Oklahoma cattle industry loses $600M due to COVID-19


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
OKLAHOMA CITY — Most people asked to define “critical infrastructure” would probably think first about things like airports, roads, bridges or flood control dams vital to keeping life flowing at a normal, well-managed pace.

Probably not many would think about meat processing plants.

But, Derrell Peel would. According to the professor of agribusiness at Oklahoma State University, the essential nature of meat processing facilities has been made obvious recently by the COVID-19 pandemic. Shutdowns and slowdowns at numerous plants have put kinks in the nation’s complex food supply chain that will affect everyday consumers and inflict billions of dollars’ worth of damages on industries vital to Oklahoma and the rest of the country.

That is all jacked up.
Where is our fearless leader to deal with these problems..I thought the feds were buying farm products to help out?
The farmers have gotten 16 billion this quarter and 27 billion over the last two years thanks to Trump damaging markets in his trade war. Trump is a loser and has destroyed the US economy before any pandemic hit.
Again it appears we didn't need the food, we threw away half of it. Same thing I read about pigs, milk being dumped, crops planted over and no one is starving.
Again it appears we didn't need the food, we threw away half of it. Same thing I read about pigs, milk being dumped, crops planted over and no one is starving.
Last time it was done was 1929-1930....Won't be long before famine....
It isn't due to the Chinese virus. It is due to democrats using a communist style planned famine.

Sure. A planned famine. Cause that's in everyone's interest....Sigh...
If your lord and savior gets off his Quarter Pounder with Cheese arse in January and shows just a bit of interest
in the job he was elected to do, maybe the complete grinding to a halt of the economy isn't necessary.
This economy is Fk'd up jack. Lord! It is so screwed up...over LITERALLY NOTHING. A good damned cold bug. OMG...
Again it appears we didn't need the food, we threw away half of it. Same thing I read about pigs, milk being dumped, crops planted over and no one is starving.
Last time it was done was 1929-1930....Won't be long before famine....

Moon you know how many articles I read over the years of Americans throwing away half their food? Alot.

It won't happen today, it appears to be all excess, not need.
It isn't due to the Chinese virus. It is due to democrats using a communist style planned famine.

Sure. A planned famine. Cause that's in everyone's interest....Sigh...
If your lord and savior gets off his Quarter Pounder with Cheese arse in January and shows just a bit of interest
in the job he was elected to do, maybe the complete grinding to a halt of the economy isn't necessary.
If the grinding halt to the economy wasn't necessary why did enemy democrats demand it? Why are enemy democrats fighting reopening? Why did an enemy black Democrat judge put a white woman in jail because she went to work?
It isn't due to the Chinese virus. It is due to democrats using a communist style planned famine.

Sure. A planned famine. Cause that's in everyone's interest....Sigh...
If your lord and savior gets off his Quarter Pounder with Cheese arse in January and shows just a bit of interest
in the job he was elected to do, maybe the complete grinding to a halt of the economy isn't necessary.
If the grinding halt to the economy wasn't necessary why did enemy democrats demand it? Why are enemy democrats fighting reopening? Why did an enemy black Democrat judge put a white woman in jail because she went to work?
It isn't due to the Chinese virus. It is due to democrats using a communist style planned famine.

Sure. A planned famine. Cause that's in everyone's interest....Sigh...
If your lord and savior gets off his Quarter Pounder with Cheese arse in January and shows just a bit of interest
in the job he was elected to do, maybe the complete grinding to a halt of the economy isn't necessary.
If the grinding halt to the economy wasn't necessary why did enemy democrats demand it? Why are enemy democrats fighting reopening? Why did an enemy black Democrat judge put a white woman in jail because she went to work?

I don't recall any Democrats "demanding" it. The shutdown was necessary after your lord and savior refused to act. Governors (Republican and Democrat), mayors, and business leaders were forced to act when Trump was just concerned with his re-election numbers and holding his pep rallies. If you haven't noticed, most of the country is partially opening today. We'll see in a few weeks if that was a good idea.
This economy is Fk'd up jack. Lord! It is so screwed up...over LITERALLY NOTHING. A good damned cold bug. OMG...
Guess we all need to vote MAGA 2020 to fix this? Right Trumpsters?
So I guess MAGA '16 Tanked the Economy and gave us MAGA COVID-19?
And MAGA 2020 is the way to fix it?
Guess we all need to Vote MAGA 2020.
Trillions more in debt and we can have MAGA COVID-20.
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This economy is Fk'd up jack. Lord! It is so screwed up...over LITERALLY NOTHING. A good damned cold bug. OMG...
Guess we all need to vote MAGA 2020 to fix this? Right Trumpsters?
So I guess MAGA '16 Tanked the Economy and gave us MAGA COVID-19?
And MAGA 2020 is the way to fix it?
Guess we all need to Voter MAGA 2020.
Trillions more in debt and we can have MAGA COVID-20
There you go with your duopolistic fantasies again....wake up Dorothy.
It's time for another round of stimulus checks. Even when we open up people aren't going to flock back like pre pandemic levels. So unemployment will still continue because demand won't be nearly the same. Those people are going to need help. No reason not to help.
It's time for another round of stimulus checks. Even when we open up people aren't going to flock back like pre pandemic levels. So unemployment will still continue because demand won't be nearly the same. Those people are going to need help. No reason not to help.
It is so wonderful living the MAGA '16 COVID-19 Lifestyle.
Can the Great Douche add 6-8T or more to the national debt in one year? Another 1st for MAGA'16.
In four years, with a BS Tax cuts 2T upfront and spread 6-10T over 5 to 7 years at signing.
1.2T Deficit for 2020 forward. Right now that is 3.8T in 2020. That adds up to 11 to 15.8T for MAHA Douche spending.
Go MAGA Douche pay down the National debt. You promised.
Seem it is going back up and more from when Obama was handed a mess. From Dubya.

Seem we all need to vote MAGA 2020.
10's of trillions in new debt per year and MAGA COVID -20

btw: For each trillion changed to the national debt.
The 160M personal federal taxpayer owes $6500
So national debt is at 25T https://www.usdebtclock.org/
You owe ($6500 x 25 =) $162,500 grand. WHEE!
And the Huge Corporations need more Tax cuts and bailouts.
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