Bernie Sanders under scrutiny for backing Sandinistas in 1980s

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Bernie Sanders’ praise of Cuba and Fidel Castro on Sunday is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Democratic front-runner had a romance with the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua in the 1980s and even honeymooned with wife Jane in the Soviet Union in 1988.

Hillary Clinton’s opposition research book on Sanders from 2016 — posted by WikiLeaks after the emails of her campaign chairman, John Podesta, were hacked — has a whole section on the then-Burlington, Vt., mayor’s trip to Nicaragua and chummy support of the Sandinistas in 1985.

“Sanders Was The Only Elected US Official To Attend Anniversary Of Sandinista Revolution In Managua,” one headline in the oppo book said.

“Sanders Supported The Socialist Sandinista Government In Nicaragua As It Fought A Proxy War Against The United States. …He used to be a ‘Sandernista,’” the Clinton campaign research book said, sourcing information from a May 28, 2015, MSNBC story.

Sanders even met with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega.

In his own book “Outsider in the House,” Sanders called the trip to Nicaragua a “profoundly emotional experience” and praised Ortega.

Burlington and Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, became sister cities.

The Clinton oppo book also cited articles saying Sanders also tried to serve as an emissary to arrange a meeting between Ortega and then-President Ronald Reagan to resolve the conflict.

Sanders also criticized the Reagan administration’s efforts to overthrow the Sandinistas with the pro-US Contras, equating the policy to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. He also worried that the conflict could become a Vietnam-like quagmire.

Meanwhile, Sanders and his wife honeymooned in the then USSR’s Yaroslavl, which had a sister city relationship with Burlington when he was mayor.

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Note: They are not going after other notorious Quislings....


John," my third purple heart was for splinters, " Kerry never met a socialist/communist he didn't like...same goes for the Bern is in good company!
For Bernie Sanders, Nicaraguan human rights came second to Sandinista power

Washington Examiner ^ | February 24, 2020 | Tom Rogan

His attitudes toward Cuba are generating Monday's headlines, but Bernie Sanders's record on another communist authoritarian state, Nicaragua, might be even more problematic for the 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner.

Where Sanders supported the Castro regime with words, he spent the 1980s providing active logistical and moral support to the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Sanders and his supporters present this effort as simply humanitarian in nature — as support to an impoverished nation rising from the ashes of an authoritarian dictatorship.

But that's not the true story.

Consider what happened in 1986, for example, when Sanders, then the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, orchestrated a 500-ton aid delivery to the Sandinistas and established a sister-town relationship with the Caribbean coastal city of Puerto Cabezas.

It was a notable choice for Sanders's favor, in that Puerto Cabezas was then a stronghold for the Sandinistas' war on the native Miskito native peoples living nearby. That Sandinista campaign was a vintage communist authoritarian war for domination of land and eradication of individual freedoms. It was both merciless and deliberate. Defending the regime's atrocities, one Sandinista officer based in Puerto Cabezas told the New York Times, "They are enemies of the people."

Words straight from the lips of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. Words which evidently didn't concern Sanders. As Philip Wegmann reports, Sanders's association with this ethnic cleansing is unlikely to go away.

It is worth noting the Nicaraguan counterpoint here. After all, the Reagan administration's support for the Contras was an equal moral outrage to Sanders's support for the Sandinistas. The Contras showed a terrible disdain for human rights. But the moral difference, as applied to Sanders, is that the Sandinistas were allies of America's preeminent Soviet adversary. Moreover, it is Sanders, not Reagan, who is presently running to become president of the United States.

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Bernie Sanders’ praise of Cuba and Fidel Castro on Sunday is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Democratic front-runner had a romance with the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua in the 1980s and even honeymooned with wife Jane in the Soviet Union in 1988.

Hillary Clinton’s opposition research book on Sanders from 2016 — posted by WikiLeaks after the emails of her campaign chairman, John Podesta, were hacked — has a whole section on the then-Burlington, Vt., mayor’s trip to Nicaragua and chummy support of the Sandinistas in 1985.

“Sanders Was The Only Elected US Official To Attend Anniversary Of Sandinista Revolution In Managua,” one headline in the oppo book said.

