Background Checks For Gun Buys Are Federal Law


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.
Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.
I never have to submit to a background check.
Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.
My wife was so upset, she said "They just said on the News you can buy an assault weapon ON LINE!". I said ok let's check that out. I found an online gunstore, found an AR-15, put in an order and LOW AND BEHOLD a message popped up that said "The gun will be delivered to a dealer who will verify that you pass a background check for your firearem. WELL IMAGINE THAT!!! The Media is lying AGAIN.
Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.
Criminals don't seem to be too concerned with background checks... or being prosecuted for their gun crimes.

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.
Well, obviously we need SUPER DOUBLE background checks! That'll stop crime!

There, covered that for you, USMB lefties.
Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Background checks are requird only for licensed dealers. Individual sellers aren't required to do background checks. They don't even have to ask the buyer's name or age.
Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts

Firearm background checks: Explained - USAFacts
Jul 06, 2021 · Background checks for gun purchases. Gun buyers are required to submit to a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). A prospective buyer fills out ATF Form 4473 and the …

The media is lying about this, too.

So conservative patriots of this board believe background checks to purchase a firearm are a good thing? Ah, I see. So much for genuine belief in the Second Amendment. Way I see it, there are two types of criminals in general terms of the definition. The first fall into the category of convicted felons who are no longer actively engaged in criminal activity, many of whom lead productive lives as good, albeit, reformed citizens. Nevertheless, due to their past transgressions and despite Christian belief on the matter, our government will never forgive them and will forever deny them their right to keep and bear firearms. Second criminal category? They're the active, dangerous criminals—career offenders who deal drugs, work for the cartels, rob banks, and fully intend on violently harming innocent friendly civilians. That first category of criminal? They're largely too terrified of going back to prison to attempt a firearm purchase or acquisition by "alternative" means because if the law ever discovers they possess a gun they know they'll be going down for at least a decade. That old second category of criminal discussed above? No new gun law or background check on the books will prevent them from acquiring a gun and they'll do whatever it takes to get one.

So the question comes down to this . . . should Americans be allowed to purchase or build a gun without a background check? To all those so-called diehard patriot conservatives out there who answer 'yes', well, you've sold out to the government years ago, apparently and are happy to wear those government shackles around your ankles.

Background checks, federal or state, stop exactly zero gun murders on the streets of such sunshine holes as Detroit, Baltimore or Chicago. What they do achieve is creating illegal lists of American gun owners and most American gun owners go right along with it because, as I said, they aren't really conservatives or patriots or believers in the Second Amendment; no, they're all to happy to ask the government's permission to own a firearm. And that's a shame. And that is also why future, strict, and dominating new gun control laws will pass.

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