Zone1 Banning Children From Public Places?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
What say you guys? I say that no certain age groups should be banned from places, just specific children. That woman and child who got kicked off the plane for the kid just saying bye-bye to another plane was ridiculous though. It's like she said, it's not like he was screaming or misbehaving or something.

What say you guys? I say that no certain age groups should be banned from places, just specific children. That woman and child who got kicked off the plane for the kid just saying bye-bye to another plane was ridiculous though. It's like she said, it's not like he was screaming or misbehaving or something.

Someone was abusing their authority, that's all.
Tough call. Not everybody feels comfortable leaving their kids in the hands of strangers whenever they want a night out or go have a meal, but yeah, kids can be annoying to some people. They never bother me, but some of the parents do. My parents and grandparents would take me and my brother to nightclubs when they went dancing; there were always other kids there for us to run around with, and where we got our taste for live music and dancing ourselves. Got to see a lot of great musicians live, too, back when they got famous playing for audiences first.

It's also why we developed our aversion to excessive booze consumption, seeing what it did to some people's personalities. Watching alleged 'adults' fighting was kind of funny though, but nothing we hadn't seen at Little League and school sports games, lol. The umpires at ours were chosen for their size and lacek of inhibitions in fighting angry parents.
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What say you guys? I say that no certain age groups should be banned from places, just specific children. That woman and child who got kicked off the plane for the kid just saying bye-bye to another plane was ridiculous though. It's like she said, it's not like he was screaming or misbehaving or something.

Growing up, it was a vacation tradition that we had one nice, "fancy" meal out. This from when we were small. Our parents were clear: other people were having a fancy meal too and we were allowed to do NOTHING that would impact their enjoyment. Sit up. Speak nicely. Don't whine. We constantly were complimented on our behavior even back THEN. And we learned the right manners for the right situation.

People are less tolerant of children now, but I think that's in part because parents allow their children whatever behavior they display and figure everyone else should deal with it. And that's wrong. That mindset is not good for ANYone, least of all the children.
In that case, humanity and all of civilization thanks you for never having them.

"chucking a kid across the room like a ragdoll"

This place is seriously degenerating

I'm sorry, but if your seven year old kid is in Wal-Mart screaming and cussing out his mother because she isn't going to buy him a PS5, I have no other reaction than wanting to yeet the kid out the door. There is nothing disgusting about loathing bratty kids who scream and cry to get their way.
I'm sorry, but if your seven year old kid is in Wal-Mart screaming and cussing out his mother because she isn't going to buy him a PS5, I have no other reaction than wanting to yeet the kid out the door. There is nothing disgusting about loathing bratty kids who scream and cry to get their way.
In that instance, be mad at the parent for not putting their child in line. The 7 year old child is still developing and doesn’t know any better, a mere beginner in life. The parent is failing them by tolerating it. If I walked by the situation I’d think “geez get your shit together and get big on your kid for once”
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I was shocked to see some kids out playing during the ice storm we had recently, playing outside and sliding down a steep hill on some tubs and cardboard having a blast. It's a rarity these days to see kids playing outside at all the last couple of decades, much less doing anything physical and fun; no wonder there is a morbid obesity problem and general cry baby wimpiness infesting the young these days. Walking to the dope dealer's house and back while staring at your phone doesn't count.

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