Arizona Recount: Election Data Sent To Lab In Montana


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Another strange twist in the 2020 Maricopa County Election audit has brought us to a remote location in Montana, for reasons that aren't abundantly clear at this point. According
to a note on the Arizona Secretary of State website, the state Senate audit liaison, Ken Bennett, confirmed on May 24 that copies of voting system data were sent to a lab in Montana. The observer noted that Bennett did not specify what security measures were in place, what the lab in Montana is doing with the data or how long it will have the copies of voting system data. "The original evidence was left completely intact," Bennett told 12 News. "A copy was taken to do whatever evaluation they are doing for Cyber Ninjas."

I don't know why election data was sent to Montana but I am pretty sure it will be the key that proves that Biden, Chinese-Venezuelans and Dominion stole the election. Although the "lab" it was sent to is really a home in rural Montana -- the fact remains; there are tons of evidence coming out right now that Biden stole the election; using secret bamboo ballots shipped in from China as well as well-trained chickens taught to eat Republican ballots to hide evidence of fraud -- it isn't being reported; but that's because the media teamed up with Dominion to help Biden steal the election. Now the truth is out.

"Another strange twist in the 2020 Maricopa County Election audit has brought us to a remote location in Montana, for reasons that aren't abundantly clear at this point. According to a note on the Arizona Secretary of State website, the state Senate audit liaison, Ken Bennett, confirmed on May 24 that copies of voting system data were sent to a lab in Montana. The observer noted that Bennett did not specify what security measures were in place, what the lab in Montana is doing with the data or how long it will have the copies of voting system data. "The original evidence was left completely intact," Bennett told 12 News. "A copy was taken to do whatever evaluation they are doing for Cyber Ninjas."

I don't know why election data was sent to Montana but I am pretty sure it will be the key that proves that Biden, Chinese-Venezuelans and Dominion stole the election. Although the "lab" it was sent to is really a home in rural Montana -- the fact remains; there are tons of evidence coming out right now that Biden stole the election; using secret bamboo ballots shipped in from China as well as well-trained chickens taught to eat Republican ballots to hide evidence of fraud -- it isn't being reported; but that's because the media teamed up with Dominion to help Biden steal the election. Now the truth is out.

Are you vaccinated?
If I was doing that investigation I'd inject a little humor into it. I'd put out all kind of bullshit information like the voting machines will be sent to various warehouses for storage, then stake out those warehouses to see who showed up. I'd have those liberal wimps running in circles and shitting themselves. I'd have them chasing pizza delivery trucks that were reportedly carrying information crucial to the prosecution. I'd have them breaking into the sewage treatment plant after I leak it that that's where they are secretly storing the ballots. I'd have them breaking into the mayors house thinking that's where the proof of manipulation of the Dominion machines was being kept. Democrats will believe anything.
If I was doing that investigation I'd inject a little humor into it. I'd put out all kind of bullshit information like the voting machines will be sent to various warehouses for storage, then stake out those warehouses to see who showed up. I'd have those liberal wimps running in circles and shitting themselves. I'd have them chasing pizza delivery trucks that were reportedly carrying information crucial to the prosecution. I'd have them breaking into the sewage treatment plant after I leak it that that's where they are secretly storing the ballots. I'd have them breaking into the mayors house thinking that's where the proof of manipulation of the Dominion machines was being kept. Democrats will believe anything.
So instead of actually finding evidence -- you would just use it as an opportunity to troll and play games?

Cool...well you are getting your wish ....because that is exactly what is happening now
Democrats know they cheated, and they're proud of it
This audit is a sham.
Interesting. . .

I read a lot of articles about the election, that were as murky and suspicious as this article is.

. . . and then?

Folks that were on the other side, wrote; "This election is a sham."

Now, I can't say which side is correct. If you believe you know the truth?

“‘Free thought’ means thinking freely … to be worthy of the name freethinker he must be free of two things: the force of tradition and the tyranny of his own passions.”

