Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
I don't know if this guy's claim is true or false.

But I'm guessing that the cowardly mainstream media won't be investigating his claim to see if it's true or false.

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report - 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

By Jim Hoft

April 9, 2021

Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

Among the findings:

• Modem Chipsets Installed In Voting System Motherboards

• 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just 9 counties.

66,194 ballot voter IDs not found in October registration database.
But I'm guessing that the cowardly mainstream media won't be investigating his claim to see if it's true or false.

The MSM will be somewhere between totally ignoring the story and replying that his claims are totally false and baseless when they do---- of course without a shred of evidence to back up any of their claims.
The Steal worked because the FBI, Homeland Security, Mike Pence - another "Christian" values guy, as well as a big supporter of using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies, and all three Trump Supreme Court picks were in on it. To notice that every one of those is Zionist Jew would be truthful, but will likely be met here with a lot of hostility if no basis at all for denial.

No, mike pence isn't really a Christian. If anyone still thinks he ever was one, you are the dumbest life form ever...
Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

From Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office:
"Statement of Jake Rollow, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in response to the meritless videos released by ASOG attorney Matthew DePerno: “After his previous attempt to spread disinformation about Antrim County – a bogus ‘report’ about voting machines that has already been debunked – failed spectacularly, Mr. DePerno has again resorted to spreading lies in a desperate attempt to confuse voters. The truth is that voting machines counted ballots accurately, as the full hand tally of all presidential election ballots cast in Antrim County proved.

The claims in DePerno’s videos are absurd on their face, and further evidence of his complete and willful lack of knowledge of election administration..........This was clearly explained in DePerno’s presence, but he chose to omit this detail. The purpose of the audit was to count ballots cast in the presidential election, but ballots are retained for 22 months and anyone who wants to investigate write-in ballots is free to do so. The audit was livestreamed and conducted with media and law enforcement on site. Staff offered that if anyone thought something illegal had occurred, they could report it to the law enforcement officers on site.

DePerno chose not to do so, perhaps because he is aware that falsely reporting criminal activity to law enforcement is illegal, but lying on the internet is not.”

Well, that's one ---widely recognized in Michigan as a nutter, Matt DePerno of Kalamazoo.
It gets better, there is a twofer here.

You get Jim Hoft of Midway Pundit along with DePerno, as a BOGO

From Forbes:

" Hoft and his publication have been widely criticized for spreading false information, including promoting conspiracy theories regarding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. A recent study published by The German Marshall Fund of the United States found that The Gateway Pundit was the leading single source of misinformation shared by verified accounts on Twitter in 2020. In 2019, Wikipedia deprecated The Gateway Pundit, removing its qualifications to serve as a source of legitimate information. The community cited “falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories” that appear on The Gateway Pundit as the reason for the decision."

BTW, Hoft and his publication have been permanently banned from Twitter.
Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

From Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office:
"Statement of Jake Rollow, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in response to the meritless videos released by ASOG attorney Matthew DePerno: “After his previous attempt to spread disinformation about Antrim County – a bogus ‘report’ about voting machines that has already been debunked – failed spectacularly, Mr. DePerno has again resorted to spreading lies in a desperate attempt to confuse voters. The truth is that voting machines counted ballots accurately, as the full hand tally of all presidential election ballots cast in Antrim County proved.

The claims in DePerno’s videos are absurd on their face, and further evidence of his complete and willful lack of knowledge of election administration..........This was clearly explained in DePerno’s presence, but he chose to omit this detail. The purpose of the audit was to count ballots cast in the presidential election, but ballots are retained for 22 months and anyone who wants to investigate write-in ballots is free to do so. The audit was livestreamed and conducted with media and law enforcement on site. Staff offered that if anyone thought something illegal had occurred, they could report it to the law enforcement officers on site.

DePerno chose not to do so, perhaps because he is aware that falsely reporting criminal activity to law enforcement is illegal, but lying on the internet is not.”

Well, that's one ---widely recognized in Michigan as a nutter, Matt DePerno of Kalamazoo.
It gets better, there is a twofer here.

