Bachmann: God 'raised up' Trump to be GOP nominee

If God picked Trump - he has an interesting sense of humor.
god is too busy deciding on more important matters such as who the winners in sporting events will be. He doesn't have time to waste on politics.

With that said, you have to wonder why he hasn't rewarded one of his most faithful followers with at least a spot on a team; any team in any sport for chrissakes!

If God picked Trump - he has an interesting sense of humor.
god is too busy deciding on more important matters such as who the winners in sporting events will be. He doesn't have time to waste on politics.

With that said, you have to wonder why he hasn't rewarded one of his most faithful followers with at least a spot on a team; any team in any sport for chrissakes!

he had other things for him to do. Look at his foundation and what he is doing there. interesting.
If God picked Trump - he has an interesting sense of humor.
god is too busy deciding on more important matters such as who the winners in sporting events will be. He doesn't have time to waste on politics.

With that said, you have to wonder why he hasn't rewarded one of his most faithful followers with at least a spot on a team; any team in any sport for chrissakes!


If I owned a baseball team I would sign Tebow

Let him play A Ball and get some fannies in the seats
No Michele, I'm pretty sure Satan picked Trump to help destroy the last bits of the only party that had even a shred of morality and decency still attached to its label. That type of errand is most definitely NOT one God would have any connection to..

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) says God ‘raised up’ Donald Trump to win the Republican presidential nomination.

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know.”

It’s a question political pundits will be attempting to answer for generations: How did real estate magnate and reality TV star Donald Trump win the Republican presidential nomination?

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), a Trump advisor, claims to know the answer: God did it.

Bachmann told “The Brody File” of CBN News that “the most high God lifts up who He will and takes down who He will.”

She explained:

I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election. I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee.​

Bachmann also said Trump was the only candidate who could win the general election.

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know,” she said. “But I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God, which is one of God’s names, is the one who lifts up who He will and takes down who He will.”

Michele Bachmann: God Picked Trump

Yes, Michele, you may be wrong. I don't know...
best joke of the day.
God picked Trumps hairdresser thats for sure. An engineer with an imagination .... few and far between.
Seriously, a lame BDS (Bachmann Derangement Syndrome) thread? These days? What's next? Some really lame 'I HATE THAT PALIN LADY!!' and 'BOOOOOOSH!!!!' threads?

Come on folks, get over it and get a life. These folks aren't even in Government anymore. Ya gotta take something for your derangement disorders. If you won't do it for yourself, think about us. These threads suck real bad. So help us out, huh? For the love of God, move on.

Kind of exactly what I said yesterday about Anthony Weiner, innit?

Having it both ways --- priceless.
If God picked Trump - he has an interesting sense of humor.
god is too busy deciding on more important matters such as who the winners in sporting events will be. He doesn't have time to waste on politics.

With that said, you have to wonder why he hasn't rewarded one of his most faithful followers with at least a spot on a team; any team in any sport for chrissakes!


If he "never got a spot on any team" ----- what's that he's wearing? Hallowe'en costume?
If God picked Trump - he has an interesting sense of humor.

She does indeed. Because God doesn't like Mexicans. Or Muslims or women or Native Americans or blacks or people with congenital nerve disorders or people with variant view or the Constitution of the United States, even though He/She/It invented them all.

Apparently God makes a lot of defects. :dunno:

Oh and God likes people who weren't captured, OK??

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know.”

It’s a question political pundits will be attempting to answer for generations: How did real estate magnate and reality TV star Donald Trump win the Republican presidential nomination?

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), a Trump advisor, claims to know the answer: God did it.

Bachmann told “The Brody File” of CBN News that “the most high God lifts up who He will and takes down who He will.”

She explained:

I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election. I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee.​

Bachmann also said Trump was the only candidate who could win the general election.

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know,” she said. “But I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God, which is one of God’s names, is the one who lifts up who He will and takes down who He will.”

Michele Bachmann: God Picked Trump

Yes, Michele, you may be wrong. I don't know...

That's the problem with these "god has a purpose for everything," wussies. They blame God for their failures. LOL

That's right......

God offers.....

So does someone else.

We have choices.
Seriously, a lame BDS (Bachmann Derangement Syndrome) thread? These days? What's next? Some really lame 'I HATE THAT PALIN LADY!!' and 'BOOOOOOSH!!!!' threads?

Come on folks, get over it and get a life. These folks aren't even in Government anymore. Ya gotta take something for your derangement disorders. If you won't do it for yourself, think about us. These threads suck real bad. So help us out, huh? For the love of God, move on.

Did you make the same remark in the latest Anthony Weiner threads?

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