Ban affirmative action. Support equality based on merit.

The most unfair thing in the world is...Equal treatment for Unequals.
Yep and for most of this nations history dumb and mentally retarded whites have been given equal or preferential treatment above more qualified people of color.
"more qualified people of color."

More qualified than what...robbing 7-11's?

Most people of color have only been walking erect for a couple of generations. Most are still on all 4's.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Considering that we have seen a huge case where whites cheated on SAT tests, your post is ignorabt and shows the racism that is the content of your character.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Considering that we have seen a huge case where whites cheated on SAT tests, your post is ignorabt and shows the racism that is the content of your character.

SAT scores are based on your knowledge. It's like a 100 meter dash time. It's merit-based.

What is this one "huge case".. and how does one case dictate that we must do away with an entire system?

I think being how hypersensitive and activist you clearly are, you care a LOT more about mere race than I do.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Considering that we have seen a huge case where whites cheated on SAT tests, your post is ignorabt and shows the racism that is the content of your character.

SAT scores are based on your knowledge. It's like a 100 meter dash time. It's merit-based.

What is this one "huge case".. and how does one case dictate that we must do away with an entire system?

I think being how hypersensitive and activist you clearly are, you care a LOT more about mere race than I do.
Wrong. You can't pay somebody else to run your 100 meter dash and get credit for it. SAT scores have never been the only requirements for admission and furthermore they are not accurate indicators of intelligence. The fact you are here calling equity racism shows what you are.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Considering that we have seen a huge case where whites cheated on SAT tests, your post is ignorabt and shows the racism that is the content of your character.

Have you ever posted here without tossing cards?

The real truth is that is all you do, you parrot bullshit and toss cards because you lack the ability to debate issues - the affirmative action "education."
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Considering that we have seen a huge case where whites cheated on SAT tests, your post is ignorabt and shows the racism that is the content of your character.

Have you ever posted here without tossing cards?

The real truth is that is all you do, you parrot bullshit and toss cards because you lack the ability to debate issues - the affirmative action "education."

The only people tossing cards here are those like you. This thread is nothing but a big white racist card tossing contest. You are the one who can't debate, mainly because you begin with a false premise. This country has never based anything on merit and you can look at laws/policies at every level that support what I just said. Until you can begin to admit the preferences whites have continuously been given from the first day of this nations existence, you really cannot debate AA. So what this amounts to is a whining thread for white racists to use in order to be able to make racist comments amongst themselves freely.
The average black man when prompted wants more money than the average white man to change his race

You over estimate the appeal, or your age is skewing your view of this

That famous "average white guy wants 50 mil to change his race" headline that's supposed to prove "white privelege"

Black guys wanted the most, lol. They don't tell you that bit.

You could change me to any race for 50 mil i'd take it, easy.

What kind of self loathing fuck would change his race for free? Does white privilege exist? Yes

In the way you think? No. In 2021 being a white straight guy is less appealing by the minute anyway

I would ask what the hell you are babbling about, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to know.

If being a white guy is less appealing in 2021, it's because of the way SOME white people are acting.

Not all Trump Supporters are racist, but for all of them, his racism wasn't a deal-breaker, and that's the problem.
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I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.

This is where you are a bit confused.

Yes, Affirmative Action gives some equity to people of color, although the primary beneficiaries of it have been white women.

White people get an advantage through access to private schools, tutors, athletic scholarships, legacies, being university donors and all the other advantages of being a privileged class.

As for SAT's... all an SAT proves is you are good at taking standardized tests.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Considering that we have seen a huge case where whites cheated on SAT tests, your post is ignorabt and shows the racism that is the content of your character.

Have you ever posted here without tossing cards?

The real truth is that is all you do, you parrot bullshit and toss cards because you lack the ability to debate issues - the affirmative action "education."

The only people tossing cards here are those like you. This thread is nothing but a big white racist card tossing contest. You are the one who can't debate, mainly because you begin with a false premise. This country has never based anything on merit and you can look at laws/policies at every level that support what I just said. Until you can begin to admit the preferences whites have continuously been given from the first day of this nations existence, you really cannot debate AA. So what this amounts to is a whining thread for white racists to use in order to be able to make racist comments amongst themselves freely.

You "never toss cards..."


That is all your beaked affirmative action birdbrain does here....

You cannot opine on a single issue without tossing cards, because your affirmative action "education" did not teach math, science, or debate, it taught race baiting and bigotry...

And bullshit history like your failure to understand that slavery first happened when homO's Kenyan ancestors murdered, raped, bound, and sold your ancestors...

That was funny, your first take, that the slow Jewish "white" boat owners got off the boat and chased down native Africans in Africa...
Nope, it doesn't. That is a complete and absolute fallacy drummed up by the left to provide yet another excuse for why some can't seem to prosper. Why aren't you wealthy? Why aren't all white people wealthy? According to you, it is handed to white people on a platter. Did you simply choose not to accept that gift or could it be that there is much more to it than that? Don't cramp your brain too much, but deep down you know the correct answer to this question but you must fight with your indoctrination to admit it.

I think you mistake the difference between being rich and being well-off...

Most rich people are kind of assholes...

I might be an asshole, but I'm not that kind of asshole, the one who lives like a parasite off the hard work of others.


