Back on topic--Fox news host calls for moore to step down

Alabama will go on record that they prefer child molestors to Democrats
If the left have anything to do with it, you are right. How's that Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption case coming along for your parties underage hooker-loving-ladies man charges in '15? Oh! That's right! Unproven allegations. :lmao:
Melendez is on trial

Looks like a hung jury
Fox news host calls for Moore to step down':

Fox News host: Roy Moore should 'do the decent thing' and 'step down'

Fox News host Jesse Watters responded to allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) on Thursday, calling them “disgusting.”

"If these allegations are true, I feel horrible for these women,” Watters said on Fox News's "The Five." "It’s disgusting. Even just the allegation itself. It’s not just one person, it’s multiple people."

Watters, who also hosts "Watters' World," then called on Moore to “do the decent thing” and “step down” from the Alabama Senate race.
Moore’s contempt for the rights of gay and transgender Americans, his contempt for the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, his contempt for the privacy rights of women, his contempt for the rule of law, along with his hateful, bigoted reactionaryism, render Moore unfit to hold public office, allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct notwithstanding.
WSJ article : Republican Feud Flares Up Over Roy Moore Sex Allegations

Accusations of sexual misconduct against the GOP candidate for U.S. Senate from Alabama Roy Moore have reignited a political battle between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former White House strategist Steve Bannon over the direction of the Republican Party.
Mr. Moore denied the claims first reported by the Washington Post that he dated teenagers when he was in his 30s, including sexually touching a 14-year-old on one date.
“I have never provided alcohol to minors, and I have never engaged in sexual misconduct,” he said in a statement Friday. In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Mr. Moore said he didn’t recall dating “any girl without the permission of her mother.” Asked to say he never dated anybody in their late teens when he was 32, Mr. Moore said, “It would’ve been out of…my customary behavior.”
Mr. Moore, who is backed by Mr. Bannon, secured his party’s nomination in a September runoff against incumbent GOP Sen. Luther Strange, who had the support of Mr. McConnell and his Senate colleagues.
“The contrast between what we’d be thinking about with Luther Strange versus what we are thinking about with Roy Moore—that is a wake-up call,” said Steven Law, who leads an outside effort aligned with Mr. McConnell. “Luther Strange would be 20 points ahead. Now, there’s at least a concern and a worry. And that’s at least in part because of Steve Bannon.”
On Friday, the National Republican Senatorial Committee withdrew from a joint fundraising committee with Mr. Moore, the Republican National Committee and the Alabama Republican Party, according to a Federal Election Commission filing. The RNC and the state party declined to comment on whether they will follow the NRSC.
Mr. Moore faces Democratic candidate Doug Jones, a former U.S. attorney, in a special election next month in what is a deep-red state. President Donald Trump won Alabama by more than 27 points last year. The race is to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ seat.
A poll taken Thursday in the aftermath of the Washington Post report alleging sexual misconduct by Mr. Moore showed the Senate race had narrowed to a 46%-46% tie. The poll of 515 likely voters by Opinion Savvy, commissioned by the nonpartisan political website Decision Desk HQ, was far closer than most recent polls before the Moore accusations surfaced, which showed the Republican with double-digit leads.
Mr. McConnell and Mr. Trump were among the Republican leaders who called for Mr. Moore to step aside if the allegations are true.
The Wall Street Journal contacted several of the women in the Post article; none of them disputed the report.
“Like most Americans, the president believes we cannot allow a mere allegation, in this case one from many years ago, to destroy a person’s life,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said during Mr. Trump’s Asia trip. “However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, Judge Moore will do the right thing and step aside.”
On Friday evening, two senators who endorsed Mr. Moore posted on Twitter that they were pulling their support. “Having read the detailed description of the incidents, as well as the response from Judge Moore and his campaign, I can no longer endorse his candidacy for the US Senate,” Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah) tweeted. Sen. Steve Daines of Montana also tweeted that he no longer supported the candidate.
Mr. Bannon is standing by Mr. Moore. At a New Hampshire Republican dinner Thursday night, he said the Post is part of “the opposition party.” He added that it wasn’t a coincidence that the newspaper also revealed a video last fall of Mr. Trump bragging about groping women without their permission.
In the same speech, Mr. Bannon said Mr. McConnell owes his job to Mr. Trump and hasn’t been sufficiently supportive of the president. Mr. Bannon served as White House strategist until August. Since his resignation, he has advanced a political strategy to take on what he calls “establishment” GOP senators in the 2018 midterms.
“When I left the White House, the one thing I said is I’m going after the Washington establishment,” Mr. Bannon said.
Mr. Bannon has told potential Senate challengers that to gain his backing they must vow to try to dislodge Mr. McConnell from his leadership perch in the Senate.
Republican lawmakers have complained that money that Senate leadership spends to defend incumbents against Bannon-backed primary challengers are dollars not invested in winning seats from vulnerable Democrats.
Those close to Mr. McConnell, a senator since 1985, also are growing more aggressive in attacking Mr. Bannon.
Josh Holmes, a former political adviser to Mr. McConnell, said Mr. Bannon’s antiestablishment campaign may “very well hand the keys to Chuck Schumer.”
“He’s an idiot, you’ll end up with more of this,“ Mr. Holmes said, referring to the controversy surrounding Mr. Moore. ”The problem that you have with the Steve Bannons of the world is they are unserious people attempting to play at the highest level of politics. This is not a game.”
The Senate Leadership Fund, Mr. Law’s’ group, has featured a volley of anti-Bannon messages.
“While Senate Republicans fight for @realDonaldTrump’s tax reform, Bannon’s @BreitbartNews is arguing the age of consent for teens,” the group wrote on Twitter, linking to a video of a Breitbart editor’s interview on MSNBC.
Mr. McConnell’s allies say the developments in the Alabama race should convince Republicans that Mr. Bannon wants to drag down the GOP.
“Breitbart’s efforts to quash this story by shooting the messenger aren’t just reprehensible, they’re a total vindication of McConnell’s positioning on Bannon,” said Brian McGuire, a former chief of staff to Mr. McConnell. “Anybody running for office next year who thinks they can do business with this guy and come out looking better for it is utterly delusional.”
In Alabama, Shirley Suddith, president of the Winston County Republican Women, said that it was not clear what impact the revelations would have on the Senate race.
“It’s too soon for me to make a judgment,” she said, noting that some voters—such as the young woman who just did her hair at the beauty shop—hadn’t heard anything about it.
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, said at a Friday press conference, “These allegations are deeply disturbing. I will withhold judgment until we get the facts.” Asked if she considered the word of the accusers to be trustworthy, she said: “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Alabama will go on record that they prefer child molestors to Democrats
If the left have anything to do with it, you are right. How's that Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption case coming along for your parties underage hooker-loving-ladies man charges in '15? Oh! That's right! Unproven allegations. :lmao:
This fails as red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is about Moore, not Menendez.