~Bertrand Russell

All I can comment on? Is the media that is being put out there to make folks believe what they believe. And?

The folks that believe the election was a sham? Have good reason to, based on the media they were being fed. And others? They likewise have good reason to believe what they do, based on this crap.

So. . . what conclusion can we draw if we use logic and critical thinking?

Some folks, somewhere, don't really give a shit what folks on both sides believe. They only care about the chaos.
Democrats know they cheated, and they're proud of it
This audit is a sham.
Interesting. . .

I read a lot of articles about the election, that were as murky and suspicious as this article is.

. . . and then?

Folks that were on the other side, wrote; "This election is a sham."

Now, I can't say which side is correct. If you believe you know the truth?

“‘Free thought’ means thinking freely … to be worthy of the name freethinker he must be free of two things: the force of tradition and the tyranny of his own passions.”

~Bertrand Russell

All I can comment on? Is the media that is being put out there to make folks believe what they believe. And?

The folks that believe the election was a sham? Have good reason to, based on the media they were being fed. And others? They likewise have good reason to believe what they do, based on this crap.

So. . . what conclusion can we draw if we use logic and critical thinking?

Some folks, somewhere, don't really give a shit what folks on both sides believe. They only care about the chaos.
A sham of a farce, is that better? The protocols and regulations one must follow when doing an investigation of this type is beyond the scope of the company providing the labor and it shows with their lax professionalism. I do not vote for either party yet I can observe and make a decision upon the actions of the investigators..
If I was doing that investigation I'd inject a little humor into it. I'd put out all kind of bullshit information like the voting machines will be sent to various warehouses for storage, then stake out those warehouses to see who showed up. I'd have those liberal wimps running in circles and shitting themselves. I'd have them chasing pizza delivery trucks that were reportedly carrying information crucial to the prosecution. I'd have them breaking into the sewage treatment plant after I leak it that that's where they are secretly storing the ballots. I'd have them breaking into the mayors house thinking that's where the proof of manipulation of the Dominion machines was being kept. Democrats will believe anything.
So instead of actually finding evidence -- you would just use it as an opportunity to troll and play games?

Cool...well you are getting your wish ....because that is exactly what is happening now
Actually, I was envisioning a group of Democrats freaking out over this Montana thing, You know they're trying to figure out how they could intercept that data. If Democrats thought they were not guilty of any election fraud, this wouldn't even be a story. They're obviously worried about this investigation.
If I was doing that investigation I'd inject a little humor into it. I'd put out all kind of bullshit information like the voting machines will be sent to various warehouses for storage, then stake out those warehouses to see who showed up. I'd have those liberal wimps running in circles and shitting themselves. I'd have them chasing pizza delivery trucks that were reportedly carrying information crucial to the prosecution. I'd have them breaking into the sewage treatment plant after I leak it that that's where they are secretly storing the ballots. I'd have them breaking into the mayors house thinking that's where the proof of manipulation of the Dominion machines was being kept. Democrats will believe anything.
So instead of actually finding evidence -- you would just use it as an opportunity to troll and play games?

Cool...well you are getting your wish ....because that is exactly what is happening now
Actually, I was envisioning a group of Democrats freaking out over this Montana thing, You know they're trying to figure out how they could intercept that data. If Democrats thought they were not guilty of any election fraud, this wouldn't even be a story. They're obviously worried about this investigation.
If the GOP thinks it is free and clear of election fraud they'd audit a place where Trump won but they refuse to expose the graft of the situation.
Democrats know they cheated, and they're proud of it
This audit is a sham.
Interesting. . .

I read a lot of articles about the election, that were as murky and suspicious as this article is.

. . . and then?

Folks that were on the other side, wrote; "This election is a sham."

Now, I can't say which side is correct. If you believe you know the truth?

“‘Free thought’ means thinking freely … to be worthy of the name freethinker he must be free of two things: the force of tradition and the tyranny of his own passions.”

