Zone1 Asian American ancestry


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
I have noticed that many Americans do not want to admit their Asian origin. This is due to the frenzied PR of the "white man" by the pan-Germanists. Some Americans may think that being a descendant of Europeans is more honorable than being Asian.

However, the development of Europe in comparison with Asia is a lie. The Eurocentric concept is an absolute lie, which was propagated by Nazi ideologists such as Gobineau. Indigenous Europeans were the most backward part of humanity. They got acquainted with the achievements of culture only after the arrival of the Aryans from the Urals in the Danube valley. It was only after the Arians founded the Hallstatt and then Latin culture that the savages of Europe learned the wheel, the potter's wheel and metal products. The first Patrician Rome was also founded by Asians

In many parts of Northern Europe, the Neolithic was preserved until the 7th century AD, until the time when the Avars and Bulgars from Asia came there.

Therefore, there is no reason to be ashamed of Asian origin
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European pan-Germanists and the British want to corrupt and destroy the American nation, because it is the largest and strongest heiress of the great Asian patriarchal warrior culture of Indra.
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Pseudoscientific hypotheses of pan-Germanists about the alleged "Nordic" origin of the Aryans were recognized as anti-scientific back in the 19th century (see for example Schlegel) and have no real scientific basis in archaeology, genetics and comparative studies. This is a completely made-up political lie. Everything speaks of the Asian origin of Aryan cultures, and in particular the expansion of war chariots from the Urals.
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The area of the initial settlement of the Aryans and the expansion of war chariots, according to archaeological research.
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This is awesome. Keep teaching.
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American culture is the opposite of the Eurocentric matriarchy. All the values of American culture fully correspond to the values of Vedic culture.

1) anti socialism, individual heroism (the cult of the snake-fighting hero)
2) competitiveness (Olympic competitions)
3) patriarchy: in America, the fathers of the USA are reverend and the responsibility is placed on the man
4) traditions of carrying weapons
5) the love of the majestic and the high, the desire for heaven and the stars
6) ecology: steppe plains, cowboys are the same as Aryan shepherds in ancient times
7) symbolism: stars as heavenly Deva gods, the Great Bull as heavenly Father Dyaus Pitar.
8) Liberator's Mission: Hero Indra liberates people, cows and rivers according to ancient Aryan mythology
9) The style of the American anthem has no analogues in the world, and it corresponds to the genre of Aryan praise of the hero.
10) American political structure of State - the most free structure in the world
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The American volunteer army corresponds to the free spirit and skill of the ancient Asian cavalry, and is the opposite of the European drill discipline. In the United States, linear tactics and marches, parades have not yet taken root, most likely they were not in the US troops at all
Practically the entire value system of traditional American culture fully corresponds to Aryan values, and there is nothing there that contradicts Aryan values.
The character of a traditional American woman is infantile, unlike the domineering and rude character of a German woman, something like a charme of Brittany Murphy, right? Even those women who play feminists, still do not have the character of a rude German woman, accustomed to command and dispose of men

At the same time, it is clearly seeing in American sports that the principles of military athleticism are inherited there. Traditional American sports other than basketball are very tough and explosive. These qualities in ancient times were inherent in warriors who needed military skills, such as javelin throwing and horsemanship. This is not the brute slow force of the farmer. American crossfit is the only fitness that does not welcome slow simple movements, but on the contrary cultivates explosive strength and complex coordination

Jack Dempsey hardest boxer ever
Rodeo - hardest sport ever
American Football is competition of Bulls
The Bull - the sacred totem of the ancient Aryans - has a great role in the symbolism of America
And this is the only country with such symbolism.
Europeans don't like Bull. They destroyed all the ancient bulls - the aurochs (Bos primigenius) in Eurasia. They practice the brutal killing of bulls in Spanish bullfighting.
And in modern Christianity, the attributes of the bull indicate the opposite of their god (although in the Romanesque period it was the opposite)
American culture is the opposite of the Eurocentric matriarchy. All the values of American culture fully correspond to the values of Vedic culture.

1) anti socialism, individual heroism (the cult of the snake-fighting hero)
2) competitiveness (Olympic competitions)
3) patriarchy: in America, the fathers of the USA are reverend and the responsibility is placed on the man
4) traditions of carrying weapons
5) the love of the majestic and the high, the desire for heaven and the stars
6) ecology: steppe plains, cowboys are the same as Aryan shepherds in ancient times
7) symbolism: stars as heavenly Deva gods, the Great Bull as heavenly Father Dyaus Pitar.
8) Liberator's Mission: Hero Indra liberates people, cows and rivers according to ancient Aryan mythology
9) The style of the American anthem has no analogues in the world, and it corresponds to the genre of Aryan praise of the hero.
10) American political structure of State - the most free structure in the world

From this list I can tell that you know very little about American culture. But then, you have made that painfully obvious already.
From this list I can tell that you know very little about American culture. But then, you have made that painfully obvious already.
Here we are talking about traditional culture and not about how Obama and Trump impale America on the dick of Eurocentrism.
Even in Reagan's time, things were different
Reagan was an extreme anti-socialist, individualist and anti-feminist.

