Are You Ready?

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21. The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation. The FBI is hunting down the insurrectionists like dogs. The good news is that most of the tips are coming from other "very fine" people who are waking up from the brain washing.

As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
He was a part of the Clinton 90s, he got us out of the bush Great Recession.

He can’t do any worse than trump.

He should undo the trump tax breaks. The bush and Reagan ones too.
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21. The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation. The FBI is hunting down the insurrectionists like dogs. The good news is that most of the tips are coming from other "very fine" people who are waking up from the brain washing.

Timothy mcveigh would have loved trump.
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21. The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation. The FBI is hunting down the insurrectionists like dogs. The good news is that most of the tips are coming from other "very fine" people who are waking up from the brain washing.

Timothy mcveigh would have loved trump.

I wonder if he'll be on the pardon list.
25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

And yet what's the first thing they do? They start vetting the troops they've already called up. They're not doing that to keep anyone on a short leash. They're doing that because they know that there's no shortage of Americans who will act to, in their eyes, take their country back.

I can promise you this: There are more people in this country will to fight to take the country back than there are people willing to try to stop them...

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

What a foolish thing to say.

I'm not saying anyone's going to start bombing anyone else. But, if that happens, you can bet your ass that the people getting bombed won't be soccer Mom's picking up snacks at Walmart...

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21.

That's an interesting statement.

Who do you consider "you guys"?

See, I didn't declare war on anyone. Youc an search the pages of USMB until you die of old age and you'll not find a single post by me in which I say the election was stolen. You'll never find a single post in which I'm supportive of the storming of the Capitol. I'm just a middle aged white guy expressing my opinion of what I think could very easily happen in this country. Does that shake you up so much that you can't just accept it for what it is, instead of stupidly counting me among those who stormed the Capitol?

So, if you'd be so kind, who are "you guys"?

The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation.

I never said their presence was unreasonable. The reason for it, though, is because someone's scared. Again, you don't call ujp 25,000 National Guard troops just because you think there will be some protests...
Another Trumpster with a crystal ball.

This is the paranoia that their media feeds them.

Only an ignorant simp would ever call me a Trumpster. He was my #4 choice in 2016, and I easily could've voted for a Democrat in 2020 had they run a candidate who was actually worth a fuck.

As for the paranoia, it's not the GOP which insisted on 25 Guard troops...
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
He was a part of the Clinton 90s, he got us out of the bush Great Recession.

He can’t do any worse than trump.

He should undo the trump tax breaks. The bush and Reagan ones too.

He was there.

He really didn't do anything...
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
He was a part of the Clinton 90s, he got us out of the bush Great Recession.

He can’t do any worse than trump.

He should undo the trump tax breaks. The bush and Reagan ones too.

He was there.

He really didn't do anything...
Trump didn’t do anything to get us the vaccine yet you guys brag.
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
He was a part of the Clinton 90s, he got us out of the bush Great Recession.

He can’t do any worse than trump.

He should undo the trump tax breaks. The bush and Reagan ones too.

He was there.

He really didn't do anything...
Trump didn’t do anything to get us the vaccine yet you guys brag.

This would be more enjoyable if you weren't fucking stupid,

I've never written a single word about the vaccine, and I think the only conversation I've had regarding it was with my daughter, about postponing her wedding until the vaccine is available.

Why is it that dipshit libs like you always choose to paint with the widest available brush?
25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

And yet what's the first thing they do? They start vetting the troops they've already called up. They're not doing that to keep anyone on a short leash. They're doing that because they know that there's no shortage of Americans who will act to, in their eyes, take their country back.

I can promise you this: There are more people in this country will to fight to take the country back than there are people willing to try to stop them...
Are you really bothered by this? LOL....

Blob supporters are violent? Who knew?

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

What a foolish thing to say.

I'm not saying anyone's going to start bombing anyone else. But, if that happens, you can bet your ass that the people getting bombed won't be soccer Mom's picking up snacks at Walmart...
Blob supporters are violent by nature. Its' been that way for 5 years.

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21.

That's an interesting statement.

Who do you consider "you guys"?
Trump supporters

See, I didn't declare war on anyone. Youc an search the pages of USMB until you die of old age and you'll not find a single post by me in which I say the election was stolen. You'll never find a single post in which I'm supportive of the storming of the Capitol. I'm just a middle aged white guy expressing my opinion of what I think could very easily happen in this country. Does that shake you up so much that you can't just accept it for what it is, instead of stupidly counting me among those who stormed the Capitol?

