Barr says 'notion' of separation of church and state misunderstood because of 'militant secularists'


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
"militant secularists"
They're at the attorney general's office, and somebody who isn't considered considered a bona fide Catholic in good faith might be in possession of a firearm.

A person who has been "committed to a mental or adjudicated as a mental defective" — in other words EXCOMMUNICATED from the Catholic faith of psychiatrists and psychologists — the professional soul-healers and psychoanalysts that they bill themselves to us — is therefore not permitted to possess and carry firearms in accordance with the Catholic faith as enforced by the office of the Attorney General of the United States, despite the plain word of the law of the Second Amendment.
Every leftist has memorized the line, "...wall of separation between Church and State..." (which is nowhere in the Constitution or any law), but struggle to figure out how that can be reconciled with the fact that the person who wrote it fully supported having every session of Congress start with a prayer.

"Freedom from religion" is not the law of the land, no matter what the Left wants.
Every leftist has memorized the line, "...wall of separation between Church and State..." (which is nowhere in the Constitution or any law), but struggle to figure out how that can be reconciled with the fact that the person who wrote it fully supported having every session of Congress start with a prayer.

"Freedom from religion" is not the law of the land, no matter what the Left wants.

They dispense with the context in which the phrase was written. Jefferson was assuaging the Danbury Baptists' fear that their church could be interfered with at whim by the federal government.
We think that #34 is incorrect about sessions and prayer. Other than channeling, what is the citation that supports your claim?
Who we precisely mean is the asshole that fixates on leftist things, post #4, the same who seems concerned about the manipulation of prepositions.

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