Bergdahl Jury is in!

Malevolent gossip/hate bs RW lynch mob should be ashamed of themselves...hater dupes. All we know: he took a walk and got captured quickly. Just like all the bs "scandals" and phony crises. A disgrace.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.
Typical libtard looney logic. FALSE to the core.
Malevolent gossip/hate bs RW lynch mob should be ashamed of themselves...hater dupes. All we know: he took a walk and got captured quickly. Just like all the bs "scandals" and phony crises. A disgrace.
You have never known much libtarded idiot.
What's killing me in all of this is that Obama didn't just give up five Mohammed Six Packs to the Taliban. He gave them back their freaking leaders.

Leaders while we are still at war with them. That's like making a trade with the Nazis for one hostage and giving them back a Rommel and a few members of Hitlers cabinet for crying out loud.

Aye carumba. This is nuts.

Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.
Typical libtard looney logic. FALSE to the core.

Which part is false?
Here's the problem.

We could put Nazis on trial.

We've had these guys for over 10 years. Yet we couldn't find anything to actually charge them with. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Nor could we hand them over to the Afghan Government we've spent billions of dollars propping up.

So at some point, we'd have to let them go. At least we got something for them. One POW and perhaps a negotiated peace that allows us to save face.

Less than Ideal? Yup.

But that was the hand we were dealt when Bush pulled all our military and intelligence assets out of Afghanistan so he could go avenge his Pappy in Iraq and make Halliburton rich.
Typical libtard looney logic. FALSE to the core.

Which part is false?
Please, youré the on who thinks Reagan is a failure.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin
Typical libtard looney logic. FALSE to the core.

Which part is false?
Please, youré the on who thinks Reagan is a failure.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin

Reagan was a failure in his handling of military and intelligence issue's. You just have a huge ego and an over abundant delusional sense of your intellect and knowledge.

Your level of knowledge on this issue like most, is basically non-existent. You have opinions based on talking points and spin.
Obama was right to bring Bergdahl home but wrong to give up anything for him. As it turns out, even the Taliban found the fuckin' a-hole to be a worthless POS. It is clear to all but the diehard Obamists that this was a FUBAR which has and will continue to stain what little credibility our president has left. Bowe is the fouled product of his America hating loony leftist daddy and both need to find a new country in which to live out their lives.

the jury can't be in [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION]. there hasn't been any trial.

jumping the gun....

With 2 1/2 years left as president there is little chance that any military officer will press for court martial, therefore all we will have is this court of public opinion. I believe Obama, as already stated, did the right thing in bringing Bergdahl home, however anyone who tries to blow off the facts which get uglier everyday by claiming we must wait for the court to decide is simply copping out.
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How did he ever make it through boot camp? Don't they weed these wienies out any more?

New military PC ... everybody gets a trophy. Woohoo.

You are correct. the military today is NOT the military of 20-50 years ago. The days of a Drill Sergeant kicking your ass is long gone. Now, they issue "stress cards" if you are tired.

I pray to God every night that we are never attacked. We wouldn't last the first wave.
How did he ever make it through boot camp? Don't they weed these wienies out any more?

Not since your hero Bush lowered the standards to take petty criminals, high school dropouts and near morons who couldn't pass the ASVAB.

Seriously, what kind of a retard do you have to be to fail the ASVAB?
No,no,Mr Joe. I was a Drill Sergeant in 1966 when Mr Johnson was in power and they used to bring in busloads to Ft Campbell from Chicago.Criminals, high school and college grads who couldn't read or write and an average AFQT score of 28 when before the minimum requirement was 65. Each busload would be lined up outside the bus and would be required to strip to skivvies. The search of clothes and baggage would always turn up 10-20 pistols and knives. Those were the good old days. It's not like that anymore. The soldiers today are 10 times better and smarter.
I will dance for joy when Israel falls.

Maybe it will get people to realize that there aren't any magic sky pixies and they don't go around promising land to people.

