Before YouTube sucked...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I'm not sure how many of ya'll remember YT around 2006-2008 before it got swallowed by google and really started to just suck. It was a great social media site in those days, it took down MySpace, and AssBook wouldn't have existed at all if they would have expanded in that direction.

Here is an old video I recall really enjoying from that period that exposed how the media back then was attempting to manipulate people and how foolish they looked.

YT back then was a site where you could post some real funny shit, have debates with each other and design a page that would have made a lot more people a lot richer. I think it was too effective, and made the bed wetters too vulnerable for ridicule so it had to be nipped in the bud. I met some pretty cool people in those months, and some of them were moonbats from San Fransicko. The open forum encouraged dialog and free speech.

Now YT is a shit show. The collectivist global elite have destroyed every avenue of decent communication with misinformation and drones.
I love YouTube. I can listen to music, find DIY videos, find out how to cook anything, and stay entertained when my insomnia acts up. For me it is a rabbit hole I am happy to go down.

I don't need it to be a social media site. Just repository for videos of all sorts.
I think I lost braincells...

The only thing I find YouTube good for, is gathering information to fix things I don't even know how to begin to fix.
Sometimes I can aggregate some interesting music videos on You Tube if I’m able to recall the names of some shit I’ve heard. And you get it with various other artists’ covers.

Hey. I’m old and not exactly cutting edge. But I like what I like.

Fortunately for all of you all, I rarely share it! You’re welcome. 😀
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It's still has some use, but it could have been so much better long ago before google swallowed it.

That's the bottom line.
Sometimes I can aggregate some interesting music videos on You Tube if I’m able to recall the names of some shit I’ve heard. And you get it with various other artists’ covers.

Hey. I’m old and not exactly cutting edge. But I like what I like.

Fortunately for all of you all, I rarely share it! You’re welcome. 😀

YouTube has introduced me to more music than any radio station or music app out there. Random bands I've never heard of before pop-up in my recommended lists every now and then, and usually they're all pretty good.
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For instance there was this video about how the meat puppet faggot was "elected".

YouTube has introduced me to more music than any radio station or music app out there. Random bands I've never heard of before pop-up in my recommended lists every now and then, and usually they're all pretty good.

Rather than when they were a good source of political info.

Rather than when they were a good source of political info.

The only time I have looked for political info on YouTube is to search for videos of the worst. Deception and misinformation are rampant on YouTube. I'll pass.
Yeah...............when Trump was in the White House, Youtube started pulling TONS of videos offline that dealt with Democrats and their traitorous lies and treachery.

There were SO many videos of ex-employees from the Clinton administration and from their "charities" telling exactly what went on behind closed doors in the White House and inside their "charities".

Not only that, they had MANY private detectives and undercover journalists that broadcast the Clintons traitorous actions and agendas online, that disappeared from existence, and several of them made sure that when they disappeared the Clintons were named as the Hitlery has her own private hit squad.

There was also a video of the Democrats in session, bitching, whining, and complaining about how EASY and SIMPLE it is to fake mail-in ballots, and had another video of them going through a court session to try and get mail-in ballots made illegal.

And all these videos have disappeared off Youtube faster than Hitlery "disappearing" a journalist!!!
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If you go on youtube to watch politics, you're basically admitting you have no life...

I go on YouTube to learn, or unwind.

What do you watch on your free time? Nothing political, but like "just for funsies" stuff?

I watch animal videos, cooking videos, fix it videos, baking videos, arts and crafts videos, music videos, movies, and commentaries on everything from politics to old tv shows, and vintage/retro historical stuff.
I watch animal videos, cooking videos, fix it videos, baking videos, arts and crafts videos, music videos, movies, and commentaries on everything from politics to old tv shows, and vintage/retro historical stuff.

I like watching metal music videos, binge watch Biographics videos on Ancient history, watch other people look for arrowheads/relics, and old war footage.
Way too many commercials on Youtube now. It's good for watching female pole vaulters, though.
You have to buy YouTube plus or whatever it’s called. No commercials and pretty much any music on the planet. I think I pay like 25 bucks a month for it, but just for the no commercials alone makes ir worth it.
I am a big fan of The History Guy. He presents good info on obscure moments in history.

Also, Cowboy Kent Rollins has great content on cooking outdoors.

Hickok45 is the best gun content provider I have seen.

But mainly I just surf and then follow the recommended clips. I love being able to watch old TV shows. I watched an episode of Cheyenne this morning.

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