bariatric surgery ...any advice?

5'10" and 150lbs and you are considering bariatric surgery???
And you are 62...I don't get it.
YOu need to watch the documentary "Fed Up".
Juicing is terrible for you. Without the fiber juice is just sugar.
Sugar is not sugar bones. Please watch the documentary.
Well that's a bunch of BS. We need fiber and no one I know suggests only juicing for life. Veggie & fruit juice contains MANY nutrients and is easily absorbed. When you juice you get fiber as a by product that you can use for all kinds of things. No law says you have to toss it. No one is going to sit and eat 4 carrots and a couple of apples. I run my spinach and kale through the Vitamix so I get all the fiber from them. Most juicers don't do leafy greens very well.

The easily absorption is the problem ice.
When you drink the juice of two apples, a carrot and a pear let's say. You consumed about 55 grams of sugar. MORE than soda. And because much of the fiber is gone, your intestines cannot process that sugar rush all at once, so your body immediately turns it into fat. PERIOD.
Sugar is why Americans are so fat. PERIOD.
You overlook the fact that I've been doing it for 30 years and NEVER got a sugar rush! No matter what fruits or veggies I used. One soda would make me feel like I was going into a coma. Fruit/veggie juice is not like a refined sugar. The sugar thing is a myth that I hear every now and again, the Vitamix guy said the same thing.

AND like I said many have healed themselves and I've pulled myself out of some slumps. It's refreshing but nothing like a sugar rush.

Now if you can eat that much, go for it but no way can I eat all the fruit and veggies I run through the juicers.

Juicing What are the health benefits - Mayo Clinic
Juicing probably is not any healthier than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Juicing extracts the juice from fresh fruits or vegetables. The resulting liquid contains most of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) found in the whole fruit. However, whole fruits and vegetables also have healthy fiber, which is lost during most juicing.
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lets pay attention....i can juice fuckers...i am diabetic...we can only have so much fruit...and i will be damned if i will juice kale 8 times a damn day....they are considering lower bmi's due to the diabetes....they being that unknow research group.....but they are also saying shortly there should be pills that will do what the surgery if only they could figure out why the intestines suddenly become glucose absorbing machines...i would not consider it at first....i had a fear of being put under but i have had two surgeries since then...over that fear....i have this dream of going in for needed surgery and having all this other stuff pass....arm flaps...etc and so

but rationally i know that its better to roll with what you have that try surgery for a quick answer.....having just watched 'plastic disasters' on hbo docs...

it is made worse by seeing someone who had the surgery just fucking doing great...(do i sound bitter here lol do i?) but in fairness he was unable to control his diabetes....i mean i hear his talking about no longer meds....ahh the grass is so green in his yard

Bones you can juice tons of veggies and some green juices are really low in carbs and sugar.

That said I'm not a big fan of juicing as a replacement for eating.
3rd year of being diabetic and i am done with i am considering bariatric surgery....i know a couple of people who did this and are 'cured' no longer has to test at far i have not ask them a bunch of questions....i dont know them that well and fear that its like anything else ...once you do it you wont admit it was a mistake...another issues is bmi....i am 5' 10" and hover at 150 lbs...

so anyone done this....or have advice....

mainly i am seeking advice on the diet after the surgery....i have been told its a bitchy as the diabetic diet and to be careful what i do.....that i may be trading one bitch for another....

I'd consider any doctor that would do it for someone of your weight as unethical. It's a very invasive procedure and ethical doctors will not do it on someone who needs to lose a small amount of weight and especially not a diabetic because of slower healing issues.

As for after the procedure, taking supplements for the rest of your life, strict diet unless you want to stretch your stomach back out, exercise once healed enough and then the possibility of major complications.

Everyone I know that has had it gains the weight back and regrets having done it because of complications.

My sister will probably die eventually because of it. She is so severely anemic because she can't eat properly and because her body doesn't absorb iron since the bypass. She's had multiple blood transfusions and they've even resorted to giving her IV's loaded with iron (extremely painful) and within a matter of days she's anemic again. She also herniated but is so severely anemic that they can't operate on her to fix it.

She did it for a different health reason than you and she regrets it. What she's going through now is far worse than what she was facing which isn't related to what is happening now to her. The bypass solved the original problem but she'd rather have the original problem back instead of this.

Her results may not be typical but almost everyone she became friends with during the year before her surgery, that had the surgery, regret it. She researched it before doing it and got to know several people in our area that were having it done too.

Honestly, you're better off just trying to eat veggies, meat, a small amount of fruit and exercising. Nuts are a good snack for when you're craving something crunchy. Stay away from breads, pasta, potatoes and refined sugars.

My Dad and brother are type 2. (My Dad's side is loaded with type 2 diabetics) I had a fasting glucose test that came back with a bsl of 160 after a 12 hour fast a few years ago. I went on a very strict diet of nothing but meat, veggies, nuts and eventually some fruit (bananas rarely) and my fasting level is under 100 now.

Feel free to message me privately if you want. I know everyone is different and what works for some doesn't work well for others but it doesn't hurt to talk and compare notes.
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plus it is real hard to go total vegan or veggie we the growing group of diabetics need protein...4 oz of protein...etc and so froth

There is more protein in 100 calories of kale than in 100 calories of steak

It is a myth that a vegetarian diet is protein deficient.

I am not a vegetarian because I like meat and will continue to eat it but I have studied vegetarian diets and will occasionally go on a long meatless stretch (a few weeks here and there)
plus it is real hard to go total vegan or veggie we the growing group of diabetics need protein...4 oz of protein...etc and so froth

There is more protein in 100 calories of kale than in 100 calories of steak

It is a myth that a vegetarian diet is protein deficient.