So, if you'd be so kind, who are "you guys"?
Trump supporters.

Quick question...would you give the FBI a tip if you knew any of the rioters who were running around the capitol?

Lie to us and tell us yes.

The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation.

I never said their presence was unreasonable. The reason for it, though, is because someone's scared. Again, you don't call ujp 25,000 National Guard troops just because you think there will be some protests...

Scared? No. Cautious...yes.

The past has shown that if you put blob supporters into a neat little kill box err...demonstration zone...they can be quite cordial. When you let them run wild like they did over the summer in Michigan...they bring their weapons, plan to overthrow governments, want to take hostages and have executions.'s in your nature. You have a mango don't think for yourself.
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
He was a part of the Clinton 90s, he got us out of the bush Great Recession.

He can’t do any worse than trump.

He should undo the trump tax breaks. The bush and Reagan ones too.

He was there.

He really didn't do anything...
Trump didn’t do anything to get us the vaccine yet you guys brag.

This would be more enjoyable if you weren't fucking stupid,

I've never written a single word about the vaccine, and I think the only conversation I've had regarding it was with my daughter, about postponing her wedding until the vaccine is available.

Why is it that dipshit libs like you always choose to paint with the widest available brush?
Just giv8ng you an example of your hypocrisy. Funny Obama didn’t have anything to do with the good economy he had but trump has everything to do with his.

Who cares. We won. Blue wave completed. I don’t have to take you seriously till the midterms next year.
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
He was a part of the Clinton 90s, he got us out of the bush Great Recession.

He can’t do any worse than trump.

He should undo the trump tax breaks. The bush and Reagan ones too.

He was there.

He really didn't do anything...
Trump didn’t do anything to get us the vaccine yet you guys brag.

This would be more enjoyable if you weren't fucking stupid,

I've never written a single word about the vaccine, and I think the only conversation I've had regarding it was with my daughter, about postponing her wedding until the vaccine is available.

Why is it that dipshit libs like you always choose to paint with the widest available brush?
It would be more enjoyable for you if you controlled the house White House or senate.
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
Do me a favor and try to lay off the sauce. If you get what I mean.

25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

And yet what's the first thing they do? They start vetting the troops they've already called up. They're not doing that to keep anyone on a short leash. They're doing that because they know that there's no shortage of Americans who will act to, in their eyes, take their country back.

I can promise you this: There are more people in this country will to fight to take the country back than there are people willing to try to stop them...
Are you really bothered by this? LOL....

Blob supporters are violent? Who knew?

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

What a foolish thing to say.

I'm not saying anyone's going to start bombing anyone else. But, if that happens, you can bet your ass that the people getting bombed won't be soccer Mom's picking up snacks at Walmart...
Blob supporters are violent by nature. Its' been that way for 5 years.

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21.

That's an interesting statement.

Who do you consider "you guys"?
Trump supporters

See, I didn't declare war on anyone. Youc an search the pages of USMB until you die of old age and you'll not find a single post by me in which I say the election was stolen. You'll never find a single post in which I'm supportive of the storming of the Capitol. I'm just a middle aged white guy expressing my opinion of what I think could very easily happen in this country. Does that shake you up so much that you can't just accept it for what it is, instead of stupidly counting me among those who stormed the Capitol?

So, if you'd be so kind, who are "you guys"?
Trump supporters.

Quick question...would you give the FBI a tip if you knew any of the rioters who were running around the capitol?

Lie to us and tell us yes.

The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation.

I never said their presence was unreasonable. The reason for it, though, is because someone's scared. Again, you don't call ujp 25,000 National Guard troops just because you think there will be some protests...

Scared? No. Cautious...yes.

The past has shown that if you put blob supporters into a neat little kill box err...demonstration zone...they can be quite cordial. When you let them run wild like they did over the summer in Michigan...they bring their weapons, plan to overthrow governments, want to take hostages and have executions.'s in your nature. You have a mango don't think for yourself.

Well, you're just an idiot.

I'm not violent by nature. I can, however, be violent if I need to be.

You continue to want to rail against Trump, well, have at it. I'm looking forward. I'm looking at what I think is coming down the pike. Continuing to whine about Trump only confirms that you're too fucking stupid to actually take part ion the actual conversation, which actually has almost nothing to do with Trump...
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
Do me a favor and try to lay off the sauce. If you get what I mean.


Go eat a bag of dicks, Sambo...
As bad as 2020 was, 2021 is going to be far, far worse.