If there was a Vengeful Pixie in the Sky, I would be thanking him every day I was born a white dude. It has given me opportunities I simply wouldn't have if I were black.

The very fact my grandfather could get off the boat with a couple of steamer trunks and pull ahead of black and native Americans is testimony to that.

Here's the thing, Cleetus. The poor dumb white trash like you cling on to your double wide, living in fear of that inevitable day when White People are a minority and fearing you might get the ration of shit you've been giving minorities for centuries.

Me. I want it all to be fair and equal now.

You are nothing more than a racist guilt-ridden white loser who is envious of those that have done well. I am far from dumb and far from poor. You should take a look in the mirror for that. Being born white is not a golden ticket to anything. You have been incorrectly taught/indoctrinated.
White people get an advantage through access to private schools, tutors, athletic scholarships, legacies, being university donors and all the other advantages of being a privileged class.

Anyone, black or white, who can afford them has access to private schools and tutors. Not sure where you are going with athletic scholarships. The most scholarships by far at major universities go to football teams with 75. Last I checked, white guys aren't exactly over-represented on those rosters. Legacies only get special treatment at the very elite schools and there are very few of those. My wife attended a little Ivy but our kids would not get any significantly special treatment if they applied. (They never is a liberal freakshow and my wife is quite embarrassed and disappointed by them) I can assure you that donating to my alma mater will not afford any special treatment for my kids unless I make a HUGE donation significant enough for them to name a building after me.

None of the stuff you mention here is race-based but rather wealth-based.
The average black man when prompted wants more money than the average white man to change his race

You over estimate the appeal, or your age is skewing your view of this

That famous "average white guy wants 50 mil to change his race" headline that's supposed to prove "white privelege"

Black guys wanted the most, lol. They don't tell you that bit.

You could change me to any race for 50 mil i'd take it, easy.

What kind of self loathing fuck would change his race for free? Does white privilege exist? Yes

In the way you think? No. In 2021 being a white straight guy is less appealing by the minute anyway

I would ask what the hell you are babbling about, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to know.

If being a white guy is less appealing in 2021, it's because of the way SOME white people are acting.

Not all Trump Supporters are racist, but for all of them, his racism wasn't a deal-breaker, and that's the problem.

There is a famous prompt about how much it would take for you to race to try and prove "white privelege", does the opposite, hahaha.

It's not that being white is not appealing

It's just not appealing to anyone who isn't white

People generally prefer to want to be the race they were born. Whatever that is doesn't seem to matter

With some exceptions. But most white people aren't darkening their skin. And most black people are not bleaching their skin.

There is some wanting to be "light skinned" in a lot of the world but that's not the same as being white. The east asians like their ladies fair but I don't think they mean blonde when they say that. And white people tan. But that's not changing your race.
Do any of you crackers ever deal with black military or law enforcement? Jesus too funny. It's like a Klan Koncert. And I'm not a great over of the masses.

What the fuck does our criminal justice system being racist as fuck have to do with affirmative action for anything outside fucking police, judges, and prosecutors?
Well thanks for making my point, cracker. LOL. I was posting about dealing with people from minority groups who work in the military and law and law enforcment where affirm action is present. Obviously you don't interact with guys like those. LOL
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Imagine they did that and still had only a 6% acceptance rate. Is that GREAT or what? LOL

And btw, I think they accomplished that by taking into account grade avgs, and how hard kids worked to get that, and obstacles faced, and single parents, and household incomes ....
Do any of you crackers ever deal with black military or law enforcement? Jesus too funny. It's like a Klan Koncert. And I'm not a great over of the masses.

What the fuck does our criminal justice system being racist as fuck have to do with affirmative action for anything outside fucking police, judges, and prosecutors?
Well thanks for making my point, cracker. LOL. I was posting about dealing with people from minority groups who work in the military and law and law enforcment where affirm action is present. Obviously you don't interact with guys like those. LOL

My goal is not to say we're a perfect society or black people should get nothing for obvious wrongs done to them under our law.

Just don't take the inches you deserve and ask for miles you don't.

The reality is go literally anywhere else. Including africa. You'll be back real quick unless you're very rich

"police and military are racist" has nothing to do with your ability to take a test.
United States was brilliantly crafted by brilliant people and the dim bulb leftists who can no where near elevate themselves into the available upper levels want to drag everyone down to their muck.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Princeton is a Preppy school. Whites who are born rich hate and fear all other Whites. That class is unAmerican to the core. They need to go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. But, as a class, they never get targeted. Their unearned inherited wealth gives them the power of mind control.
I saw that Princeton University is bragging that the incoming class is 60+% minority.

A. Why is that something to be proud of?

B. They didn't mention they waived the SAT score requirements. This is soft bigotry just to get quota points. It's social engineering by the university, and they want to be stroked by the woke establishment.

How about just try to be a place where being the highest achieving academic student is what gets you in?

You know.. equality?

Equity = racism.
Princeton is a Preppy school. Whites who are born rich hate and fear all other Whites. That class is unAmerican to the core. They need to go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. But, as a class, they never get targeted. Their unearned inherited wealth gives them the power of mind control.
We have mesmerizing privledge that we try to keep quiet

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