But your failed attempt to deflect is both pathetic and understandable, and typical of most on the cowardly, dishonest right.
The conduct after all these years is not criminal.

It is objectionable, immoral, cowardly, perverted: the dozen GOP senators will join with the Dems to reject seating him if he wins.
Alabama will go on record that they prefer child molestors to Democrats
If the left have anything to do with it, you are right. How's that Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption case coming along for your parties underage hooker-loving-ladies man charges in '15? Oh! That's right! Unproven allegations. :lmao:
Melendez is on trial

Looks like a hung jury

Hi, sweetie. You know you are my fave lefty on here, I hope. xoxoxo rightwinger.
Alabama will go on record that they prefer child molestors to Democrats
If the left have anything to do with it, you are right. How's that Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption case coming along for your parties underage hooker-loving-ladies man charges in '15? Oh! That's right! Unproven allegations. :lmao:
This fails as red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is about Moore, not Menendez.

But your failed attempt to deflect is both pathetic and understandable, and typical of most on the cowardly, dishonest right.
LOL....why "Thank You." xo
Alabama will go on record that they prefer child molestors to Democrats
If the left have anything to do with it, you are right. How's that Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption case coming along for your parties underage hooker-loving-ladies man charges in '15? Oh! That's right! Unproven allegations. :lmao:
This fails as red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is about Moore, not Menendez.

But your failed attempt to deflect is both pathetic and understandable, and typical of most on the cowardly, dishonest right.
The Fallacy Guy again.

I am so sick of him/her labeling everything some sort of Fallacy as if that answers the argument... which it certainly does not.

With this turd--Clayton Jones...this is a fallacy...that is a fallacy...everything is a fallacy.

I think the word....fallacy...may come from the same word as fellate...which I think Clayton Jones should be talking about...that he wishes he could talk more about...and at which he likely does excel.

GOP Senator says Senate should refuse to seat Moore, if he wins.

GOP lawmaker: Senate should expel Moore if he wins

A GOP lawmaker is calling for the Senate to refuse to swear in Roy Moore (R) if the Alabama Senate candidate defeats Doug Jones (D) in a December special election.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) told CNN on Friday that he believes the allegations reported against Moore are true. The Washington Post reported this week allegations that Moore initiated sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl decades ago while serving as an assistant district attorney.

