Bachmann files paperwork to run.

What is it with men that you have to consider a woman's physical appearance as somehow relevant?

Are women smarter than men - because we don't consider how attractive a man is as vital to the debate.

I am simply pointing out she's attractive.
Nice compliment - compared to the insults hurled at Sarah Palin, "needs a new hairdoo, talks funny, etc."
I find my wife beautiful and tell her so everyday. No problem here.
Paying a woman a compliment, in my view, is still in style.

And by the way - she's waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me!!! LOL!~

I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

What are Michelle Bachmann's accomplishments that put her above Romney, Pawlenty, Cain, Paul, Huntsman, Johnson, or Gingrich? A(and whoever I might have left out)

Specifically. Show us how she beats any of those guys strictly in the accomplishment category.
What is it with men that you have to consider a woman's physical appearance as somehow relevant?

Are women smarter than men - because we don't consider how attractive a man is as vital to the debate.

I am simply pointing out she's attractive.
Nice compliment - compared to the insults hurled at Sarah Palin, "needs a new hairdoo, talks funny, etc."
I find my wife beautiful and tell her so everyday. No problem here.
Paying a woman a compliment, in my view, is still in style.

And by the way - she's waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me!!! LOL!~

I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

Agreed--there has got to be something real stupid about a female-who owned and managed her own business as a tax lawyer--Michelle Bachmann.

But in reality--it's Ron Paul who is and was considered top dog with the tea party movement in this country--Michelle Bachmann is the number 2.
She's a remarkable, brilliant, experienced lady. My best wishes to her.

That is truly an amazing thing to say about a women like Bachman. If she is what you say, then I am Einstein, Tom Brady, and Jesus all rolled up into one.
Rep. Michele Bachmann makes presidential run official – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The Queen of the Tea Baggers is now in it to win it...:clap2:

The GOP has now officially soiled their collective pants...:lol:

It might interest you to know that 40% of the tea party movement in this country consists of democrats and independents--and GROWING.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

That survey was a year old.
I am simply pointing out she's attractive.
Nice compliment - compared to the insults hurled at Sarah Palin, "needs a new hairdoo, talks funny, etc."
I find my wife beautiful and tell her so everyday. No problem here.
Paying a woman a compliment, in my view, is still in style.

And by the way - she's waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me!!! LOL!~

I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

What are Michelle Bachmann's accomplishments that put her above Romney, Pawlenty, Cain, Paul, Huntsman, Johnson, or Gingrich? A(and whoever I might have left out)

Specifically. Show us how she beats any of those guys strictly in the accomplishment category.

She does what she says she's going to do. Very untypical of a politician. She doesn't have her nose up the RNC's rino machine mechanizm.

Highly educated-owned her own business as a tax lawyer and-speaks very well.
I am simply pointing out she's attractive.
Nice compliment - compared to the insults hurled at Sarah Palin, "needs a new hairdoo, talks funny, etc."
I find my wife beautiful and tell her so everyday. No problem here.
Paying a woman a compliment, in my view, is still in style.

And by the way - she's waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me!!! LOL!~

I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

Agreed--there has got to be something real stupid about a female-who owned and managed her own business as a tax lawyer--Michelle Bachmann.

But in reality--it's Ron Paul who is and was considered top dog with the tea party movement in this country--Michelle Bachmann is the number 2.

It's another day in Crazyville when conservatives start citing lawyering as the kind of experience they crave in a candidate.
Rep. Michele Bachmann makes presidential run official – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The Queen of the Tea Baggers is now in it to win it...:clap2:

The GOP has now officially soiled their collective pants...:lol:

It might interest you to know that 40% of the tea party movement in this country consists of democrats and independents--and GROWING.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

That survey was a year old.

That's why I said GROWING. What?--do you think the tea party is O.K. with no jobs--and looking at 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities--and that they have just gone away-since last year?-:lol:
From her argument that the Constitutional doctrine of separation of church and State is a ‘myth’ to her lie about healthcare reform funding, and her debunked and false accusation that that Planned Parenthood ‘supports’ child sex trafficking, Bachmann is clearly an individual woefully and willfully ignorant of the facts and willing to use lies and distortions to further her radical partisan agenda.

That many on the right are willing to support an defend her is sadly telling.
She has no executive experience.

Anyone who held that up as a reason not to vote for Obama looks like a moron if they don't hold her to the same standard.

She is a national media/public superstar
Your drivel is confined to a messageboard

Whose the failure?

I'm not running for president, Corky.

Neither is Sarah Palin. So put a cork in the Palin-hate, dildo.

I am sure if she hosted a television show "Her Assets" vs. "Yours," it would draw flies to shit, right? You're so equal to her accomplishments.

Take your women hate elsewhere loser.

You come across as an idiot.
I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

Agreed--there has got to be something real stupid about a female-who owned and managed her own business as a tax lawyer--Michelle Bachmann.

But in reality--it's Ron Paul who is and was considered top dog with the tea party movement in this country--Michelle Bachmann is the number 2.

It's another day in Crazyville when conservatives start citing lawyering as the kind of experience they crave in a candidate.

Well look at who you put in the White House:cuckoo: Oh I forgot--he's our Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual EVER President--that somehow didn't know that permits are required to do road and bridge work.

How's all that hopey and changey workin for ya?
What is it with men that you have to consider a woman's physical appearance as somehow relevant?

Are women smarter than men - because we don't consider how attractive a man is as vital to the debate.

I am simply pointing out she's attractive.
Nice compliment - compared to the insults hurled at Sarah Palin, "needs a new hairdoo, talks funny, etc."
I find my wife beautiful and tell her so everyday. No problem here.
Paying a woman a compliment, in my view, is still in style.

And by the way - she's waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me!!! LOL!~

I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

I find it interesting that feminists always feel the need to comment on every little thing men do that isn't appeasing to them... but anyway

Men are programmed, biologically, to search out and find a mate. That is our JOB as men. Therefore, we do feel that looks are important. They have to be. They are the only cue to sexual and reproductive fitness we have, and instinctually evaluate women whenever we see them, and yes, Bachman is kind of attractive... until she smiles, and then speaks, and then I want to gouge my eyes out.
From her argument that the Constitutional doctrine of separation of church and State is a ‘myth’ to her lie about healthcare reform funding, and her debunked and false accusation that that Planned Parenthood ‘supports’ child sex trafficking, Bachmann is clearly an individual woefully and willfully ignorant of the facts and willing to use lies and distortions to further her radical partisan agenda.

That many on the right are willing to support an defend her is sadly telling.

Do you want to get a little specific on the lies she told-about Obamacare-or do you even know? You liberals continually bash the opposite side of the isle and never bring up SPECIFICS--because you don't know diddly sqwat. All you're programmed to do is DEFEND Barack Obama.

$Leave Barack alone.jpg
I just find it interesting that men, generally, feel the need to judge on physical appearance... rather than on accomplishments and policies.

Agreed--there has got to be something real stupid about a female-who owned and managed her own business as a tax lawyer--Michelle Bachmann.

But in reality--it's Ron Paul who is and was considered top dog with the tea party movement in this country--Michelle Bachmann is the number 2.

It's another day in Crazyville when conservatives start citing lawyering as the kind of experience they crave in a candidate.

yes it is, so what happens when you guys play the Harvard review card? :eusa_whistle:

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