You get Jim Hoft of Midway Pundit along with DePerno, as a BOGO

From Forbes:

" Hoft and his publication have been widely criticized for spreading false information, including promoting conspiracy theories regarding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. A recent study published by The German Marshall Fund of the United States found that The Gateway Pundit was the leading single source of misinformation shared by verified accounts on Twitter in 2020. In 2019, Wikipedia deprecated The Gateway Pundit, removing its qualifications to serve as a source of legitimate information. The community cited “falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories” that appear on The Gateway Pundit as the reason for the decision."

BTW, Hoft and his publication have been permanently banned from Twitter.
The president of the USA was banned from Twitter. Irrelevant.
The Steal worked because ...... Mike Pence,,,,and all three Trump Supreme Court picks were in on it. To notice that every one of those is Zionist Jew..... No, mike pence isn't really a Christian.
If anyone still thinks he ever was one, you are the dumbest life form ever..."

I love this bar.
The number one objective of the lawyer lobby is to stop any evidence from being presented. No court has allowed any.

How can anyone claim there is no evidence when they block the evidence from being presented?

Every judge who refused to allow evidence on the 2020 election is 100 percent guilty of treason in the first degree.
Anyway, I read the OP's link to Gateway Pundit.

And I gotta admit, reading Gateway can be a hoot.
It's "I love this bar"--squared. On steroids.

Anyway, thanks to poster Drop Dead Fred and his link, we can all here get a bit of a taster of Gateway's loyal following. Like, for example, Drop Dead Fred.

Here are some of the reader's comments to Fred's linked story. (thanks, Fred.)
(honestbejesus, I love this bar)

  1. Redzilla • Stealing the election had less potential blowback compared to what they did to JFK and his brother.

  2. Proud Communist Remember the ROLE that FOX NEWS played in the steal. Now, they are hoping we forget as they "act" conservative.

  3. Chuck Farly Barr was clearly in on the whole thing.

  4. Save Our Republic •Let's NEVER forget the betrayal of America, by traitor Mike Pence.

  5. Rev. Walking Turtle A meticulously engineered, manufactured and enforced top-down per fiat Reality that is No Reality. It is precisely what the first Matrix Movie represented in futuristic, symbolic sci-fi form.

  6. Pat I believe that President Trump even won California.

  7. Sandi Truth be known he won at least 48 states and probably more.

  8. Beijing yank My sources got 5 million Chinese counterfeit ballots in the election. Find them and count every legal vote.

  9. Chris Kyle MAG 66,194 fake ballots so far, times 83 total counties in MI, divided by 9 counties audited, Equals 610,455.8 fraud ballots...just in Michigan,

  10. John Wicks Pencil • Add that to the 400,000 votes removed from President Trump 9 times on live TV (3.6million votes) on Nov 3rd 2020.

  11. Cleverosity I knew Breitbart was psyoping patriots about 6 months into the fake pandemic. I blew out of there in a hurry when I knew the Mercer family owned BB.

  12. Post Tolerant • This confirmed I was right to leave Breitbart months ago.

  13. OkiefromMuskogee64 Jon Boy Roberts Supreme court is a seditious bunch of numbskulls. Even the Trump Justices have shown to be anti constitutional Nabobs.
  14. OkiefromMuskogee64I use the HI Herbal infuser to make my butter with. I use 40 g of flower per pound of butter. My cookies have approx 78mg Thc per serving.

    I'm starting to love hanging with the nutters on Gateway Pundit more than I like hanging with nutters on......ummmm, ..well, on other forums.
    Shall we say.
I don't know if this guy's claim is true or false.

But I'm guessing that the cowardly mainstream media won't be investigating his claim to see if it's true or false.

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report - 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

By Jim Hoft

April 9, 2021

Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

Among the findings:

• Modem Chipsets Installed In Voting System Motherboards

• 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just 9 counties.

66,194 ballot voter IDs not found in October registration database.

