Attention People who leap to judgments very quickly - The Palisades blaze? Visual evidence points to a recent fire nearby

It looks like it’s going to make a good run,” one chimed into the dispatch."


crazy how uninformed the low information people here are

The foot of the fire started real close to where the last fire was on New Year’s Eve,” said a Los Angeles County firefighter, according to a Washington Post review of archived radio transmissions.

and the partisan nitwits who populate the world wide web just want to play "score some cheap political points" in threads that try dealing with nonpartisan news and events -- like fires

Blame the Governor or the Mayor, not because of any rational reasons, but because it's a game to many. Turning tragedy into political hay -- like Mister Trump is always doing. Trump - a man who when interviewed shortly after the 9/11 attacks, couldn't wait to inject how his building "down there" was the tallest and most valuable real estate around the World Trade Center Towers
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We are here - back again -- Because facts matter. Think of it as a public service.

There exist sources of information that are available to all of us. Some are credible, some are not, and some are incomplete. People are not always aware of how what they choose to absorb and later distribute isn't always credible, factual - truth.​
"According to a study published Wednesday (October 9, 2024), in the journal Plos One, it comes down to believing you have all the information you need to form an opinion, even when you don’t."​
quote: “People are more open-minded and willing to change their opinions than we assume,” *Fletcher said. However, “this same flexibility doesn’t apply to long-held differences, such as political beliefs.” .​
“Our brains are overconfident that they can arrive at a reasonable conclusion with very little information,” said Angus Fletcher, a professor of English at Ohio State University, who co-wrote the study.​

What caused the Palisades blaze? Visual evidence points to a recent fire nearby

Did New Year’s Eve fireworks start the largest Los Angeles fire?

Today at 12:31 p.m. EST
PACIFIC PALISADES, CALIFORNIA—About 30 minutes after the Palisades Fire started on Tuesday, the firefighters’ radio crackled: The flames were coming from a familiar sliver of a mountain ridge.

“The foot of the fire started real close to where the last fire was on New Year’s Eve,” said a Los Angeles County firefighter, according to a Washington Post review of archived radio transmissions.

“It looks like it’s going to make a good run,” one chimed into the dispatch.

The Post’s analysis of photos, videos, satellite imagery and radio communications, as well as interviews with witnesses, offers new evidence that the Palisades Fire started in the area where firefighters had spent hours using helicopters to knock down a blaze six days earlier.

Investigators from state and federal agencies descended on this area in recent days, interviewing residents and looking for evidence — including around the burn scar of the New Year’s Eve fire — of what sparked the blaze.

The Post’s analysis showed that the new fire started in the vicinity of the old fire, raising the possibility that the New Year’s Eve fire was reignited, which can occur in windy conditions, experts said.

Residents also told The Post and investigators on scene that firefighters’ response on Tuesday was much slower than on New Year’s Eve — a view confirmed by radio transmissions.

Sounds exactly like the fifth rate drivel the Intel Agencies invariably dredge up when fobbing the Sheeple with misinformation .

But there are many gullibles who will give it instant credence
Sounds exactly like the fifth rate drivel the Intel Agencies invariably dredge up when fobbing the Sheeple with misinformation .

But there are many gullibles who will give it instant credence

Try learning to speak and write English as if it's your first language. Then get back to us.

Just the facts

stop projecting. That is what you are always being -- protective of MAGA criminals
yea your defending these assholes like they are great havent lived there long have you?...and what maga criminal am i protecting?...
setting covered trahs baskets on fire every day.

I see it.

You don't live here. You're just being a headline news whore
I was BORN in LA, you fucking clod. You know NOTHING. You are a lying, scheming, filthy piece of filth.

Try learning to speak and write English as if it's your first language. Then get back to us.

And now silly girl, read this and start to get your brain in gear :-

So why are the Chinese Communist Party and Deep Seek Labs conducting an “AI wildfire evaluation” in Los Angeles, compared to Google FireSat, Grok/SpaceX, Meta, or Open AI, all California companies with employees with security clearances?

People care how the fire started. Newsom had nothing to do with it.
No, people care about how it was mismanaged and why people had to die for that mismanaement.

The reason for the fire, any fire, is always found out and those who start is held responsible.

But a mismanaged state and city government at his magnitude of incompetence will be remembered and people do care about that.
TRY THIS FOR INTEl ,instead of your drivel Dante
Deep Seek’s roots are with High Flyer, a Chinese hedge fund trading on distressed asset arbitrage and exfiltration based on the same business model as Renaissance Capital. High Flyer’s model is not too different from the Al Capone Chicago Mob business model - burn down the competitors, then buy the ruins for pennies on the dollar, then put a new Capone saloon there,
The only apparent change here is that Renaissance Capital has changed its business partners from Russians to Chinese business partners. Having a Chinese hedge fund running a fire simulation and now live exercise in Southern California is an obvious moral hazard.
What do Chinese day traders care if Pacific Palisades burns? High Flyer will buy the real estate companies that Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and John Brennan tell them to buy, and everyone will make a rapacious profit.
Only to those folks that are stoopid enough to bleev that "climate change," is the reason for the fires, and have something to gain by keeping this corrupt politician in power.

There is a difference between "contributing" to an outcome versus "reason" for the outcome.

If a change in the climate, whether naturally occurring or contributed by man helped to create an unusually rare set of conditions in combination - lack of rain which made the areas that burned much drier than then normally would have been, in addition to the lack of rain resulting in less water available for fire fighting, on top of those 80 to 100 mph Santa Ana winds - then why would you take exception to that belief and suspect others of having an agenda?
I would just like to know how this asshole (likely just one of several) ...running around starting fires with what was effectively a flamethrower in the form of a blowtorch, was let go because ''there was not enough probable cause to arrest this person on arson or suspicion on arson''

One witness told Fox 11 that the suspect was “very focused on moving forward” with what they described as being more like a blowtorch.

“He was like, ‘I can’t stop. I can’t stop. I’m not putting this down. I’m doing this,'” the witness said.
The ONLY reason I can think of is because there was no tangible evidence of him "in the act".

Maybe that will change if they look back into it later or maybe they have someone him, who knows?
You were born here? Where? When did you leave? Like when you were three years old?

Yeah, I was born in central LA. At my grandma's house. I left in the 1960's.
I'm impressed. I really am.

Have you bothered to keeping up with the latest in your chosen field(s)?
I am an environmental geologist, I spent a long time working for Dames & Moore. Caltech alums, and yes I stay relatively current.

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