“I think Roy Moore needs to step aside now, these allegations are disgusting and I believe them," Kinzinger said. "There's no way to defend this. And second, I think the Senate should say that they will refuse to seat him, or in fact expel him if he is the senator from Alabama."
The Establishment Republicans have made up their minds:

Republicans Try to Block Moore’s Path as Candidate Denies Sexual Misconduct

Republican senators and their advisers, in a flurry of phone calls, emails and text messages, discussed fielding a write-in candidate, pushing Alabama’s governor to delay the Dec. 12 special election or even not seating Mr. Moore at all should he be elected. In an interview, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, declined to say whether he would agree to seat Mr. Moore should he win. Mr. McConnell deferred a question about a possible write-in campaign by Senator Luther Strange, the current occupant of the seat, to Mr. Strange.

The Senate Republican campaign arm, which Mr. McConnell effectively oversees, withdrew Friday from a joint fund-raising agreement with Mr. Moore’s campaign. And Senators Mike Lee of Utah and Steve Daines of Montana rescinded their endorsements of the candidate.
The Establishment Republicans have made up their minds:

Republicans Try to Block Moore’s Path as Candidate Denies Sexual Misconduct

Republican senators and their advisers, in a flurry of phone calls, emails and text messages, discussed fielding a write-in candidate, pushing Alabama’s governor to delay the Dec. 12 special election or even not seating Mr. Moore at all should he be elected. In an interview, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, declined to say whether he would agree to seat Mr. Moore should he win. Mr. McConnell deferred a question about a possible write-in campaign by Senator Luther Strange, the current occupant of the seat, to Mr. Strange.

The Senate Republican campaign arm, which Mr. McConnell effectively oversees, withdrew Friday from a joint fund-raising agreement with Mr. Moore’s campaign. And Senators Mike Lee of Utah and Steve Daines of Montana rescinded their endorsements of the candidate.
Former Moore colleague: 'Common knowledge' that he dated high school girls

A former colleague of GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore said Saturday that it was "common knowledge" that the Alabama Republican dated high school girls when he worked in the Etowah County District Attorney's Office in the 1980s.

In a statement to CNN, Teresa Jones, who served as Deputy District Attorney for Etowah County, Ala., from 1982 until 1985, said that multiple people thought it was unusual that Moore dated high school girls, but that no one ever raised the matter with him.

"It was common knowledge that Roy Moore dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird," Jones told CNN. "We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall ... but you really wouldn't say anything to someone like that."

Moore, now 70, served as the Assistant District Attorney for Etowah County from 1977 until 1982.
Why do you dismiss the qualifiers "if true" in the those statements?

I am betting that there is no definitive way to prove the allegations are true, but there stands a good chance that they will be proven false.

I have already seen on this board the possibility that the woman may have lied about her age at the time of the alleged incident.

"the possibility"....can be easily proved or disproved, eh?
Fox news host calls for Moore to step down':

Fox News host: Roy Moore should 'do the decent thing' and 'step down'

Fox News host Jesse Watters responded to allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) on Thursday, calling them “disgusting.”

"If these allegations are true, I feel horrible for these women,” Watters said on Fox News's "The Five." "It’s disgusting. Even just the allegation itself. It’s not just one person, it’s multiple people."

Watters, who also hosts "Watters' World," then called on Moore to “do the decent thing” and “step down” from the Alabama Senate race.

For receiving a false rape accusation?


It's good to recall that yes, even Fox news is fake news.
Last edited:
The Establishment Republicans have made up their minds:

Republicans Try to Block Moore’s Path as Candidate Denies Sexual Misconduct

Republican senators and their advisers, in a flurry of phone calls, emails and text messages, discussed fielding a write-in candidate, pushing Alabama’s governor to delay the Dec. 12 special election or even not seating Mr. Moore at all should he be elected. In an interview, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, declined to say whether he would agree to seat Mr. Moore should he win. Mr. McConnell deferred a question about a possible write-in campaign by Senator Luther Strange, the current occupant of the seat, to Mr. Strange.

The Senate Republican campaign arm, which Mr. McConnell effectively oversees, withdrew Friday from a joint fund-raising agreement with Mr. Moore’s campaign. And Senators Mike Lee of Utah and Steve Daines of Montana rescinded their endorsements of the candidate.

And yet the democrats run a socialist.
What part of Innocent until PROVEN guilty don't regressive retards understand?

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