Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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Ok, so you are against social security. Very unpopular. So you are a fringe minority on that.

If corporations weren't regulated, they'd rape your bank account you fool, first time you got really sick.

You're against public schools?

You're against regulating the private sector? Every government regulates it's industries. You want corporations to rule? You sure do. The founders warned us about you.

Societal behaviors? You guys are such hypocrites on this one. LOL

You can't run government well if you don't believe in government. And Democracy, not unregulated free market capitalism, will save the middle class.
Social security is a scam always was always will be.
Social security is a scam always was always will be.
You’re so called “scam“ has been paying into the general fund for decades. The scam is the robbing of social security from its surplus. It’s WEP and a cadre of other exceptions that allow the contributions of workers to be bilked out of their retirement income, all devised by greed of high income tax cutters.

Still, SS is an insurance and not an investment account. Without it millions would still be trying to work in poverty till they died in their 80s. The unemployment rate would be astronomical as retirement wouldn’t even exist for millions.
Medicare eligibility and SS go hand in hand for most. Without either, it’s death within a year of cesarian of working, unless you think the 60 to 80:year olds can still work in the field and do manual labor.
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Only Stupid People Think College Graduates Are "Smart in School"

Your pathetic education tells you to believe that "whom" is an "educated" form of "who." Just like Diploma Dumbos substitute "and I" wherever people they think are "uneducated" use "and me."
Many of them weren't even that. Take a look at the graffiti on the walls of bathroom stalls and you'll find more errors in spelling and grammar than you'd think possible for college students.

Then deal with them in the work place for about fifty years and the levels of ignorance and stupidity are astounding. Just one example are basic math skills. For example, most of them working in retail couldn't compute how to make change unless the cash register does the math for them. That's just one of scores of examples.

Another is to try giving them the USA Citizenship test, closed book. The Civics portion. Astounding is how about 4 out of 5 high school to college age young persons will respond first with "What is civics?"

One exception, so far, to the above are technical degrees such as medical, engineering, and most of the physical sciences. As far as math and the science/technical part of their course requirements that is. Many of them also fail on civics and other basics like history and economics.
You’re so called “scam“ has been paying into the general fund for decades. The scam is the robbing of social security from its surplus. It’s WEP and a cadre of other exceptions that allow the contributions of workers to be billed out of their retirement income, all devised by greed of high income tax cutters.

Social security is designed to keep people dependent on the government.
Social security is designed to keep people dependent on the government.
Instead of what ? Depend upon their retirement that ends when the corporation they worked for goes under ? Or, when the usual stock market crash occurs during every Republican administration Recession ?

Without republicans, we could perhaps do without SS….that part of your plan to keep 80olds working ?
Your rights END when they interfere with the rights of others. NONE of your rights are absolute. NONE.
Get that through your head. Trump just found that out to the tune of 83 million.
That's a two way street Komrade. Their Rights end when interfering with mine, also. This is a given and implied since the founding. Known and understood by anyone with brains and common sense, which you seem short on.

Those Rights are absolute per our Constitution and Bill of Rights. However Statists and Marxists, and wannabe Tyrants like yourself keep looking for ways to remove or abolish such since they interferes with the tyranny you wish to impose on others. Especially those whom don't share your Leftist views.

This is why the divide in our Nation is growing because your side keeps looking for ways to undo the Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to impose your dictatorship over the masses.
Their Rights end when interfering with mine, also.
Exactly. That’s why we have courts.
A state law requiring YOU to take a background check does NOTHING to prevent you from buying a gun …unless, you plan on turning it over to a criminal who’s robbing my bank of my savings bubba.
Many of them weren't even that. Take a look at the graffiti on the walls of bathroom stalls and you'll find more errors in spelling and grammar than you'd think possible for college students.

Then deal with them in the work place for about fifty years and the levels of ignorance and stupidity are astounding. Just one example are basic math skills. For example, most of them working in retail couldn't compute how to make change unless the cash register does the math for them. That's just one of scores of examples.

Another is to try giving them the USA Citizenship test, closed book. The Civics portion. Astounding is how about 4 out of 5 high school to college age young persons will respond first with "What is civics?"

One exception, so far, to the above are technical degrees such as medical, engineering, and most of the physical sciences. As far as math and the science/technical part of their course requirements that is. Many of them also fail on civics and other basics like history and economics.
Citizen test ? You just failed with that post.
Instead of what ? Depend upon their retirement that ends when the corporation they worked for goes under ? Or, when the usual stock market crash occurs during every Republican administration Recession ?

Without republicans, we could perhaps do without SS….that part of your plan to keep 80olds working ?

By confiscating a huge percentage of their lifetime income that could actually be used to generate some real wealth.
Good grief. Tell us in all your wisdom what the world would look like if we didn’t have a govt supplied infrastructure, army, interstate commerce or Medicare. You’re delusional.
Social Security was never meant to build infrastructure, Idiot.
Most of us not locked in step with party propaganda,
have some unkind views that go against our general well thought out views.
NO perfect human exists. hate & anger waste of energy.
"Hey, Deplorables! I'm on Your Side. All I Have to Do Is Hold My Nose."

Then tell the Democrats to kick out their Integrationists, Immigrationists, Gayists, and Trustfundie Treehuggers before pretending you can appeal to working-class Whites. Besides, Leftist snobbery gives us the accurate perception that you are condescending and really think we are "losers too lazy to go to college." What you really want is to sucker us into becoming dependent on your Statist Sultans.
We represent all those groups you mentioned AND whites.
Most of us not locked in step with party propaganda,
have some unkind views that go against our general well thought out views.
NO perfect human exists. hate & anger waste of energy.
I’ve always been pro choice. I like guns but I’m not a gun nut. I see the value in unions. I believe science. I like a free press. I don’t like an authoritarian leader. I’m not religious. I see the need for affirmative action. I like social security and Medicare.

I could go on and on. I’m clearly a Democrat.
Jimmy Kimmel is really pushing Nikki Haley to egg Don into taking a cognitive test against her. Not a debate. He would wipe the floor with her. Specifically get him to prove he’s a stable genius
Donald won’t show up. He’s a chicken shit. He hasn’t shown up for a debate yet this year.
Your first mistake is associating Trump supporters/Republicans with conservatives. They're not and haven't been for a very long time.
True. They love their SS and Medicare. Trump is vocal about not cutting SS. Haley doesn’t get it…..she loses with her talk of cutting entitlements everytime and won’t make a dent in Trumps support No matter what else. They all love their SS and medicare, Heck, many trump supporters would love to see gov universal healthcare. Many liked Bernie.
Most Americans are gonna need it. That says capitalism has failed most Americans. Is that what you are saying?
No it says that government has taken their money from them and has convinced people that it's "best for them"

You idiots fell for it now you think you need the government to take your money and give you a fucking allowance like you're a child.

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