Australian Official Reveals All But 1 Covid Patients In The Country Are Vaccinated

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
LISTEN very carefully right at the end when he mumbles the MOST IMPORTANT part.
All but one person are fully vaccinated who are hospitalised with COVID-19….i.e. there are 141 in ICU and 140 are VACCINATED!

LISTEN very carefully right at the end when he mumbles the MOST IMPORTANT part.
All but one person are fully vaccinated who are hospitalised with COVID-19….i.e. there are 141 in ICU and 140 are VACCINATED!

Holy shit,you don’t want to get ill and have to go to the hospital in that country,your own death warrant gets’s not any better here in the states where military units are being deployed right now as we speak to go door to door fir force if this is really going on as they are saying right here in the states,I’m going to be taking out a few people with some bullets before they try and force that crap into my body.
Curious that there are apparently no videos of Fauci Flu patients in ICU's around the world. Let's assume there are patients in the ICU's. What is the treatment? Ivermectin? If so, why is that not available over the counter and taken at the first signs of any flu? Or is the treatment "ventilators" which typically increases the chance of death?
LISTEN very carefully right at the end when he mumbles the MOST IMPORTANT part.
All but one person are fully vaccinated who are hospitalised with COVID-19….i.e. there are 141 in ICU and 140 are VACCINATED!

This is the video to which I referred earlier today, and was corrected in print media. The guy misspoke. He later corrected. AU has a vax rate of under 13%, so the ICU is filled with the UNvaxxed, which would make sense.
LISTEN very carefully right at the end when he mumbles the MOST IMPORTANT part.
All but one person are fully vaccinated who are hospitalised with COVID-19….i.e. there are 141 in ICU and 140 are VACCINATED!

You think the most important part is that all but one person in ICU is vaccinated?

I personally think that the most important part is that there are ONLY 141 people in ICU with Covid. As opposed to tens of thousands in the US, a country that has a vaccination rate under 50 percent. This seems a more significant conclusion.
forkup, did you ever take a math class? Based on the 140 of 141 numbers, I am guessing 99% of the Fauci Flu cases feature victims of the Fauci Vaccine. 140 divided by 141. :dunno:
forkup, did you ever take a math class? Based on the 140 of 141 numbers, I am guessing 99% of the Fauci Flu cases feature victims of the Fauci Vaccine. 140 divided by 141. :dunno:
So the F what? Australia simply doesn't have a lot of Covid. Undoubtedly because they took quarantine seriously.

You want to make this about the efficacy of the vaccines? Instead of focusing on an interview by some doctor in a single country and 141 cases. It would be probably be a better idea to focus on the number of cases, severity of cases, vaccination rates and how they corrolate across the globe.
Oh you guys are hilarious lol.

I love it when your threads blow up in your face and show the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you were trying to show.

Curious that there are apparently no videos of Fauci Flu patients in ICU's around the world. Let's assume there are patients in the ICU's. What is the treatment? Ivermectin? If so, why is that not available over the counter and taken at the first signs of any flu? Or is the treatment "ventilators" which typically increases the chance of death?

Follow the money

Oh you guys are hilarious lol.

I love it when your threads blow up in your face and show the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you were trying to show.


Here's something for you to contemplate. Translate from Hebrew. Vaccines lose effectiveness at rate of 40% per MONTH. That does not rely on some guy misspeaking and also tracks with what we're seeing in real life. In short, these vaccines suck. And yet the totalitarians are still jackboot marching around about them.

Here's something for you to contemplate. Translate from Hebrew. Vaccines lose effectiveness at rate of 40% per MONTH. That does not rely on some guy misspeaking and also tracks with what we're seeing in real life. In short, these vaccines suck. And yet the totalitarians are still jackboot marching around about them.

Of the 43 people in intensive care, 42 have not been vaccinated.”

Still seems pretty effective to me.
LISTEN very carefully right at the end when he mumbles the MOST IMPORTANT part.
All but one person are fully vaccinated who are hospitalised with COVID-19….i.e. there are 141 in ICU and 140 are VACCINATED!

Rupert Murdoch not in total control down under....

Our government healthcare is Zionist fascism.....
The Covid liars aren't scaring as well this time.

No NFL players chickened....

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