Back-to-back and undisputed champion...........


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Do the Democrats dare risk a three-peat?

You're right, he is the impeachment king, never in our history has a President been there twice.

Perhaps his sole accomplishment in four years. Should be on his headstone.
FOREVER ACQUITTED, TWICE! 100% EXONERATED, TWICE. NO EVIDENCE, NO CONVICTION--TWICE. Showed the democrat criminality and incompetence for what it is--TWICE.
You're right, he is the impeachment king, never in our history has a President been there twice.

Perhaps his sole accomplishment in four years. Should be on his headstone.
FOREVER ACQUITTED, TWICE! 100% EXONERATED, TWICE. NO EVIDENCE, NO CONVICTION--TWICE. Showed the democrat criminality and incompetence for what it is--TWICE.
He was guilty both times, the Republicans were just afraid to do the right thing. They are cowards.
You're right, he is the impeachment king, never in our history has a President been there twice.

Perhaps his sole accomplishment in four years. Should be on his headstone.
FOREVER ACQUITTED, TWICE! 100% EXONERATED, TWICE. NO EVIDENCE, NO CONVICTION--TWICE. Showed the democrat criminality and incompetence for what it is--TWICE.
He was guilty both times, the Republicans were just afraid to do the right thing. They are cowards.
Oh boo fucking hoo. The court has spoken, moron. The scamdemic and both scampeachments were democrat/globalist distractions to allow for a scam election. Whine, whine, whine. He's gone Poindexter, let it go.
Do the Democrats dare risk a three-peat?

View attachment 457162

Hate to tell you dude...but you know - every impeached president was acquitted right? It's a political process.
Au contraire, Andrew Johnson was convicted on at least three articles of impeachment, 35-19 and removed from office. U.S. Senate: The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson (1868) President of the United States

For some reason, I thought he wasn't - I stand corrected.
Both Impeachments AND the Russian Collusion Illusion were part of the Democrats' "Destroy Trump Campaign" that was launched DAY ONE of his Presidency. They had nothing to do with rule of law and everything to do with a vengeful power grab by the most disgraceful bunch of American politicians to ever stink up the halls of Congress.
You're right, he is the impeachment king, never in our history has a President been there twice.

Perhaps his sole accomplishment in four years. Should be on his headstone.
FOREVER ACQUITTED, TWICE! 100% EXONERATED, TWICE. NO EVIDENCE, NO CONVICTION--TWICE. Showed the democrat criminality and incompetence for what it is--TWICE.
He was guilty both times, the Republicans were just afraid to do the right thing. They are cowards.
Oh boo fucking hoo. The court has spoken, moron. The scamdemic and both scampeachments were democrat/globalist distractions to allow for a scam election. Whine, whine, whine. He's gone Poindexter, let it go.
Talk about whining.
and against all the odds!!!!!

No, moron, it came as a surprise to no one. The GOP is a cult, no one thought he had a chance of being convicted.
The goose-stepping democrats march in lock step to Piglosi's cattle prod and you call the GOP a cult--you're absurd. You, like most democrats, couldn't think for yourself if your life depended on it.

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