CDZ Bibi's speech to Congress on Iran becoming a nuclear power


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2013
Noon, 3/3: Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, just finished giving a barn-burner of a speech to a joint session of Congress. He spoke against acceptance of the current treaty negotiations by John Kerry, which propose to give Iran relief from the sanctions against that state in exchange for ten years delay in their nuking up; after which they can do as they like about arming with nuclear weapons. The idea is to "kick the can down the road," which I would say is the major purpose of diplomacy in general, the alternative being either war, or walking away from the table with the sanctions continuing and Iran's current pace of nuking up continuing.

So Iran can either continue with the economic sanctions against it and its current preparations for nuclear arms, or it can delay for ten years relieved of sanctions (and with questionable inspections) and then prepare for nuclear arms.

Unsurprisingly, Israel is not happy with either alternative, and advises the U.S. to leave the table, saying that this treaty is not acceptable. A threat that Israel may defend itself by making war on Iran does seem to have been made at the end of the speech, which was quite dramatic and applauded thunderously by Congress, those present.

What do people think of this situation?
The agreement will basically give Iran a ten year grace period without sanctions to then allow them to legally be a nuclear power in a decade.

Of course, this is a complete bullshit deal and horrible for Israel, the U.S., and the entire Middle East. Which is why, of course, Obama will do it.
The deal will fall apart and Israeli jets will be flying over Iranian nuclear sites in the near future. Israel will get the job done. They have been ready to whack iran for the last 5 years, except this current administration keeps telling them to hold off. What Netanyahu did was tell Obama, even though Israel knows it can't count on you, however it knows that the American people and Congress will have its back.
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Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.
Yet another thread on this.

The Repubs want a ground war and Bibi insulted the intelligence of the American people in order to get re-elected.
The agreement will basically give Iran a ten year grace period without sanctions to then allow them to legally be a nuclear power in a decade.

Of course, this is a complete bullshit deal and horrible for Israel, the U.S., and the entire Middle East. Which is why, of course, Obama will do it.
He will do it because he, as usual pushed the consequences so far into the future that he won't be held responsible. Looks like hillary got in on that time frame number too.
Bibi is the Churchill of our time, while Oblahblah is the Chamberlain. It's quite clear.
Yet another thread on this.

The Repubs want a ground war and Bibi insulted the intelligence of the American people in order to get re-elected.

As usual, you have the Obama talking points down perfectly. :thup: Of course, they're completely false, but that never stops the Obummbler and his sycophants.
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

Your trust in Iran is fascinating. :eusa_shifty:

As is your mistrust. Who's Iran invaded or gone to war with in the last 25 or so years? No one. How many wars has the US been involved with? Lots. So who's more trustworthy?

Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons. They have too much to lose from a retaliatory strike. I'm not worried about that. Whether Iran would report "loosing a nuke" is another thing. That I'd worry about. Although I have the same concern with DPRK and Pakistan but thankfully neither's lost a nuke yet.
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

They want to nuke Israel off the map and have been our enemy for over 36 years.
They would love to give small nukes to the Muslim terrorists in order to nuke the U.S.A also.
You want us to trust them?
You are insane to think that we can trust them.
thing is that I understand Deltas point about hypocricy but I think that any muslim nation can be seen as an exception .
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

Your trust in Iran is fascinating. :eusa_shifty:

As is your mistrust. Who's Iran invaded or gone to war with in the last 25 or so years? No one. How many wars has the US been involved with? Lots. So who's more trustworthy?

Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons. They have too much to lose from a retaliatory strike. I'm not worried about that. Whether Iran would report "loosing a nuke" is another thing. That I'd worry about. Although I have the same concern with DPRK and Pakistan but thankfully neither's lost a nuke yet.

Ever heard the term Proxy War? How about Iran's Proxy War in Lebanon. How about their Poxy Wars in Syria and Iraq? How about their support of Worldwide terrorism.

Are you truly as clueless as you're making out?
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

They want to nuke Israel off the map and have been our enemy for over 36 years.
They would love to give small nukes to the Muslim terrorists in order to nuke the U.S.A also.
You want us to trust them?
You are insane to think that we can trust them.

Our "leaders" have made equally "play to the base" remarks as when McCain made the "bomb bomba Iran" remarks. The "wipe Israel off the map" remarks were their version of what our own guys have done.

Giving nukes to terror groups for use is a legitimate concern. Though since that concern exists for confirmed nuclear powers like DPRK and Pakistan and we didn't attack them you have to ask why the double-standard with Iran.
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

Your trust in Iran is fascinating. :eusa_shifty:

As is your mistrust. Who's Iran invaded or gone to war with in the last 25 or so years? No one. How many wars has the US been involved with? Lots. So who's more trustworthy?

Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons. They have too much to lose from a retaliatory strike. I'm not worried about that. Whether Iran would report "loosing a nuke" is another thing. That I'd worry about. Although I have the same concern with DPRK and Pakistan but thankfully neither's lost a nuke yet.

That is because of heavy sanctions against them for more than 25 years.
If they did not have that, they would be continuing to hold Americans hostages as well as others and who knows what else.
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

Your trust in Iran is fascinating. :eusa_shifty:

As is your mistrust. Who's Iran invaded or gone to war with in the last 25 or so years? No one. How many wars has the US been involved with? Lots. So who's more trustworthy?

Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons. They have too much to lose from a retaliatory strike. I'm not worried about that. Whether Iran would report "loosing a nuke" is another thing. That I'd worry about. Although I have the same concern with DPRK and Pakistan but thankfully neither's lost a nuke yet.

Ever heard the term Proxy War? How about Iran's Proxy War in Lebanon. How about their Poxy Wars in Syria and Iraq? How about their support of Worldwide terrorism.

Are you truly as clueless as you're making out?

Wanna talk proxy war google Cold War.

Wanna talk terrorism google Iraq War, Afganistan War, Iraq War pt Deux, and ramping up operations against ISIS now.

US is in no position to get snippy about other countries.
Always pretty hypocritical when a nuclear power opposes a country from becomming a nuclear power. Like everyone's supposed to trust the nuclear power not using them, but doesn't get that same trust in return.

They want to nuke Israel off the map and have been our enemy for over 36 years.
They would love to give small nukes to the Muslim terrorists in order to nuke the U.S.A also.
You want us to trust them?
You are insane to think that we can trust them.

Our "leaders" have made equally "play to the base" remarks as when McCain made the "bomb bomba Iran" remarks. The "wipe Israel off the map" remarks were their version of what our own guys have done.

Giving nukes to terror groups for use is a legitimate concern. Though since that concern exists for confirmed nuclear powers like DPRK and Pakistan and we didn't attack them you have to ask why the double-standard with Iran.

We have never wiped a country off the map.

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