Attorney General Barr: Crossfire Hurricane plot was an attack on the President...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Durham report is going to be released...eventually, but the Attorney General will declare tonight, on the Laura Ingraham show, that the FBI investigation called Cross Fire Hurricane was an attack against President Trump.......

And considering that it would not have taken place without obama giving the o.k.?

the greatest political scandal in our history....

Don’t hold back — tell us how you really feel. Attorney General William Barr’s interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham airs tonight, but they’re teasing out a blockbuster statement from Barr over Operation Crossfire Hurricane. John Durham’s investigation will finish soon, but Barr’s seen enough to call it a travesty with “no basis” for opening the probe in the first place. Barr says the effect of the probe, if not its explicit intent, was to “sabotage the presidency”:
One of the greatest travesties in American history? To sabotage the presidency?? :laugh2:
Mueller disagrees - Fat Billy is nothing more than a mushroom knob polisher ...
But thanks for the reminder to skip Lady Laura this evening.
The best part of this, is when one goes down. They all will go down. Republicans and democrats. Hopefully senator Graham will be one!
The Durham report is going to be released...eventually, but the Attorney General will declare tonight, on the Laura Ingraham show, that the FBI investigation called Cross Fire Hurricane was an attack against President Trump.......

And considering that it would not have taken place without obama giving the o.k.?

the greatest political scandal in our history....

Don’t hold back — tell us how you really feel. Attorney General William Barr’s interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham airs tonight, but they’re teasing out a blockbuster statement from Barr over Operation Crossfire Hurricane. John Durham’s investigation will finish soon, but Barr’s seen enough to call it a travesty with “no basis” for opening the probe in the first place. Barr says the effect of the probe, if not its explicit intent, was to “sabotage the presidency”:
Nice article you found in "Hot Air". Cannot imagine Barr trying to pre-spin this fabled, promised report, as he pre-spun the Mueller report 180 degrees from what it said. But, as the Hot Air article you linked said:
If Barr is pushing this out, though, he’d better be sure that Durham’s report contains enough evidence to support this allegation. Getting out over his skis now will be an absolute disaster for the Department of Justice if Durham’s report is more equivocal on these issues. In fact, it’s curious that Barr is saying anything ahead of the Durham report. Why not just wait for it to come out, res ipsa loquitur, and comment later, and just offer a “we’ll see soon enough” in this intervuew? It’s not as if the nation is particularly focused on Crossfire Hurricane in this immediate pandemic crisis, nor does Trump really need a media distraction from his handling of it.
The Durham report is going to be released...eventually, but the Attorney General will declare tonight, on the Laura Ingraham show, that the FBI investigation called Cross Fire Hurricane was an attack against President Trump.......

And considering that it would not have taken place without obama giving the o.k.?

the greatest political scandal in our history....

Don’t hold back — tell us how you really feel. Attorney General William Barr’s interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham airs tonight, but they’re teasing out a blockbuster statement from Barr over Operation Crossfire Hurricane. John Durham’s investigation will finish soon, but Barr’s seen enough to call it a travesty with “no basis” for opening the probe in the first place. Barr says the effect of the probe, if not its explicit intent, was to “sabotage the presidency”:
Nice article you found in "Hot Air". Cannot imagine Barr trying to pre-spin this fabled, promised report, as he pre-spun the Mueller report 180 degrees from what it said. But, as the Hot Air article you linked said:
If Barr is pushing this out, though, he’d better be sure that Durham’s report contains enough evidence to support this allegation. Getting out over his skis now will be an absolute disaster for the Department of Justice if Durham’s report is more equivocal on these issues. In fact, it’s curious that Barr is saying anything ahead of the Durham report. Why not just wait for it to come out, res ipsa loquitur, and comment later, and just offer a “we’ll see soon enough” in this intervuew? It’s not as if the nation is particularly focused on Crossfire Hurricane in this immediate pandemic crisis, nor does Trump really need a media distraction from his handling of it.
Trump has already proven he is much much more capable of multitasking and handling several major tasks at once than any of your comrades on the left can you honestly believe that we are going to let an attempted coup go unpunished because of a virus ? soon the attempted coup will be the major topic in the US.
The Durham report is going to be released...eventually, but the Attorney General will declare tonight, on the Laura Ingraham show, that the FBI investigation called Cross Fire Hurricane was an attack against President Trump.......

And considering that it would not have taken place without obama giving the o.k.?

the greatest political scandal in our history....

Don’t hold back — tell us how you really feel. Attorney General William Barr’s interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham airs tonight, but they’re teasing out a blockbuster statement from Barr over Operation Crossfire Hurricane. John Durham’s investigation will finish soon, but Barr’s seen enough to call it a travesty with “no basis” for opening the probe in the first place. Barr says the effect of the probe, if not its explicit intent, was to “sabotage the presidency”:
Nice article you found in "Hot Air". Cannot imagine Barr trying to pre-spin this fabled, promised report, as he pre-spun the Mueller report 180 degrees from what it said. But, as the Hot Air article you linked said:
If Barr is pushing this out, though, he’d better be sure that Durham’s report contains enough evidence to support this allegation. Getting out over his skis now will be an absolute disaster for the Department of Justice if Durham’s report is more equivocal on these issues. In fact, it’s curious that Barr is saying anything ahead of the Durham report. Why not just wait for it to come out, res ipsa loquitur, and comment later, and just offer a “we’ll see soon enough” in this intervuew? It’s not as if the nation is particularly focused on Crossfire Hurricane in this immediate pandemic crisis, nor does Trump really need a media distraction from his handling of it.
Barr dots his i’s and crosses his t’s. ;)
Convenient that the hyped Corona Crap has pushed the revelation of these crimes against Trump and the Nation to the back page
One of the greatest travesties in American history? To sabotage the presidency?? :laugh2:
Mueller disagrees - Fat Billy is nothing more than a mushroom knob polisher ...
But thanks for the reminder to skip Lady Laura this evening.
And I bet you will be glued to her show tonight...
When will they be HELD ACCOUNTABLE...........................WHEN

At this point I'll believe it when I see it. We've know they are guilty as sin for a while now..............Charge them or shut it.
One of the greatest travesties in American history? To sabotage the presidency?? :laugh2:
Mueller disagrees - Fat Billy is nothing more than a mushroom knob polisher ...
But thanks for the reminder to skip Lady Laura this evening.
And I bet you will be glued to her show tonight...

No thanks, be sure to lemme know how Fat Billy's knob polishing goes.
Also, shouldn't he and Rudy be back in Ukraine now digging dirt on the Bidens? :D

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