Looks like only two clowns find this funny. Could they have escaped from some circus?
I don't know if this guy's claim is true or false.

But I'm guessing that the cowardly mainstream media won't be investigating his claim to see if it's true or false.

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report - 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

HUGE NEWS: Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

By Jim Hoft

April 9, 2021

Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

Among the findings:

• Modem Chipsets Installed In Voting System Motherboards

• 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just 9 counties.

66,194 ballot voter IDs not found in October registration database.

The Gateway Pukenet, ewe no it's bullshit butt.....ewe had better make sure this evidence gets into the hands of Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto.
"Looks like only two clowns find this funny. Could they have escaped from some circus?"

I read the above observation by the USMB poster Yarddog.

And, forgive me, but.......but I immediately became suspicious that the fake-name 'Yarddog', was the same as the fake-name 'Rev. Walking Turtle' of Gateway Pundit fame (see post #9, and item #5)

Or, alternatively, that common avatar 'Yarddog' name could also be yet another nome de plume of Gateway's avatar Beijing Yank? (#8)
Or, upon reflection.....maybe it's an alias for avataree Proud Communist? (#2)
Or, maybe ---- 'Sandi'? (#7)

Oh, hell............after a bit they all sound alike. Peas, same pod.
Or so it seems.

But that's only my opinion. ;)
Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

From Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office:
"Statement of Jake Rollow, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in response to the meritless videos released by ASOG attorney Matthew DePerno: “After his previous attempt to spread disinformation about Antrim County – a bogus ‘report’ about voting machines that has already been debunked – failed spectacularly, Mr. DePerno has again resorted to spreading lies in a desperate attempt to confuse voters. The truth is that voting machines counted ballots accurately, as the full hand tally of all presidential election ballots cast in Antrim County proved.

The claims in DePerno’s videos are absurd on their face, and further evidence of his complete and willful lack of knowledge of election administration..........This was clearly explained in DePerno’s presence, but he chose to omit this detail. The purpose of the audit was to count ballots cast in the presidential election, but ballots are retained for 22 months and anyone who wants to investigate write-in ballots is free to do so. The audit was livestreamed and conducted with media and law enforcement on site. Staff offered that if anyone thought something illegal had occurred, they could report it to the law enforcement officers on site.

DePerno chose not to do so, perhaps because he is aware that falsely reporting criminal activity to law enforcement is illegal, but lying on the internet is not.”

Well, that's one ---widely recognized in Michigan as a nutter, Matt DePerno of Kalamazoo.
It gets better, there is a twofer here.

You get Jim Hoft of Midway Pundit along with DePerno, as a BOGO

From Forbes:

" Hoft and his publication have been widely criticized for spreading false information, including promoting conspiracy theories regarding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. A recent study published by The German Marshall Fund of the United States found that The Gateway Pundit was the leading single source of misinformation shared by verified accounts on Twitter in 2020. In 2019, Wikipedia deprecated The Gateway Pundit, removing its qualifications to serve as a source of legitimate information. The community cited “falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories” that appear on The Gateway Pundit as the reason for the decision."

BTW, Hoft and his publication have been permanently banned from Twitter.
The president of the USA was banned from Twitter. Irrelevant.

Nope Biden not banned from Twitter. He just chooses to not run the WH on Twitter, or Faux Paus Nuz!!
Shouldnt all of these fake news stories be dumped iin conspiracy theories to keep the rest of the board clean. I think even the crazier mods have given up on the steal by now.
Don't allow any evidence to be presented.

Shout down, insult, and censor those who want to see the evidence...

This is unAmerican.

This is treason, turning free democratic America into a Zionist dictatorship.
Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

From Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office:
"Statement of Jake Rollow, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in response to the meritless videos released by ASOG attorney Matthew DePerno: “After his previous attempt to spread disinformation about Antrim County – a bogus ‘report’ about voting machines that has already been debunked – failed spectacularly, Mr. DePerno has again resorted to spreading lies in a desperate attempt to confuse voters. The truth is that voting machines counted ballots accurately, as the full hand tally of all presidential election ballots cast in Antrim County proved.

