hand grenades without pulling the pin, and a Lehi unit commander, Amos Kenan, was wounded by his own men.[44] In an interview decades later, Yachin claimed "To take a house, you had either to throw a grenade or shoot your way into it. If you were foolish enough to open doors, you got shot down—sometimes by men dressed up as women, shooting out at you in a second of surprise."[45] Meanwhile, the Irgun force on the other side of the village was also having a difficult time. It took about two hours of house-to-house fighting to reach the center of the village.[40]
Yea, smart people know that the universe caused itself to come into existence!

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Who knows how the universe came into existence, but it certainly did not get created by a God that would order the murder of all the men, women, and children at Jericho.
That would clearly be evil and contrary to human ethics.
Why would God create humans with high ethical standards than God had?
And this is why I can't be a religious person.

A God that is so petty he kills children for mockery isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

Yet God kills children all the time in the Bible - Sodom, the 10th Plague, the child of David and Bathsheba.

I simply can't reconcile cruelty with love.
I pray you open your mind and heart a bit brother.
Exodus 12. The Egyptians killed the first born of Israel before this. Ever heard of an eye for an eye? That was what was being followed here. What would a Soros appointed DA do after the Egyptians slaughtered all those babies? They would be out on the streets the next day. Is that better or worse in your opinion?
Exodus: Where is your outrage over all the Hebrew males the Egyptian killed? Already went over that the number of Egyptian males killed on that first Passover, was well short of the number of male Hebrew babies that were killed. Why not argue God should have matched the same number of male Hebrew babies killed?
Because arguing that makes the mockery of a loving god already mentioned.

I'm bemused to see it brought up twice so far.

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