Diamond Member
The Moscow NKVD "church" is buying up buildings in Norway with a view of military bases. I said million times The Moscow NKVD "church" MUST BE TREATED LIKE OTHER NKVD ( FSB ) DEPARTMENTS , SANCTIONS ARRESTS , DEPORTATIONS, CONFISCATIONS
'Mikhailov' was a relatively frequently used KGB codename (as recently as 1986, the KGB planned to use an agent 'Mikhailov' in a joint operation with .
Russere kjøpte eiendom ved marinebase
Den russisk-ortodokse kirke har i seinere år kjøpt flere eiendommer i Norge. En av dem har fullt utsyn til Norges viktigste marinebase, Haakonsvern. – Utsikten er ubehagelig god, sier sikkerhetsekspert. Kirkens leder står skulder ved skulder med Vladimir Putin.
The Mikhailov Files: Patriarch Kirill and the KGB › The_Mikhailov_Files_Patri...
'Mikhailov' was a relatively frequently used KGB codename (as recently as 1986, the KGB planned to use an agent 'Mikhailov' in a joint operation with .