~Bertrand Russell

All I can comment on? Is the media that is being put out there to make folks believe what they believe. And?

The folks that believe the election was a sham? Have good reason to, based on the media they were being fed. And others? They likewise have good reason to believe what they do, based on this crap.

So. . . what conclusion can we draw if we use logic and critical thinking?

Some folks, somewhere, don't really give a shit what folks on both sides believe. They only care about the chaos.
A sham of a farce, is that better? The protocols and regulations one must follow when doing an investigation of this type is beyond the scope of the company providing the labor and it shows with their lax professionalism. I do not vote for either party yet I can observe and make a decision upon the actions of the investigators..
. . . and who told you about their, "lax professionalism?" How do you know it is "beyond the scope," of this company?

I suppose it would be similar to folks that told the others about "election irregularities?"

If I was doing that investigation I'd inject a little humor into it. I'd put out all kind of bullshit information like the voting machines will be sent to various warehouses for storage, then stake out those warehouses to see who showed up. I'd have those liberal wimps running in circles and shitting themselves. I'd have them chasing pizza delivery trucks that were reportedly carrying information crucial to the prosecution. I'd have them breaking into the sewage treatment plant after I leak it that that's where they are secretly storing the ballots. I'd have them breaking into the mayors house thinking that's where the proof of manipulation of the Dominion machines was being kept. Democrats will believe anything.
So instead of actually finding evidence -- you would just use it as an opportunity to troll and play games?

Cool...well you are getting your wish ....because that is exactly what is happening now
Actually, I was envisioning a group of Democrats freaking out over this Montana thing, You know they're trying to figure out how they could intercept that data. If Democrats thought they were not guilty of any election fraud, this wouldn't even be a story. They're obviously worried about this investigation.
Why would they be worried about this??

If you goofy muthafuckas are dumb enough to believe that Democrats are so powerful that they can make Republican state legislatures, republican governors, etc -- all rig an election against their own party's president -- then why would someone that powerful be worried about folks who believe chickens were trained to eat ballots, China secretly shipped bamboo ballots to Arizona, etc etc etc

It's almost like you Trumpers have no shame in believing the most batshit crazy shit.....if only to think it would trigger the libs...its equivalent to covering yourself in shit because you think it would trigger the libs -- and not realizing that you are still the only one covered in shit....but have at it
Democrats know they cheated, and they're proud of it

Not just proud but bragging. Months ago, Time Magazine did an article on all those proudly taking credit for stealing the election, calling it a SHADOW ELECTION ORGANIZATION.

Among the proud listed by Time:

Time Shadow Election Commission.png
And when it arrives in Montana it will somehow be lost, scrubbed, bleached or the victim of liberal tears flooding.
Democrats know they cheated, and they're proud of it
This audit is a sham.
Interesting. . .

I read a lot of articles about the election, that were as murky and suspicious as this article is.

. . . and then?

Folks that were on the other side, wrote; "This election is a sham."

Now, I can't say which side is correct. If you believe you know the truth?

“‘Free thought’ means thinking freely … to be worthy of the name freethinker he must be free of two things: the force of tradition and the tyranny of his own passions.”

~Bertrand Russell

All I can comment on? Is the media that is being put out there to make folks believe what they believe. And?

The folks that believe the election was a sham? Have good reason to, based on the media they were being fed. And others? They likewise have good reason to believe what they do, based on this crap.

So. . . what conclusion can we draw if we use logic and critical thinking?

Some folks, somewhere, don't really give a shit what folks on both sides believe. They only care about the chaos.
A sham of a farce, is that better? The protocols and regulations one must follow when doing an investigation of this type is beyond the scope of the company providing the labor and it shows with their lax professionalism. I do not vote for either party yet I can observe and make a decision upon the actions of the investigators..
. . . and who told you about their, "lax professionalism?" How do you know it is "beyond the scope," of this company?

I suppose it would be similar to folks that told the others about "election irregularities?"

How do I know? The jerks didn't even know how to open files on a computer data base.

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