The claims in DePerno’s videos are absurd on their face, and further evidence of his complete and willful lack of knowledge of election administration..........This was clearly explained in DePerno’s presence, but he chose to omit this detail. The purpose of the audit was to count ballots cast in the presidential election, but ballots are retained for 22 months and anyone who wants to investigate write-in ballots is free to do so. The audit was livestreamed and conducted with media and law enforcement on site. Staff offered that if anyone thought something illegal had occurred, they could report it to the law enforcement officers on site.

DePerno chose not to do so, perhaps because he is aware that falsely reporting criminal activity to law enforcement is illegal, but lying on the internet is not.”

Well, that's one ---widely recognized in Michigan as a nutter, Matt DePerno of Kalamazoo.
It gets better, there is a twofer here.

You get Jim Hoft of Midway Pundit along with DePerno, as a BOGO

From Forbes:

" Hoft and his publication have been widely criticized for spreading false information, including promoting conspiracy theories regarding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. A recent study published by The German Marshall Fund of the United States found that The Gateway Pundit was the leading single source of misinformation shared by verified accounts on Twitter in 2020. In 2019, Wikipedia deprecated The Gateway Pundit, removing its qualifications to serve as a source of legitimate information. The community cited “falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories” that appear on The Gateway Pundit as the reason for the decision."

BTW, Hoft and his publication have been permanently banned from Twitter.
The president of the USA was banned from Twitter. Irrelevant.

Nope Biden not banned from Twitter. He just chooses to not run the WH on Twitter, or Faux Paus Nuz!!
Biden couldn't spell twitter.
Michigan Constitutional Attorney Matthew Deperno released his much anticipated Michigan Elections Forensics Report on Friday.

From Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office:
"Statement of Jake Rollow, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of State, in response to the meritless videos released by ASOG attorney Matthew DePerno: “After his previous attempt to spread disinformation about Antrim County – a bogus ‘report’ about voting machines that has already been debunked – failed spectacularly, Mr. DePerno has again resorted to spreading lies in a desperate attempt to confuse voters. The truth is that voting machines counted ballots accurately, as the full hand tally of all presidential election ballots cast in Antrim County proved.

The claims in DePerno’s videos are absurd on their face, and further evidence of his complete and willful lack of knowledge of election administration..........This was clearly explained in DePerno’s presence, but he chose to omit this detail. The purpose of the audit was to count ballots cast in the presidential election, but ballots are retained for 22 months and anyone who wants to investigate write-in ballots is free to do so. The audit was livestreamed and conducted with media and law enforcement on site. Staff offered that if anyone thought something illegal had occurred, they could report it to the law enforcement officers on site.

DePerno chose not to do so, perhaps because he is aware that falsely reporting criminal activity to law enforcement is illegal, but lying on the internet is not.”

Well, that's one ---widely recognized in Michigan as a nutter, Matt DePerno of Kalamazoo.
It gets better, there is a twofer here.

You get Jim Hoft of Midway Pundit along with DePerno, as a BOGO

From Forbes:

" Hoft and his publication have been widely criticized for spreading false information, including promoting conspiracy theories regarding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. A recent study published by The German Marshall Fund of the United States found that The Gateway Pundit was the leading single source of misinformation shared by verified accounts on Twitter in 2020. In 2019, Wikipedia deprecated The Gateway Pundit, removing its qualifications to serve as a source of legitimate information. The community cited “falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories” that appear on The Gateway Pundit as the reason for the decision."

BTW, Hoft and his publication have been permanently banned from Twitter.
The president of the USA was banned from Twitter. Irrelevant.

Nope Biden not banned from Twitter. He just chooses to not run the WH on Twitter, or Faux Paus Nuz!!
Nope xiden not banned from Twitter. He just chooses to not run the WH....
i guess thats what demonRATS get when a--dementia laden, china bought, corrupt, geriatric is the BEST fucked up can you retarded scum demonRATS get?

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