Are you a sucker?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
It really is amazing what is going on in this country. Yet, nothing is done about it.

Imagine you spent two years completely screwing up at your job,
I mean not merely getting every single thing wrong but loudly, proudly getting in everyone else’s face about how right you are. You’d get fired, terminated, 86’d, and Schiff-canned. But not the mainstream media. The media hacks failed for two years-plus, nonstop and without equivocation, but are they ever going to be held to account? No, they’re just going to gather in a big circle and Pulitzer each other.


Imagine you committed a racial hate crime where you falsely accused people who didn’t look or think like you of a horrible atrocity, and that you’d have gladly picked some poor saps with the wrong skin tone out of a line-up and sent them to prison for decades given the chance. Now imagine the two half-wits you hired to help you managed to get caught on video buying their stereotype get-up and spilled it all to the fuzz, though the fact you paid them with a check – because you’re a criminal mastermind – was already enough to get a grand jury to indict your sorry AOC. Now, what are the chances the DA is going to transform your 16 felony counts into a $10K fine and a couple days community servicing? Your chances of said outcome are poor. They are poor because your pals are neither Mrs. Obama or Willie Brown’s gal pal.

You’re A Sucker For Not Believing That The System Is Rigged
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


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"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.

"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Rachel got your tongue?
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.

If you are going to accuse someone of "word salad" and of being an idiot... Spell "sentence" correctly for more sting in your stupid message.
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.


Sure, as soon as you point out ANYTHING they reported that was blatantly incorrect and bias.
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.


Sure, as soon as you point out ANYTHING they reported that was blatantly incorrect.
Oh brother....I can see this isn't going to work.
And Hannity just with Seth Rich.

Do we have evidence exonerating anyone from the Rich murder?

The entire MSM has come up conspiracy after conspiracy for decades.

Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the POTUS ELECTION from HIllary.

How much time was spent by the MSM claiming he did for the past 2 years?
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And Hannity just with Seth Rich.

Do we have evidence exonerating anyone from the Rich murder?

Gipper, this is exactly why rightwingers need to sttu about "media bias" and go look where it has gotten you. At this point the movement is for the most part a bunch of dupes getting bounced around between quickly multiplying conspiracy theories.
Last edited:
It really is amazing what is going on in this country. Yet, nothing is done about it.

Imagine you spent two years completely screwing up at your job,
I mean not merely getting every single thing wrong but loudly, proudly getting in everyone else’s face about how right you are. You’d get fired, terminated, 86’d, and Schiff-canned. But not the mainstream media. The media hacks failed for two years-plus, nonstop and without equivocation, but are they ever going to be held to account? No, they’re just going to gather in a big circle and Pulitzer each other.


Imagine you committed a racial hate crime where you falsely accused people who didn’t look or think like you of a horrible atrocity, and that you’d have gladly picked some poor saps with the wrong skin tone out of a line-up and sent them to prison for decades given the chance. Now imagine the two half-wits you hired to help you managed to get caught on video buying their stereotype get-up and spilled it all to the fuzz, though the fact you paid them with a check – because you’re a criminal mastermind – was already enough to get a grand jury to indict your sorry AOC. Now, what are the chances the DA is going to transform your 16 felony counts into a $10K fine and a couple days community servicing? Your chances of said outcome are poor. They are poor because your pals are neither Mrs. Obama or Willie Brown’s gal pal.

You’re A Sucker For Not Believing That The System Is Rigged
Sorry, this entire thread is crap. A poster named Gipper assured me quite enthusiastically that people's minds cannot be influenced by things like this, or by Russian propaganda campaigns.
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.


Sure, as soon as you point out ANYTHING they reported that was blatantly incorrect.
Oh brother....I can see this isn't going to work.
He has a bad case of MadCow disease... It would be much easier to find shit that was actually true and not a lie from them.. At-least there would be maybe one or two items... The lies from these idiots encompassed 99.9% of everything they said.
It really is amazing what is going on in this country. Yet, nothing is done about it.

Imagine you spent two years completely screwing up at your job,
I mean not merely getting every single thing wrong but loudly, proudly getting in everyone else’s face about how right you are. You’d get fired, terminated, 86’d, and Schiff-canned. But not the mainstream media. The media hacks failed for two years-plus, nonstop and without equivocation, but are they ever going to be held to account? No, they’re just going to gather in a big circle and Pulitzer each other.


Imagine you committed a racial hate crime where you falsely accused people who didn’t look or think like you of a horrible atrocity, and that you’d have gladly picked some poor saps with the wrong skin tone out of a line-up and sent them to prison for decades given the chance. Now imagine the two half-wits you hired to help you managed to get caught on video buying their stereotype get-up and spilled it all to the fuzz, though the fact you paid them with a check – because you’re a criminal mastermind – was already enough to get a grand jury to indict your sorry AOC. Now, what are the chances the DA is going to transform your 16 felony counts into a $10K fine and a couple days community servicing? Your chances of said outcome are poor. They are poor because your pals are neither Mrs. Obama or Willie Brown’s gal pal.

You’re A Sucker For Not Believing That The System Is Rigged

Imagine you spent two years completely screwing up at your job,....

