As bad as Dubya was


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
As bad as Dubya was, I don't ever remember getting a whiny email from him complaining about his political enemies, the NYTimes, CBS or anybody!

He made one off mic remark about some reporter being an asshole, but publicly he knew POTUS was a big job and people were going to complain about his policies.

Obama on the other hand --HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

Everyday is a new whine and complaint about how unloved he is and how his enemies are out to get him! EVERYDAY OFA sends a whiny email to anyone who singed up.

For god sake you're President, you have to accept not everyone is madly in love with you! GROW UP!

"Friend --

A couple things are going to happen in the next half hour.

Partisan attack ads funded by big banks and big oil will air over and over on national cable television.

Outrageous right-wing smear messages will arrive in inboxes around the country."

Can you imagine Bush sending out an email talking about "Outrageous left wing smears"?

Barry, please resign! The Job is too big for you! You're an Iowa Class embarrassment!
As bad as Dubya was, I don't ever remember getting a whiny email from him complaining about his political enemies, the NYTimes, CBS or anybody!

He made one off mic remark about some reporter being an asshole, but publicly he knew POTUS was a big job and people were going to complain about his policies.

Obama on the other hand --HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

Everyday is a new whine and complaint about how unloved he is and how his enemies are out to get him! EVERYDAY OFA sends a whiny email to anyone who singed up.

For god sake you're President, you have to accept not everyone is madly in love with you! GROW UP!

"Friend --

A couple things are going to happen in the next half hour.

Partisan attack ads funded by big banks and big oil will air over and over on national cable television.

Outrageous right-wing smear messages will arrive in inboxes around the country."

Can you imagine Bush sending out an email talking about "Outrageous left wing smears"?

Barry, please resign! The Job is too big for you! You're an Iowa Class embarrassment!

Isn't it interesting that Barry is putting his real formal training into practice?
you won't get much play. I work at ground zero for the California left. Of the 5-6 leftys I speak with on a day to basis about politics 1 told me this is not what he signed up for, one said hes gravely disappointing, one says its politics as usual and the others play the blame game and won't genuinely discuss the campaign obama vs. the presidential obama.

To be fair, I understand it to an extent. It took me a while to realize and voice my severe frustration with bush.

That being said, he has in the area of presidential partnership, ( which of course one expects him to be after all) he has sailed very far out beyond the norm.
Yea this guy is beginning to be known as the 'Whiner in Chief.' Bush took the hits and just kept on rolling. The corrupt Liberal MSM was absolutely vicious to Bush while they have been absolute Boot-Lickers for the guy in there now. This current President has very little to bitch about when compared to what Bush had to go through. Bush dealt with the attacks like a man. This guy never misses an opportunity to blame someone else for his failures or whine about all those meanies attacking him. It's getting pretty old at this point. People are getting real sick of his whining. What a baby.
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bush did not have to whine. He had lots of pundits and worshippers to do that for him.

LOL! And your Hopey Changey doesn't?? The MSM has licked this guy's boots from day one. He has very little to bitch about compared to what Bush had to put up with. The Liberal dominated MSM was absolutely brutal to him. Yet Bush handled it all like a man. This guy just whines way too much. It really is getting old.
bush did not have to whine. He had lots of pundits and worshippers to do that for him.

exactly, I have said so and so have lefty pundits & media types believe it or not, you employ surrogates to rough up the opposition, the pres. stays out of it and above it.....
bush did not have to whine. He had lots of pundits and worshippers to do that for him.

exactly, I have said so and so have lefty pundits & media types believe it or not, you employ surrogates to rough up the opposition, the pres. stays out of it and above it.....

Which he has yet to do. Heck he hasn't left Campaign mode since his immacculation.
bush did not have to whine. He had lots of pundits and worshippers to do that for him.

exactly, I have said so and so have lefty pundits & media types believe it or not, you employ surrogates to rough up the opposition, the pres. stays out of it and above it.....

Yep the right is far more organized and in lockstep than the right. A political strength, but a fatal weakness. The strengths that built up america is in united diversity and adapting to a changing world.

the left is far more disorganized but represent far more diverse views.
As bad as Dubya was, I don't ever remember getting a whiny email from him complaining about his political enemies, the NYTimes, CBS or anybody!

He made one off mic remark about some reporter being an asshole, but publicly he knew POTUS was a big job and people were going to complain about his policies.

Obama on the other hand --HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

Everyday is a new whine and complaint about how unloved he is and how his enemies are out to get him! EVERYDAY OFA sends a whiny email to anyone who singed up.

For god sake you're President, you have to accept not everyone is madly in love with you! GROW UP!

"Friend --

A couple things are going to happen in the next half hour.

Partisan attack ads funded by big banks and big oil will air over and over on national cable television.

Outrageous right-wing smear messages will arrive in inboxes around the country."

Can you imagine Bush sending out an email talking about "Outrageous left wing smears"?

Barry, please resign! The Job is too big for you! You're an Iowa Class embarrassment!

You're with us or with the terrorists.
As bad as Dubya was, I don't ever remember getting a whiny email from him complaining about his political enemies, the NYTimes, CBS or anybody!
Yeah....enemies has always been Priority 1, for corporate-America.


(....But, PROFIT$ was a close-second. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
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You really want to compare the quotes of President Obama and those of President Bush?




"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." --Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000 (Listen to audio clip)

"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense." --Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006 (Read more; listen to audio clip; watch video clip)

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Watch video clip)

"My answer is bring them on." --on Iraqi insurgents attacking U.S. forces, Washington, D.C., July 3, 2003
Bush Quotations - The 10 Dumbest Things Bush Ever Said

The takeaway that "The Decider" wanted an autocratic state he was bent on destroying.

Now why did you guys support that?
You really want to compare the quotes of President Obama and those of President Bush?




"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." --Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000 (Listen to audio clip)

"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense." --Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006 (Read more; listen to audio clip; watch video clip)

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Watch video clip)

"My answer is bring them on." --on Iraqi insurgents attacking U.S. forces, Washington, D.C., July 3, 2003
Bush Quotations - The 10 Dumbest Things Bush Ever Said

The takeaway that "The Decider" wanted an autocratic state he was bent on destroying.

Now why did you guys support that?

I realize you are incapable of reading and understanding simple statements and this is what makes you a Democrat. But even you cannot tease the idea that Bush wanted to be a dictator from any of those statements.
The only "takeaway" you have is some bad Chinese food.

I miss Bush. Bush was presidential. Bush didnt have interns sucking his cock in the Oval Office. Bush didn't go around calling his political opponents "enemies". Bush didnt blame other people for difficult situations. Bush actually cared about the Secret Service people guarding him and didn't use them as personal servants. Yeah, he made some bad calls but he made lots of calls and not all of them were going to be right.
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