“Sanders Supported The Socialist Sandinista Government In Nicaragua As It Fought A Proxy War Against The United States. …He used to be a ‘Sandernista,’” the Clinton campaign research book said, sourcing information from a May 28, 2015, MSNBC story.

Sanders even met with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega.

In his own book “Outsider in the House,” Sanders called the trip to Nicaragua a “profoundly emotional experience” and praised Ortega.

Burlington and Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, became sister cities.

The Clinton oppo book also cited articles saying Sanders also tried to serve as an emissary to arrange a meeting between Ortega and then-President Ronald Reagan to resolve the conflict.

Sanders also criticized the Reagan administration’s efforts to overthrow the Sandinistas with the pro-US Contras, equating the policy to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. He also worried that the conflict could become a Vietnam-like quagmire.

Meanwhile, Sanders and his wife honeymooned in the then USSR’s Yaroslavl, which had a sister city relationship with Burlington when he was mayor.

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Note: They are not going after other notorious Quislings....


John," my third purple heart was for splinters, " Kerry never met a socialist/communist he didn't like...same goes for the Bern is in good company!

Don't be silly.
Clearly the Sandinistas were the good guys.
It was Samosa who was the fascist dictator, murdering innocent people.
Ortega not only was popular, but when the US blockade harmed Nicaragua, he stepped down.
Does that sound like something a bad guy would do?

And by the way, Ortega is back in power in Nicaragua, voted in because he is so popular.

What Reagan did by supporting the Contras was illegal, immoral, just plain evil.
Bernie Sanders’ praise of Cuba and Fidel Castro on Sunday is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Democratic front-runner had a romance with the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua in the 1980s and even honeymooned with wife Jane in the Soviet Union in 1988.

Hillary Clinton’s opposition research book on Sanders from 2016 — posted by WikiLeaks after the emails of her campaign chairman, John Podesta, were hacked — has a whole section on the then-Burlington, Vt., mayor’s trip to Nicaragua and chummy support of the Sandinistas in 1985.

“Sanders Was The Only Elected US Official To Attend Anniversary Of Sandinista Revolution In Managua,” one headline in the oppo book said.

“Sanders Supported The Socialist Sandinista Government In Nicaragua As It Fought A Proxy War Against The United States. …He used to be a ‘Sandernista,’” the Clinton campaign research book said, sourcing information from a May 28, 2015, MSNBC story.

Sanders even met with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega.

In his own book “Outsider in the House,” Sanders called the trip to Nicaragua a “profoundly emotional experience” and praised Ortega.

Burlington and Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, became sister cities.

The Clinton oppo book also cited articles saying Sanders also tried to serve as an emissary to arrange a meeting between Ortega and then-President Ronald Reagan to resolve the conflict.

Sanders also criticized the Reagan administration’s efforts to overthrow the Sandinistas with the pro-US Contras, equating the policy to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. He also worried that the conflict could become a Vietnam-like quagmire.

Meanwhile, Sanders and his wife honeymooned in the then USSR’s Yaroslavl, which had a sister city relationship with Burlington when he was mayor.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Note: They are not going after other notorious Quislings....


John," my third purple heart was for splinters, " Kerry never met a socialist/communist he didn't like...same goes for the Bern is in good company!

Don't be silly.
Clearly the Sandinistas were the good guys.
It was Samosa who was the fascist dictator, murdering innocent people.
Ortega not only was popular, but when the US blockade harmed Nicaragua, he stepped down.
Does that sound like something a bad guy would do?

And by the way, Ortega is back in power in Nicaragua, voted in because he is so popular.

What Reagan did by supporting the Contras was illegal, immoral, just plain evil.

I don't think the Sandinistas were perfect, far from it. No, they weren't as bad as the Contras but Ortega does have a history of human rights violations. I don't know why Sanders feels the need to praise him.

That being said anyone who wants jump on Sanders about this should maybe remember when their guy in the White House supported right wing death squads and funded them by illegally selling weapons to Iran.
So in other words...….the DNC is trying to build it's case against Sanders so they can give the nomination to someone else...….again
Jesse Jackson will endorse Crazy Bernie at Michigan rally, so he has that going for him...

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