But to the point, I really don't care about comments from his unit. This was a unit that was a notorious bunch of fuckups before they lost a man. I'll go by reviews of operational reports that say that most of these missions people were killed on were ordered for other reason... you know, the war we were actually fighting at the time.
No they weren't. It's not their fault a bonafide traitor who planned on schmoozing with the Taliban happened to fall in their unit. Some good came out of this: experiencing the peril of heightened attack by the enemy following Bergdahl's backstabbing walkaway made men out of the guys who were left to lose buddies in the days and weeks following the AWOL venture. It turned them into men of understanding why military law demands obedience and brotherliness in the ranks. That seems to be something Obama hasn't considered and won't consider since his head is up his ass with nothing else in sight.
. It turned them into men of understanding why military law demands obedience and brotherliness in the ranks. That seems to be something Obama hasn't considered and won't consider since his head is up his ass with nothing else in sight.

Obama has his sights set firmly on his approval rating.

He needed the distraction from his bumbling administration of Veteran's Benefits.
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How did he ever make it through boot camp? Don't they weed these wienies out any more?

Not since your hero Bush lowered the standards to take petty criminals, high school dropouts and near morons who couldn't pass the ASVAB.

Seriously, what kind of a retard do you have to be to fail the ASVAB?
No,no,Mr Joe. I was a Drill Sergeant in 1966 when Mr Johnson was in power and they used to bring in busloads to Ft Campbell from Chicago.Criminals, high school and college grads who couldn't read or write and an average AFQT score of 28 when before the minimum requirement was 65. Each busload would be lined up outside the bus and would be required to strip to skivvies. The search of clothes and baggage would always turn up 10-20 pistols and knives. Those were the good old days. It's not like that anymore. The soldiers today are 10 times better and smarter.

But, here's the problem, Hossy.

We lost in Vietnam.

Because those misfits who were too dumb to figure out ways to avoid the draft made lousy soldiers.

They'd do things like rape the Vietnamese women and frag their own officers.

Which is why AFTER the war, they put in standards.

Of course, it was pretty obvious, we really didn't learn a thing from Vietnam, hence why the Afghan and Iraq wars turned into such spectacular fails.
Those Israelis paid the price for living on someone else's land that they stole.

Why they keep doing it is a mystery.

Oh, wait. "God said so."

No, the United Nations said so.

The United Nations has passed 43 resolutions condemning Israel's behavior. Oddly, the Zionist Entity is not treating THOSE like someone came down from a mountain with them written on stone.

But to the point, I really don't care about comments from his unit. This was a unit that was a notorious bunch of fuckups before they lost a man. I'll go by reviews of operational reports that say that most of these missions people were killed on were ordered for other reason... you know, the war we were actually fighting at the time.

No they weren't. It's not their fault a bonafide traitor who planned on schmoozing with the Taliban happened to fall in their unit. Some good came out of this: experiencing the peril of heightened attack by the enemy following Bergdahl's backstabbing walkaway made men out of the guys who were left to lose buddies in the days and weeks following the AWOL venture. It turned them into men of understanding why military law demands obedience and brotherliness in the ranks. That seems to be something Obama hasn't considered and won't consider since his head is up his ass with nothing else in sight.

I would suggest you read the Rolling Stone article by Hastings. Yes, this was a unit where basic command and control had collapsed.

As for Bergdahl, I don't know what was going through his mind. Maybe he never should have been enlisted to start with. Maybe there was some potential there, but a combination of stress and the 'Go/No Go Pills" they've been feeding our troops made him flip out.

Bergdahl is a symptom of larger problems. The failure of an all-volunteer army in a perpetual war.
Which part is false?
Please, youré the on who thinks Reagan is a failure.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin

Reagan was a failure in his handling of military and intelligence issue's. You just have a huge ego and an over abundant delusional sense of your intellect and knowledge.

Your level of knowledge on this issue like most, is basically non-existent. You have opinions based on talking points and spin.
I have no doubt when it comes to history. Obviously, I don't suffer fools gladly. Get over it.

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