And you're just a Eurocentric communist agent of London, Berlin or Moscow

Everything that is said here is obvious and non-negotiable. Fucking pathetic mutt. These are well-known facts.
Here we are talking about traditional culture and not about how Obama and Trump impale America on the dick of Eurocentrism.
Even in Reagan's time, things were different
Reagan was an extreme anti-socialist, individualist and anti-feminist.

And you're just a Eurocentric communist agent of London, Berlin or Moscow

Everything that is said here is obvious and non-negotiable. Fucking pathetic mutt. These are well-known facts.

You said:
1) anti socialism, individual heroism (the cult of the snake-fighting hero)
2) competitiveness (Olympic competitions)
3) patriarchy: in America, the fathers of the USA are reverend and the responsibility is placed on the man
4) traditions of carrying weapons
5) the love of the majestic and the high, the desire for heaven and the stars
6) ecology: steppe plains, cowboys are the same as Aryan shepherds in ancient times
7) symbolism: stars as heavenly Deva gods, the Great Bull as heavenly Father Dyaus Pitar.
8) Liberator's Mission: Hero Indra liberates people, cows and rivers according to ancient Aryan mythology
9) The style of the American anthem has no analogues in the world, and it corresponds to the genre of Aryan praise of the hero.
10) American political structure of State - the most free structure in the world

1) The US is extremely social. The "individual heroism" you adore is more of a movie gimmick than an accurate portrayal of anything.
2) Yes, we are a competitive lot.
3) The patriarchy you love so much comes at the price of subjugating women. Thankfully we are changing that.
4) A good thing until you are on the wrong end of it.
5) What?
6) The plains are a part of the US geography. But to claim it is a major one is showing you base your knowledge on western movies. We also wiped out the bison and destroyed the Native Americans of the Great Plains, go so far as to sell the blankets with smallpox.
7) In the US the "Deva gods" are denigrated by the Christians as devil worship.
8) The Liberator's Mission? WTF? The US has liberated some, in grand style. They have also oppressed many in grander style.
9) The US praises its heros for their sacrifice.
10) Most free? LMAO!! Yes, we enjoy freedoms. I find it hard to believe you are praising this, since you only advocate freedom for white men.
In general, America is really unique, it's not just a stereotype. If you look at American culture from the outside, it immediately catches your eye. America is unlike any modern country in the world, it is strikingly different from any country. America is as unique as, for example, Mylene Farmer is unique on stage.

Those who try to claim that America is not much different from Europe, and that its uniqueness is fictional, are just jerks or liars. Europeans are not even able to understand what Americans mean by the word "freedom". Their conservatism is a quasi-socialist fiction that has nothing to do with the American right. Their freedom of slaves has nothing to do with American freedom, their freedom does not prevent them from being shackled by the European Inquisition and walking in formation, they are only given the freedom of pigs.
1) The US is extremely social. The "individual heroism" you adore is more of a movie gimmick than an accurate portrayal of anything.
Don't lie, bitch, in art the people's ideal is always depicted, so in European cinema, as a rule, perverts and degenerates are shown, and there is no bright image of superman and a cowboy. According to these movies images and comics, a new generation is being brought up, just as aryans brought up warriors on a heroic epic
Stars on the flag, astronauts on the celestial chariots of Helios, the torch of freedom and skyscrapers piercing the clouds, the towers of Babel of our time. High spirit defeating mediocrity
6) The plains are a part of the US geography
Yes, I didn't mean the culture of the British colonists
The Liberator's Mission? WTF?
You're a fool
white men
With this, go to the British agent Trump, your colleague in the destruction of the United States
Don't lie, bitch, in art the people's ideal is always depicted, so in European cinema, as a rule, perverts and degenerates are shown, and there is no bright image of superman and a cowboy. According to these movies images and comics, a new generation is being brought up, just as aryans brought up warriors on a heroic epic

Stars on the flag, astronauts on the celestial chariots of Helios, the torch of freedom and skyscrapers piercing the clouds, the towers of Babel of our time. High spirit defeating mediocrity

Yes, I didn't mean the culture of the British colonists

You're a fool

With this, go to the British agent Trump, your colleague in the destruction of the United States

These forums have some idiots on them. But the audacity of a Russian troll to try and tell Americans about their culture, based on what they have seen in movies, puts you in a class by yourself.
A European needs fitness to pump up his ass and biceps, an American needs fitness to overcome himself, break through the peaks of his capabilities, be a warrior, be great and win. Such is the American character.

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