Arithmetic (Blundering) On The Side Of Prosperous Recovery!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Pharaoh's Atrocity--Moses the Denigrator of Peoples Worldwide--found remedy in New Testament. Anyone concedes that Deut 23:19-20, (Moses) is not about foreign aid, but is about gouging and screwing people. Many would say that clever Pharaoh even set his agents up for a Holocaust. Instead of blaming the royal household, a deity mythology was created instead, (Acts 7, if indirectly(?)). Matthew 25: 14-30, describe the usury problem precisely. The New York Governor, law-supportive: Could be shocked that low-income large families would find themselves "Unsafe At Home," stuffed three and more to a room--especially in households shared. Then like slime, aka Public Health Officials: The Governor would fault the inabilities of the deceased: To have taken care of themselves.

Public Health Officials do not suggest, "Safe-Play" training, "Safe-Sleeping" training, "Safe-Napping" training, "Safe-Dining" training, "Safe-Laundry" training and measures designed to incorporate normal Physical Distancing.

But shown in Matthew 20: 1-16, Pharaoh's Atrocity can be remedied. The Ford GOP came up with the Child Tax Credit, in equal amounts per child. The direct offset was the usury-computed payroll tax. Mathew 20: 1-16, is about a stable marketplace--equal amounts per day, (or year), regardless if the people worked all the time or not.

You just saw the $1200 stimulus, the $500 stimuli(?), The $600 weekly unemployment bonus(?): Created in ancient arithmetic, widely unknown and so never practiced. The Ford Republicans created the Equal-Amount-Per-Child tax credit--specifically an offset of Pharaoh's Atrocity, applied in the Payroll Tax. Obama the Democrat--often regarded Black, even: Created the Refundable "Make Work Pay" Tax Credit in equal amount. Out of Recession the economy would arrive. Millions were un-amazed at how the Democrats could do any of that(?).

Now even more ancient arithmetic has blundered into current existence again. Create a four sided rectangle, diagonal from the lower left to the upper right. The diagonal represents usury raises: Fixed Percentages. The income scale, lower to upper, is the left side of the box. Bisect the diagonal with line parallel to the box left-side: In the Middle of the Box. Economics Arises In Front Of Anyone even able to do Braille. There is a mid-point, a kind of cost-of-living amount. The Dead People of New York don't get a lot of money, and so share housing. The So-Called, and Allegedly, "Public Health Care Officials: Cannot even do the Braille-reading of the economy, getting giant raises, more than enough to off-set the cost-of-living increase.

What has been done is draw in little dotted lines from the box left-side to the right: Parallel to the bottom and top of the box. Those are currency units. Then, in USA, arrive at 1913: And understand the source of the currency units. Instead of bank notes, at least something wonderful about Karl Marx did happen: Credit Centralization. Where do the currency units come from: The Total Credit Market.

Then refer back to the diagonal. On the left-side there is normal usual credit: That people have to repay, under the usual accounting rules. Then go to the right side of the diagonal, and see maybe $3.0 tril. federal deficit, outside the usual accounting rules. The rules are perceptions. People buy the paper since there is thought to be stability behind it.

Recall Bill Clinton coming into office. One thing we knew for certain: "These people have the Bomb!" It is not clear that anyone would apply that to the subsequently incoming Bush Administration, Thinking mostly that described Iraq(?)!

"Fiat Money" even allows that the Central Bank can buy any bankrupt paper: From The Banks.

Entire economies are known to survive, some even opening up today.

There is no financial collapse: Even in an $85.0 tril. Total Credit Market. There are rules to manipulate instead!

Blunders be Praised! Not even a Goddess At Work--or making false accusations, or something--as if anyone might think that(?), in the usual realm of good taste(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Hey! How Are Ya Are Ya Are Ya(?)! Hey! How Are Ya Are Ya Are Ya(?)! Maybe not too safe at home--now are ya(?)!)
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