Attention People who leap to judgments very quickly - The Palisades blaze? Visual evidence points to a recent fire nearby

Dear low information, uninformed miscreants here: New Years Warnings: Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Windy conditions raise SoCal fire danger​

More Santa Ana winds blew through parts of Southern California Tuesday, but the gusts were less severe than originally anticipated, prompting a cancellation of red flag warnings that had been issued for local mountain areas.

The red flag warnings of critical fire danger were originally expected to be in place through 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Santa Monica Mountains Recreational Area, the western San Gabriel Mountains and the 14 Freeway corridor. But shortly after 9 a.m. Tuesday, the National Weather Service canceled the warnings in light of "lowered wind projections.''

From Colorado to California to Hawaii, flare-ups of previous fires, known as reignition, have been the cause of some of the nation’s most catastrophic and deadly wildfires. This past summer, California officials co-ordinated a social media campaign to warn residents that terrain scorched but seemingly extinguished can spawn deadly new fires for weeks after the old ones appear to have gone out because fire can smoulder almost undetected under ground or inside wood.

still being a clueless nitwit
You are still missing my point.

1. Not enough water was put on the fires.

An honest assessment will reveal that point 1 is correct, relegating all other points moot.
Evidence points to the fact that the people in California better stop making laws in favor of men sexually molesting little boys.

Evidence shows that the people of California better stop making laws to murder (abort) unborn babies.

Evidence show that the people in California need to repent to God Almighty in heaven.

God says if you harm kids it will be as if a noose was tied about your neck you were tossed into the water.
People care how the fire started. Newsom had nothing to do with it.

Great way to push a false narrative you democrat!

Nobody cares how it started...fires happens.

Newsom hasn't gotten it extinguished IN SIX DAYS OF BURNING!

THAT is the problem!

If california burns up to the 20th I'll bet it;ll take Trump 5 hours from being sworn in before all the fires are out.

Will you blame the democrats at that point? wont!
The Kenneth fire.

So what.

Do you even know where that is?

Of course, I do.

And how it has nothing to do with the other fires?

Says whom?

And the mental case has not been charged.

Of course he hasn't.

According to California officialdom, he was let go because ''there was not enough probable cause to arrest this person on arson or suspicion on arson''

His name's muffin; he ain't do nuffin...

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“He was like, 'I can’t stop. I can't stop. I’m not putting this down. I’m doing this,'” the witnesses said.

Wasn't that your defense of some Trump crimes


Show me where, winger. :26:

Pft. I rarely, if ever, go into those red helmet/blue helmet dick waving contest threads. That's more your level than mine.
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You are still missing my point.

1. Not enough water was put on the fires.

An honest assessment will reveal that point 1 is correct, relegating all other points moot.
Not the cause of the spread.

stop attacking what the firefighters themselves are saying
Dante was right about you low information, MAGA people and your nonsense on the New Orleans and Las Vegas Attacks

those scenes are so fake

I live there
saw the real fires in Hollywood
So you're not from Kansas.

You're just another libtard from lala land.

Bet you voted for Karen Bass. Didn't you mm-hm.
This just in. Interview with Governor Newsome. When asked how many air assets were operating, he stated, "As many as air traffic control can handle". If this is a reason for the completely inadequate number of aerial assets some heads should roll.


I'm surprised that you of all people are participating in what to me looks like the usual distractions and divide and conquer tactics of the PTSB.

I've gotten to the point now where whenever ANYTHING comes from the MSM (or even the "alternative" mainstream media) I question why they put it out there. It seems to me they want to distract people from getting to what is actually going on in regard to not only this fire but a lot of the other fires and disasters in recent years.
This just in. Interview with Governor Newsome. When asked how many air assets were operating, he stated, "As many as air traffic control can handle". If this is a reason for the completely inadequate number of aerial assets some heads should roll.

People will attack him for not insisting air assets operate than can be handled by bureaucrats in Air Traffic Control.

Here we go again.

A fire in Los Angeles and it becomes a political attack on a Governor who looks to be future prez candidate material

you sink to such lows
Never let a crisis go to waste.

Right, leftard?

Payback is a bitch, ain't it.
People will attack him for not insisting air assets operate than can be handled by bureaucrats in Air Traffic Control.
Such planning is out of his hands. Effective aerial fire suppression planning is the job of the Feds.
Actually, as gun ownership, especially right-to-carry, increases, crime does go down. :)
not by much

crime is crime. guns don't stop crimes. I suspect we have a higher rate of gun ownership than most nation, and we have higher rates of crime than most nations. I'm pro-gun ownership -- responsible gun ownership. I never have bought into teh shit talks about it all -- like evidently you do.

now please...


I live in LA. Stop the thread hijacking shit
Weird post.

What the news has been doing is reporting -- breaking news. People with half a brain know it's incomplete and will be updated.
True. The news is reporting on the fires, and the recurring report is the lack of water needed. :biggrin:

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