Andrew Weissmann Scared – His Corrupt Accomplice Clinesmith Who In 2016 Texted: “I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic”- Admits Guilt Today


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Sleazy Mueller Gang Leader Andrew Weissmann Scared – His Corrupt Accomplice Clinesmith Who In 2016 Texted: “I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic”- Admits Guilt Today

14 Aug 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Mueller’s ‘pitbull’, Andrew Wiessmann, is scared he’s next. Last week Weissmann was behind two articles online disparaging Attorney General Barr and the DOJ. Today he freaked out again and went on a Twitter rant about the guilty plea of his former “Resistance” partner Kevin Clinesmith.
According to Mediaite:
Andrew Weissmann, who served as a deputy on former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump administration and Russian interference in the 2016 election, lashed out at the Justice Department on Friday for indicting an FBI attorney who played a role in that investigation.​
In a series of messages on Twitter, Weissmann invoked former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in asking Attorney General William Barr to explain the reasoning behind charges for Kevin Clinesmith. Court documents on Friday indicated Clinesmith, a former FBI attorney, intends to plead guilty to altering an email from the CIA, which investigators used to seek a wiretap on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Sleazy little Weissmann started his rant with this tweet, claiming General Michael Flynn is guilty of crimes while Clinesmith is not:
Of course this is a lie. Flynn never lied to the FBI. Flynn’s indictment was a ruse and Weissmann was behind it from the start. Next Wiessmann tweeted (of course Weissmann is so smart he doesn’t know how to make a Twitter thread):
Despite Weissmann’s insanity, Clinesmith admitted guilt back in 2016 and apologized for lying while admitting guilt today through his attorney. Altering information used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on candidate and President Trump and participating in the most corrupt scandal in US history – Obamagate – is a crime. Weissmann knows it too.

What Weissman fails to include in his messages is that Obama appointed FBI members like Comey, Preistap, and Strzok coerced Gen Flynn into pleading Guilty.
Meanwhile, Kevin Clinesmith is scrambling to save his duff from decades of incarceration in Club Fed. He will spill whatever he knows and implicate whomever is involved to get the least conviction he can....
"Destruction of the Republic". In a sane world, these offensive seditious words would earn this man hanging from a gallows.
Clinesmith is around 38 yrs. old, he's been caught red handed and is scared. Therefore he's seeking to plea bargain a deal. This is the way it goes down grab a young scared mouse squeeze him and then he rats on a big fat Swamp Rat like Weissmann and all other straight to the Obama Oval Office..
Who within the 'Crossfire Hurricane Conspiracy" gave the willing Clinesmith orders to change the FISA warrants? The question now is, who will be the next to fall and implicate the next higher up?
Will Weissmann be next?

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I have to agree with one of the comments made, why isn't this self admitted traitor not being hung? "I hate the Republic" He swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution then wiped his ass with it. I have no problem with this prick being hung.
I have to agree with one of the comments made, why isn't this self admitted traitor not being hung? "I hate the Republic" He swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution then wiped his ass with it. I have no problem with this prick being hung.

Agreed!!! But first I want to know who were his co-conspirators? How high up did this go? How deeply involved was Barack Hussein Obama Jr., aka Barry Soetoro? There is no plausible deniability in treason....
This SOB is a phucking weasel...


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