We will be getting a President who, despite spending almost half a century inside the beltway, accomplished pretty much nothing of note (although the hair plug thing seems to have worked out for him). Now, he's already sending signals that he will defer to foreign concerns before those of his countrymen, and he's all but said that he doesn't care what happens to small businesses in this country.

The stock market is going to fucking tank. Your investments; stocks, 401K, everything, are going to suffer, and they're going to suffer big time. Your buying power is going to decrease, especially for large items like homes, cars, etc. McDonald's will no longer have your two quarter pounders for $4. Instead, they'll have two quarter pounders for $9. Gasoline, which I paid, $2.23 a gallon for yesterday, will inch back up to where it was when the boy king reigned. In San Diego back then, it was $4.60 a gallon.

I've been called a "prepper", and I always chuckled at that. But I always thought my preparations would reap benefits when dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, an earthquake, something we couldn't see coming. Never did I think it would come in handy because of who the President is. Anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size can see the writing on the wall with regards to how bad things will get under Biden.

I truly believe a civil war is coming. I used to joke about that, but now I believe it. I see what happened at the Capitol and, agree with it or not, you'd better understand that those people were just a fraction of the total number of people who share those views. I've never said the election was stolen, nor have I ever supported the storming of the Capitol. But I'm smart enough to know that those who do will continue to press their point.

Don't believe me?

There are just north of 25,000 National Guard troops being deployed in Washington. Why? Well, it's sure as Hell not because the government wants people to feel safe; that's bullshit. You don't deploy 25,000 National Guard troops unless you have actionable intelligence which says the shit's gonna' hit the fan. The fact that these troops have deployed is all you need to know that an actual threat has already been made.

And that will start the civil war. And, when the civil war starts, what are now simple niceties will become imperatives: Gasoline, guns, ammunition and cash.

Are you ready?
Do me a favor and try to lay off the sauce. If you get what I mean.


Go eat a bag of dicks, Sambo...

Ahh, the racial slur.

I see the blob supporter toolbox is open.
25K national guard troops. Their deployment was to keep trump supporters on a short leash.

And yet what's the first thing they do? They start vetting the troops they've already called up. They're not doing that to keep anyone on a short leash. They're doing that because they know that there's no shortage of Americans who will act to, in their eyes, take their country back.

I can promise you this: There are more people in this country will to fight to take the country back than there are people willing to try to stop them...
Are you really bothered by this? LOL....

Blob supporters are violent? Who knew?

I'm sure you guys will go Eric Rudolph in a short amount of time and start bombing innocent people....there will be more churches and wal marts shot up by "very fine" people.

What a foolish thing to say.

I'm not saying anyone's going to start bombing anyone else. But, if that happens, you can bet your ass that the people getting bombed won't be soccer Mom's picking up snacks at Walmart...
Blob supporters are violent by nature. Its' been that way for 5 years.

You guys declared war on the US on 1/6/21.

That's an interesting statement.

Who do you consider "you guys"?
Trump supporters

See, I didn't declare war on anyone. Youc an search the pages of USMB until you die of old age and you'll not find a single post by me in which I say the election was stolen. You'll never find a single post in which I'm supportive of the storming of the Capitol. I'm just a middle aged white guy expressing my opinion of what I think could very easily happen in this country. Does that shake you up so much that you can't just accept it for what it is, instead of stupidly counting me among those who stormed the Capitol?

So, if you'd be so kind, who are "you guys"?
Trump supporters.

Quick question...would you give the FBI a tip if you knew any of the rioters who were running around the capitol?

Lie to us and tell us yes.

The guard being there is a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation.

I never said their presence was unreasonable. The reason for it, though, is because someone's scared. Again, you don't call ujp 25,000 National Guard troops just because you think there will be some protests...

Scared? No. Cautious...yes.

The past has shown that if you put blob supporters into a neat little kill box err...demonstration zone...they can be quite cordial. When you let them run wild like they did over the summer in Michigan...they bring their weapons, plan to overthrow governments, want to take hostages and have executions.'s in your nature. You have a mango don't think for yourself.

Well, you're just an idiot.

I'm not violent by nature. I can, however, be violent if I need to be.

You continue to want to rail against Trump, well, have at it. I'm looking forward. I'm looking at what I think is coming down the pike. Continuing to whine about Trump only confirms that you're too fucking stupid to actually take part ion the actual conversation, which actually has almost nothing to do with Trump...

Blob supporters crave violence. The only thing that makes them happy is more violence.

When the guerilla bombing'll be cheering it on.

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