Bizarre arrest of FBI agent spotlights accusations of bureau corruption


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Bizarre arrest of FBI agent spotlights accusations of bureau corruption

24 Jul 2021 ~~ By Dana Kennedy
The June 2020 plot by the Wolverine Watchmen — which authorities claim included the possible use of a stun gun on Whitmer and talk of blowing up a bridge to prevent cops from giving chase — never came to pass, broken up by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in a celebrated bust in which 14 people have been arrested so far.
But as it was revealed that the FBI had at least a dozen informants heavily involved in the Watchmen — including that Iraq veteran — critics say the G-Men did as much to prod the plot as they did to prevent it from happening in the first place.
The agents took an active part in the scheme from its inception, according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews examined by BuzzFeed. Some members of the Wolverine Watchmen are accusing the feds of entrapment.
One FBI informant from Wisconsin allegedly helped organize meetings where the first inklings of the Whitmer plot surfaced, even paying for hotel rooms and food to entice people to attend, BuzzFeed reported. The Iraq veteran, identified as “Dan” by BuzzFeed, allegedly shelled out for transportation costs to militia meetings and apparently goaded members to advance the plot.
“It appears to me that there are allegations, with evidentiary support, that the FBI may have or currently is infiltrating, inciting or spawning alleged fringe group operations in this country,” attorney Darren Richie told The Post. “The citizens of this country deserve to know if any of the stories permeating this subject are valid.”
Danny Coulson, a former deputy assistant director of the FBI who led the 1995 search for and arrest of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, told The Post cries of entrapment have long been used by perps and he doesn’t believe the FBI acted improperly in Michigan.
But he said that he and other FBI agents, both past and present, have “very grave concerns” about today’s bureau.
Coulson said he was shocked at the FBI’s tweet last week urging citizens to monitor “family members and peers” for signs of extremism. “The bureau’s job is to collect evidence, not to develop informants,” Coulson said. “That was inappropriate.”
Coulson said he and others are “very upset” the FBI hasn’t arrested anti-government and anti-fascist protesters who have been leading violent demonstrations in Portland and Seattle for more than a year — yet are bearing down so hard on those arrested for the insurrection at the Capitol.
Coulson used to run the Portland, Ore. FBI office and said the FBI has the jurisdiction under racketeering statutes to go after the activists who set fire and vandalized federal office buildings and threatened police.
“I am not demeaning what happened that day,” Coulson said of Jan. 6. “But I’m asking why [those] people are being punished at this level and others aren’t. In Portland and Seattle you clearly have federal laws being violated in plain sight and nothing done.”

We know the FBI is willing to break the law when it serves their purposes, such as swearing to a FISA court that the information they were using to get a FISA warrant was verified, when they knew it was not verified and was in fact false.
I believe that Ann Coulter once claimed years ago, "the only members of the KKK these days are FBI agents and informants".
The entire organization of the FBI needs to be dismantled from top to bottom.
You can’t have a “White Supremacist” problem without creating some “White Supremacists”, but you can have Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists as long as they are protected by those like Christopher Wray that claim, “We do not investigate groups or individuals based on the exercise of First Amendment protected activity alone. But, when we encounter violence and threats to public safety, the FBI will not hesitate to take appropriate action.”
The thing is, the FBI infiltrating fringe groups is a long-standing policy that dates back to the beginning of the agency. Had to root out them commies. The legality of this practice had never really been seriously questioned until they finally started looking at the heavily armed militia groups on the right. Apparently they don't like being taken seriously.
The FBI used to be held in high esteem by the public

but much less so after obama left office

I still believe most field agents are honest

or maybe I just want to believe it

but the leadership is definitely corrupt and partisan
The FBI used to be held in high esteem by the public

but much less so after obama left office

I still believe most field agents are honest

or maybe I just want to believe it

but the leadership is definitely corrupt and partisan
Is it your position that they should never go after any right wing militia group?
Is it your position that they should never go after any right wing militia group?


And when they refuse to deal with those actually burning down cities and committing MURDER they are silent because THESE criminals are the political subversives of the LEFT

They have been doing stuff like this since the fifties. Why are you only complaining about sting operations they conduct against the right? Militias have the means, opportunity and the stated intention of mounting an armed rebellion against the government. Just ignore them until they blow something up?
They have been doing stuff like this since the fifties. Why are you only complaining about sting operations they conduct against the right? Militias have the means, opportunity and the stated intention of mounting an armed rebellion against the government. Just ignore them until they blow something up?
Name another "sting" where half the plot was FBI and where the informants planned the supposed plot and enticed participation by paying for the hotel rooms for the meetings to get people to attend?
There was a time when most Americans credited the FBI with being non partisan

But the FBI has lost that trust
The FBI was never non partisan. They went after leftist extremists and anti-war pacifists pretty hard and no one complained about that until they turned those tactics on the Klan and later the militias.
They have been doing stuff like this since the fifties. Why are you only complaining about sting operations they conduct against the right?
I wasnt alive most of the 50s

The reason I'm condemning THIS is because THIS is the thread.

What I'm noticing is that YOU arent condemning this
The FBI was never non partisan. They went after leftist extremists and anti-war pacifists pretty hard and no one complained about that until they turned those tactics on the Klan and later the militias.
Irrelevant to THIS thread. Still no condemnation from you. Only justification.
FBI was never non partisan. They went after leftist extremists and anti-war pacifists pretty hard and no one complained about that until they turned those tactics on the Klan and later the militias.
Most Americans supported the FBI because they were were investigating extremism on the left and right

meaning a majority of conservatives opposed the KKK

but now the FBI has become a tool of the left and is being used to suppress conservatives
The thing is, the FBI infiltrating fringe groups is a long-standing policy that dates back to the beginning of the agency. Had to root out them commies. The legality of this practice had never really been seriously questioned until they finally started looking at the heavily armed militia groups on the right. Apparently they don't like being taken seriously.
there is no problem with undercover operations…by any law enforcement group.

The allegations here go beyond simply undercover operations and it sounds like the defense is suggesting entrapment, which is illegal and a valid defense. That defense is nothing new either
I wasnt alive most of the 50s

The reason I'm condemning THIS is because THIS is the thread.

What I'm noticing is that YOU arent condemning this
What I am saying is that it is 50 years too late to start questioning the legality of FBI sting operations. There has to be a line between lawful association and plotting harm against the country. We long ago gave the FBI the job of drawing that line. Not defending or condemning it.
What I am saying is that it is 50 years too late to start questioning the legality of FBI sting operations. There has to be a line between lawful association and plotting harm against the country. We long ago gave the FBI the job of drawing that line. Not defending or condemning it.
The allegations go way beyond a sting.
there is no problem with undercover operations…by any law enforcement group.

The allegations here go beyond simply undercover operations and it sounds like the defense is suggesting entrapment, which is illegal and a valid defense. That defense is nothing new either
Most of the time stings have been drug or terrorist related. No one gave a fuck until some so called patriots started to show up on the radar.

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