I am not a vegetarian because I like meat and will continue to eat it but I have studied vegetarian diets and will occasionally go on a long meatless stretch (a few weeks here and there)

I have to have meat because, for some reason that I haven't looked into yet, plant protein doesn't keep away my hypoglycemic symptoms. However, I'm lucky because of genetics, I don't have an issue with cholesterol.
3rd year of being diabetic and i am done with i am considering bariatric surgery....i know a couple of people who did this and are 'cured' no longer has to test at far i have not ask them a bunch of questions....i dont know them that well and fear that its like anything else ...once you do it you wont admit it was a mistake...another issues is bmi....i am 5' 10" and hover at 150 lbs...

so anyone done this....or have advice....

mainly i am seeking advice on the diet after the surgery....i have been told its a bitchy as the diabetic diet and to be careful what i do.....that i may be trading one bitch for another....

Wouldn't advise or support surgery if it's simply a 'pain in the ass' thing. Surgery should be a last option, not first option.
5'10" and 150lbs and you are considering bariatric surgery???
And you are 62...I don't get it.
YOu need to watch the documentary "Fed Up".
Juicing is terrible for you. Without the fiber juice is just sugar.
Sugar is not sugar bones. Please watch the documentary.
Well that's a bunch of BS. We need fiber and no one I know suggests only juicing for life. Veggie & fruit juice contains MANY nutrients and is easily absorbed. When you juice you get fiber as a by product that you can use for all kinds of things. No law says you have to toss it. No one is going to sit and eat 4 carrots and a couple of apples. I run my spinach and kale through the Vitamix so I get all the fiber from them. Most juicers don't do leafy greens very well.

The easily absorption is the problem ice.
When you drink the juice of two apples, a carrot and a pear let's say. You consumed about 55 grams of sugar. MORE than soda. And because much of the fiber is gone, your intestines cannot process that sugar rush all at once, so your body immediately turns it into fat. PERIOD.
Sugar is why Americans are so fat. PERIOD.

No, it's not the only reason why people are fat. Lack of exercise factors into it as well as genetics, metabolism, etc.
lets pay attention....i can juice fuckers...i am diabetic...we can only have so much fruit...and i will be damned if i will juice kale 8 times a damn day....they are considering lower bmi's due to the diabetes....they being that unknow research group.....but they are also saying shortly there should be pills that will do what the surgery if only they could figure out why the intestines suddenly become glucose absorbing machines...i would not consider it at first....i had a fear of being put under but i have had two surgeries since then...over that fear....i have this dream of going in for needed surgery and having all this other stuff pass....arm flaps...etc and so

but rationally i know that its better to roll with what you have that try surgery for a quick answer.....having just watched 'plastic disasters' on hbo docs...

it is made worse by seeing someone who had the surgery just fucking doing great...(do i sound bitter here lol do i?) but in fairness he was unable to control his diabetes....i mean i hear his talking about no longer meds....ahh the grass is so green in his yard
How do you juice a fucker?
I'm 76 and 320lbs - a prime candidate for bariatric surgery. However, after extensive research have decided that the cure is worse than the problem.

The true solution to Type 2 diabetes is simply changing one's diet. And it doesn't have to be drastic. Cut down on carbs, especially things like white bread. You can continue meats - just cut out the fats. Drink low fat milk. Diet tea instead of sodas. Use sweetners instead of sugar - I use Truvía but there are several others. Believe it or not, try refried beans and diced prickly pear - filling with low sugar contents.

And finally, there are dozens of web sites dedicated to those who are pondering and have gone through the surgery. They are the ones that made me make up my mind not to go through it.
5'10" and 150lbs and you are considering bariatric surgery???
And you are 62...I don't get it.
YOu need to watch the documentary "Fed Up".
Juicing is terrible for you. Without the fiber juice is just sugar.
Sugar is not sugar bones. Please watch the documentary.
Well that's a bunch of BS. We need fiber and no one I know suggests only juicing for life. Veggie & fruit juice contains MANY nutrients and is easily absorbed. When you juice you get fiber as a by product that you can use for all kinds of things. No law says you have to toss it. No one is going to sit and eat 4 carrots and a couple of apples. I run my spinach and kale through the Vitamix so I get all the fiber from them. Most juicers don't do leafy greens very well.

The easily absorption is the problem ice.
When you drink the juice of two apples, a carrot and a pear let's say. You consumed about 55 grams of sugar. MORE than soda. And because much of the fiber is gone, your intestines cannot process that sugar rush all at once, so your body immediately turns it into fat. PERIOD.
Sugar is why Americans are so fat. PERIOD.

No, it's not the only reason why people are fat. Lack of exercise factors into it as well as genetics, metabolism, etc.

I didn't say it was the ONLY reason, I said it is why Americans are so fat. And it is.
Generally speaking, sugar is king when it comes to obesity and diabetes.

There is waaaaay too much sugar in food and drinks. The whole isle of drinks is all sugar laden flavored garbage. I never buy anything from that isle. I made a good alternative with club soda and lemon juice. Very refreshing.
There is waaaaay too much sugar in food and drinks. The whole isle of drinks is all sugar laden flavored garbage. I never buy anything from that isle. I made a good alternative with club soda and lemon juice. Very refreshing.

I leave out the CO2 and stick with water with lemon or lime slices. Sometimes I throw in some cucumber and mint.
5'10" and 150lbs and you are considering bariatric surgery???
And you are 62...I don't get it.
YOu need to watch the documentary "Fed Up".
Juicing is terrible for you. Without the fiber juice is just sugar.
Sugar is not sugar bones. Please watch the documentary.
Many people suffering from diabeties are not overweight or obese.

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