Make no cuts to Medicare
The Promise:
“I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
Update: Democrats say latest Trump budget cuts Medicare, but it’s not that simple

Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it
The Promise:
"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall."
Update: Donald Trump stalls on promise to build a wall, have Mexico pay for it

Cancel all funding of sanctuary cities
The Promise:
"We will end the sanctuary cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. Cities that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities will not receive taxpayer dollars, and we will work with Congress to pass legislation to protect those jurisdictions that do assist federal authorities.”
Update: Despite efforts, Donald Trump fails to cut funding from sanctuary cities

Get Congress to allow health insurance across state lines
The Promise:
“The insurance companies are getting rich off health care and health insurance and everything having to do with health. We’re going to end that. We’re going to take out the artificial boundaries, the artificial lines. We’re going to get a plan where people compete, free enterprise.”
Update: Some new rules, but the lines remain

Terminate Barack Obama's immigration executive orders 'immediately'
The Promise:
"Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). All immigration laws will be enforced -- we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country."
Update: DACA remains, but Trump administration eliminated DAPA

Establish a commission on radical Islam
The Promise:
“One of my first acts as president will be to establish a commission on radical Islam which will include reformist voices in the Muslim community who will hopefully work with us."
Update: No signs of a commission

Have mandatory minimum sentences for criminals caught trying to enter the United States illegally
The Promise:
"On my first day in office, I am also going to ask Congress to pass 'Kate’s Law' – named for Kate Steinle – to ensure that criminal aliens convicted of illegal re-entry receive strong mandatory minimum sentences."
Update: No new public push from Trump for mandatory minimum sentences for illegal re-entry

Remove criminal undocumented immigrants
The Promise:
“A Trump administration will stop illegal immigration, deport all criminal aliens, and save American lives.”
Update: More criminals in the country illegally are deported

Ask countries we protect to pay more for joint defense
The Promise:
"I think NATO's great. But it's got to be modernized. And countries that we're protecting have to pay what they're supposed to be paying."
Update: Trump furthers NATO's spending trend

Rebuild the U.S. Navy toward the goal of 350 ships
The Promise:
"We will build a Navy of 350 surface ships and submarines as recommended by the bipartisan National Defense Panel."
Update: Naval fleet expansion stays the course

End birthright citizenship
The Promise:
"End birthright citizenship."
Update: Donald Trump stalls on promise to end birthright citizenship

Reverse Barack Obama's Cuba policy
The Promise:
“The president’s one-sided deal for Cuba and with Cuba benefits only the Castro regime but all the concessions that Barack Obama has granted the Castro Regime was done through executive order, which means they can be undone and that is what I intend to do unless the Castro Regime meets our demands.”
Update: Trump partially rolls back Obama's Cuba policy

Defund Planned Parenthood
The Promise:
"I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life."
Update: With efforts in Congress unsuccessful, attention turns to regulatory process

Repeal Obamacare
The Promise:
“Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as Obamacare."
Update: Long odds against repeal with Democrats running the House

Invest $550 billion in infrastructure and create an infrastructure fund
The Promise:
"The Trump Administration seeks to invest $550 billion to ensure we can export our goods and move our people faster and safer."
Update: Political uncertainty envelops Trump’s vow to revamp U.S. infrastructure

Balance the federal budget 'fairly quickly'

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly. ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."

Trump's Debt
The US just officially hit the debt ceiling, setting up another high-stakes showdown for the fall

This man is screwing our country and you're worried about a cable news pundit?


Seth Rich is unsolved. Hannity hasn’t been proven wrong.

Trump/Russia collusion has been solved. It didn’t happen. Entire MSM and every single Dimm proven wrong after 675 days of pearl clutching.

They knew it was a lie, it was just a political stunt to damage Trump politically.
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.


Sure, as soon as you point out ANYTHING they reported that was blatantly incorrect and bias.
You mean, like Russian collusion, for instance?
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Progressive Socialist propaganda rules and they bring up their issues and repeat it in lockstep with each other to us. Hannity has to repeat the same verbige thing over and over that is mostly a rebuff to get people to listen to sense. Its like defending people from bullies. Progs are on the constant offensive. And people believe it and they are violent for no reason. And will not fair well in an economic downturn.
And Hannity just with Seth Rich.

Do we have evidence exonerating anyone from the Rich murder?

Gipper, this is exactly why rightwingers need to sttu about "media bias" and go look where it has gotten you. At this point the movement is for the most part a bunch of dupes getting bounced around between quickly multiplying conspiracy theories.
Conspiracies you say...LOL. The Left has been pushing a conspiracy for 2.5 years, but you can't see it.
"Hillary for Prison!" chanters sure do seem pretty upset over Trump gowd forbid getting investigated.

He was investigated and will still be investigated by the Congress for his unyelding abuse of office to obstruct investigations - the media has and will report exactly that.

In other news, Hannity is still working overtime to find Seth Rich's Democrat killer.


Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.


Sure, as soon as you point out ANYTHING they reported that was blatantly incorrect.
Oh brother....I can see this isn't going to work.

Ofcourse it's not going to work. I showed you Hannity and told you exactly what rediculous bullshit he got caught peddling, while you want to broadbrush hundreds of reporters across all these different networks without ANY examples.

If your complaint ammounts to Media reporting on the FACTS that Trump is under investigation, that he fucks and pays off pornstars, that he llies non-stop, then it's just bullshit.
Hannity got it correct... And you ate the shit you were spoon feed.. Tell me again what crime was found that collusion would enhance?
View attachment 252961

Hannity is a fucking crackpot and you are an idiot to still take that Seth Rich shit seriously after FOX got sued for spreading bullshit and retracted the story.

Your last sentance is straight word salad.
Okay. I will gladly give you Hannity if give me the entire talking heads at ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC.


Sure, as soon as you point out ANYTHING they reported that was blatantly incorrect.
Oh brother....I can see this isn't going to work.

Ofcourse it's not going to work. I showed you Hannity and told you exactly what rediculous bullshit he got caught peddling, while you want to broadbrush hundreds of reporters across all these different networks without ANY examples.

If your complaint ammounts to Media reporting on the FACTS that Trump is under investigation, that he fucks and pays off pornstars, that he llies non-stop, then it's just bullshit.
You wouldn't know a fact even if it bit you in the ass..

GO back to watching your creepy porn lawyer and his porn star client...

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